View Source: contracts/StabilityPool.sol
↗ Extends: LiquityBase, StabilityPoolStorage, CheckContract, IStabilityPool
event StabilityPoolETHBalanceUpdated(uint256 _newBalance);
event StabilityPoolZUSDBalanceUpdated(uint256 _newBalance);
event BorrowerOperationsAddressChanged(address _newBorrowerOperationsAddress);
event TroveManagerAddressChanged(address _newTroveManagerAddress);
event ActivePoolAddressChanged(address _newActivePoolAddress);
event DefaultPoolAddressChanged(address _newDefaultPoolAddress);
event ZUSDTokenAddressChanged(address _newZUSDTokenAddress);
event SortedTrovesAddressChanged(address _newSortedTrovesAddress);
event PriceFeedAddressChanged(address _newPriceFeedAddress);
event CommunityIssuanceAddressChanged(address _newCommunityIssuanceAddress);
event P_Updated(uint256 _P);
event S_Updated(uint256 _S, uint128 _epoch, uint128 _scale);
event G_Updated(uint256 _G, uint128 _epoch, uint128 _scale);
event EpochUpdated(uint128 _currentEpoch);
event ScaleUpdated(uint128 _currentScale);
event FrontEndRegistered(address indexed _frontEnd, uint256 _kickbackRate);
event FrontEndTagSet(address indexed _depositor, address indexed _frontEnd);
event DepositSnapshotUpdated(address indexed _depositor, uint256 _P, uint256 _S, uint256 _G);
event FrontEndSnapshotUpdated(address indexed _frontEnd, uint256 _P, uint256 _G);
event UserDepositChanged(address indexed _depositor, uint256 _newDeposit);
event FrontEndStakeChanged(address indexed _frontEnd, uint256 _newFrontEndStake, address _depositor);
event ETHGainWithdrawn(address indexed _depositor, uint256 _ETH, uint256 _ZUSDLoss);
event ZEROPaidToDepositor(address indexed _depositor, uint256 _ZERO);
event ZEROPaidToFrontEnd(address indexed _frontEnd, uint256 _ZERO);
event EtherSent(address _to, uint256 _amount);
- setAddresses(address _liquityBaseParamsAddress, address _borrowerOperationsAddress, address _troveManagerAddress, address _activePoolAddress, address _zusdTokenAddress, address _sortedTrovesAddress, address _priceFeedAddress, address _communityIssuanceAddress)
- getETH()
- getTotalZUSDDeposits()
- provideToSP(uint256 _amount, address _frontEndTag)
- withdrawFromSP(uint256 _amount)
- withdrawETHGainToTrove(address _upperHint, address _lowerHint)
- _triggerZEROIssuance(ICommunityIssuance _communityIssuance)
- _updateG(uint256 _ZEROIssuance)
- _computeZEROPerUnitStaked(uint256 _ZEROIssuance, uint256 _totalZUSDDeposits)
- offset(uint256 _debtToOffset, uint256 _collToAdd)
- _computeRewardsPerUnitStaked(uint256 _collToAdd, uint256 _debtToOffset, uint256 _totalZUSDDeposits)
- _updateRewardSumAndProduct(uint256 _ETHGainPerUnitStaked, uint256 _ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked)
- _moveOffsetCollAndDebt(uint256 _collToAdd, uint256 _debtToOffset)
- _decreaseZUSD(uint256 _amount)
- getDepositorETHGain(address _depositor)
- _getETHGainFromSnapshots(uint256 initialDeposit, struct StabilityPoolStorage.Snapshots snapshots)
- getDepositorZEROGain(address _depositor)
- getFrontEndZEROGain(address _frontEnd)
- _getZEROGainFromSnapshots(uint256 initialStake, struct StabilityPoolStorage.Snapshots snapshots)
- getCompoundedZUSDDeposit(address _depositor)
- getCompoundedFrontEndStake(address _frontEnd)
- _getCompoundedStakeFromSnapshots(uint256 initialStake, struct StabilityPoolStorage.Snapshots snapshots)
- _sendZUSDtoStabilityPool(address _address, uint256 _amount)
- _sendETHGainToDepositor(uint256 _amount)
- _sendZUSDToDepositor(address _depositor, uint256 ZUSDWithdrawal)
- registerFrontEnd(uint256 _kickbackRate)
- _setFrontEndTag(address _depositor, address _frontEndTag)
- _updateDepositAndSnapshots(address _depositor, uint256 _newValue)
- _updateFrontEndStakeAndSnapshots(address _frontEnd, uint256 _newValue)
- _payOutZEROGains(ICommunityIssuance _communityIssuance, address _depositor, address _frontEnd)
- _requireCallerIsActivePool()
- _requireCallerIsTroveManager()
- _requireNoUnderCollateralizedTroves()
- _requireUserHasDeposit(uint256 _initialDeposit)
- _requireUserHasNoDeposit(address _address)
- _requireNonZeroAmount(uint256 _amount)
- _requireUserHasTrove(address _depositor)
- _requireUserHasETHGain(address _depositor)
- _requireFrontEndNotRegistered(address _address)
- _requireFrontEndIsRegisteredOrZero(address _address)
- _requireValidKickbackRate(uint256 _kickbackRate)
