View Source: contracts/Interfaces/IPriceFeed.sol
↘ Derived Contracts: PriceFeed
event LastGoodPriceUpdated(uint256 _lastGoodPrice);
Returns the latest price obtained from the Oracle. Called by Zero functions that require a current price. It uses the main price feed and fallback to the backup one in case of an error. If both fail return the last good price seen.
function fetchPrice() external nonpayable
Source Code
function fetchPrice() external returns (uint256);
- ActivePool
- ActivePoolStorage
- BaseMath
- BorrowerOperations
- BorrowerOperationsScript
- BorrowerOperationsStorage
- BorrowerWrappersScript
- CheckContract
- CollSurplusPool
- CollSurplusPoolStorage
- console
- Context
- DefaultPool
- DefaultPoolStorage
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- DSAuth
- DSAuthEvents
- DSAuthority
- DSNote
- DSProxy
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- ERC20
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- FeeDistributor
- FeeDistributorStorage
- GasPool
- HintHelpers
- HintHelpersStorage
- IActivePool
- IBalanceRedirectPresale
- IBorrowerOperations
- ICollSurplusPool
- IDefaultPool
- IERC20
- IERC2612
- IExternalPriceFeed
- IFeeDistributor
- IFeeSharingProxy
- ILiquityBase
- ILiquityBaseParams
- IMasset
- IMoCBaseOracle
- Initializable
- IPool
- IPriceFeed
- IRSKOracle
- ISortedTroves
- IStabilityPool
- ITroveManager
- IWrbtc
- IZUSDToken
- LiquityBase
- LiquityBaseParams
- LiquityMath
- LiquitySafeMath128
- MoCMedianizer
- MultiTroveGetter
- MultiTroveGetterStorage
- NueToken
- Ownable
- PriceFeed
- PriceFeedStorage
- ProxiableContract
- ProxiableContract2
- Proxy
- RskOracle
- SafeMath
- SortedTroves
- SortedTrovesStorage
- StabilityPool
- StabilityPoolScript
- StabilityPoolStorage
- Storage
- Storage2
- TokenScript
- TroveManager
- TroveManagerBase
- TroveManagerBase1MinuteBootstrap
- TroveManagerRedeemOps
- TroveManagerScript
- TroveManagerStorage
- UpgradableProxy
- ZUSDToken
- ZUSDTokenStorage