- constructor()
function setAddresses(address _liquityBaseParamsAddress, address _borrowerOperationsAddress, address _troveManagerAddress, address _activePoolAddress, address _zusdTokenAddress, address _sortedTrovesAddress, address _priceFeedAddress, address _communityIssuanceAddress) external nonpayable onlyOwner
Name | Type | Description |
_liquityBaseParamsAddress | address | |
_borrowerOperationsAddress | address | |
_troveManagerAddress | address | |
_activePoolAddress | address | |
_zusdTokenAddress | address | |
_sortedTrovesAddress | address | |
_priceFeedAddress | address | |
_communityIssuanceAddress | address |
Source Code
nction setAddresses(
address _liquityBaseParamsAddress,
address _borrowerOperationsAddress,
address _troveManagerAddress,
address _activePoolAddress,
address _zusdTokenAddress,
address _sortedTrovesAddress,
address _priceFeedAddress,
address _communityIssuanceAddress
liquityBaseParams = ILiquityBaseParams(_liquityBaseParamsAddress);
borrowerOperations = IBorrowerOperations(_borrowerOperationsAddress);
troveManager = ITroveManager(_troveManagerAddress);
activePool = IActivePool(_activePoolAddress);
zusdToken = IZUSDToken(_zusdTokenAddress);
sortedTroves = ISortedTroves(_sortedTrovesAddress);
priceFeed = IPriceFeed(_priceFeedAddress);
communityIssuance = ICommunityIssuance(_communityIssuanceAddress);
emit BorrowerOperationsAddressChanged(_borrowerOperationsAddress);
emit TroveManagerAddressChanged(_troveManagerAddress);
emit ActivePoolAddressChanged(_activePoolAddress);
emit ZUSDTokenAddressChanged(_zusdTokenAddress);
emit SortedTrovesAddressChanged(_sortedTrovesAddress);
emit PriceFeedAddressChanged(_priceFeedAddress);
emit CommunityIssuanceAddressChanged(_communityIssuanceAddress);
function getETH() external view
Source Code
nction getETH() external view override returns (uint) {
return ETH;
function getTotalZUSDDeposits() external view
Source Code
nction getTotalZUSDDeposits() external view override returns (uint) {
return totalZUSDDeposits;
function provideToSP(uint256 _amount, address _frontEndTag) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 | |
_frontEndTag | address |
Source Code
nction provideToSP(uint _amount, address _frontEndTag) external override {
uint initialDeposit = deposits[msg.sender].initialValue;
ICommunityIssuance communityIssuanceCached = communityIssuance;
if (initialDeposit == 0) {_setFrontEndTag(msg.sender, _frontEndTag);}
uint depositorETHGain = getDepositorETHGain(msg.sender);
uint compoundedZUSDDeposit = getCompoundedZUSDDeposit(msg.sender);
uint ZUSDLoss = initialDeposit.sub(compoundedZUSDDeposit); // Needed only for event log
// First pay out any ZERO gains
address frontEnd = deposits[msg.sender].frontEndTag;
_payOutZEROGains(communityIssuanceCached, msg.sender, frontEnd);
// Update front end stake
uint compoundedFrontEndStake = getCompoundedFrontEndStake(frontEnd);
uint newFrontEndStake = compoundedFrontEndStake.add(_amount);
_updateFrontEndStakeAndSnapshots(frontEnd, newFrontEndStake);
emit FrontEndStakeChanged(frontEnd, newFrontEndStake, msg.sender);
_sendZUSDtoStabilityPool(msg.sender, _amount);
uint newDeposit = compoundedZUSDDeposit.add(_amount);
_updateDepositAndSnapshots(msg.sender, newDeposit);
emit UserDepositChanged(msg.sender, newDeposit);
emit ETHGainWithdrawn(msg.sender, depositorETHGain, ZUSDLoss); // ZUSD Loss required for event log
function withdrawFromSP(uint256 _amount) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 |
Source Code
nction withdrawFromSP(uint _amount) external override {
if (_amount !=0) {_requireNoUnderCollateralizedTroves();}
uint initialDeposit = deposits[msg.sender].initialValue;
ICommunityIssuance communityIssuanceCached = communityIssuance;
uint depositorETHGain = getDepositorETHGain(msg.sender);
uint compoundedZUSDDeposit = getCompoundedZUSDDeposit(msg.sender);
uint ZUSDtoWithdraw = LiquityMath._min(_amount, compoundedZUSDDeposit);
uint ZUSDLoss = initialDeposit.sub(compoundedZUSDDeposit); // Needed only for event log
// First pay out any ZERO gains
address frontEnd = deposits[msg.sender].frontEndTag;
_payOutZEROGains(communityIssuanceCached, msg.sender, frontEnd);
// Update front end stake
uint compoundedFrontEndStake = getCompoundedFrontEndStake(frontEnd);
uint newFrontEndStake = compoundedFrontEndStake.sub(ZUSDtoWithdraw);
_updateFrontEndStakeAndSnapshots(frontEnd, newFrontEndStake);
emit FrontEndStakeChanged(frontEnd, newFrontEndStake, msg.sender);
_sendZUSDToDepositor(msg.sender, ZUSDtoWithdraw);
// Update deposit
uint newDeposit = compoundedZUSDDeposit.sub(ZUSDtoWithdraw);
_updateDepositAndSnapshots(msg.sender, newDeposit);
emit UserDepositChanged(msg.sender, newDeposit);
emit ETHGainWithdrawn(msg.sender, depositorETHGain, ZUSDLoss); // ZUSD Loss required for event log
function withdrawETHGainToTrove(address _upperHint, address _lowerHint) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_upperHint | address | |
_lowerHint | address |
Source Code
nction withdrawETHGainToTrove(address _upperHint, address _lowerHint) external override {
uint initialDeposit = deposits[msg.sender].initialValue;
ICommunityIssuance communityIssuanceCached = communityIssuance;
uint depositorETHGain = getDepositorETHGain(msg.sender);
uint compoundedZUSDDeposit = getCompoundedZUSDDeposit(msg.sender);
uint ZUSDLoss = initialDeposit.sub(compoundedZUSDDeposit); // Needed only for event log
// First pay out any ZERO gains
address frontEnd = deposits[msg.sender].frontEndTag;
_payOutZEROGains(communityIssuanceCached, msg.sender, frontEnd);
// Update front end stake
uint compoundedFrontEndStake = getCompoundedFrontEndStake(frontEnd);
uint newFrontEndStake = compoundedFrontEndStake;
_updateFrontEndStakeAndSnapshots(frontEnd, newFrontEndStake);
emit FrontEndStakeChanged(frontEnd, newFrontEndStake, msg.sender);
_updateDepositAndSnapshots(msg.sender, compoundedZUSDDeposit);
/* Emit events before transferring ETH gain to Trove.
This lets the event log make more sense (i.e. so it appears that first the ETH gain is withdrawn
and then it is deposited into the Trove, not the other way around). */
emit ETHGainWithdrawn(msg.sender, depositorETHGain, ZUSDLoss);
emit UserDepositChanged(msg.sender, compoundedZUSDDeposit);
ETH = ETH.sub(depositorETHGain);
emit StabilityPoolETHBalanceUpdated(ETH);
emit EtherSent(msg.sender, depositorETHGain);
borrowerOperations.moveETHGainToTrove{ value: depositorETHGain }(msg.sender, _upperHint, _lowerHint);
function _triggerZEROIssuance(ICommunityIssuance _communityIssuance) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_communityIssuance | ICommunityIssuance |
Source Code
nction _triggerZEROIssuance(ICommunityIssuance _communityIssuance) internal {
uint ZEROIssuance = _communityIssuance.issueZERO();
function _updateG(uint256 _ZEROIssuance) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_ZEROIssuance | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _updateG(uint _ZEROIssuance) internal {
uint totalZUSD = totalZUSDDeposits; // cached to save an SLOAD
* When total deposits is 0, G is not updated. In this case, the ZERO issued can not be obtained by later
* depositors - it is missed out on, and remains in the balanceof the CommunityIssuance contract.
if (totalZUSD == 0 || _ZEROIssuance == 0) {return;}
uint ZEROPerUnitStaked;
ZEROPerUnitStaked =_computeZEROPerUnitStaked(_ZEROIssuance, totalZUSD);
uint marginalZEROGain = ZEROPerUnitStaked.mul(P);
epochToScaleToG[currentEpoch][currentScale] = epochToScaleToG[currentEpoch][currentScale].add(marginalZEROGain);
emit G_Updated(epochToScaleToG[currentEpoch][currentScale], currentEpoch, currentScale);
function _computeZEROPerUnitStaked(uint256 _ZEROIssuance, uint256 _totalZUSDDeposits) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_ZEROIssuance | uint256 | |
_totalZUSDDeposits | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _computeZEROPerUnitStaked(uint _ZEROIssuance, uint _totalZUSDDeposits) internal returns (uint) {
* Calculate the ZERO-per-unit staked. Division uses a "feedback" error correction, to keep the
* cumulative error low in the running total G:
* 1) Form a numerator which compensates for the floor division error that occurred the last time this
* function was called.
* 2) Calculate "per-unit-staked" ratio.
* 3) Multiply the ratio back by its denominator, to reveal the current floor division error.
* 4) Store this error for use in the next correction when this function is called.
* 5) Note: static analysis tools complain about this "division before multiplication", however, it is intended.
uint ZERONumerator = _ZEROIssuance.mul(DECIMAL_PRECISION).add(lastZEROError);
uint ZEROPerUnitStaked = ZERONumerator.div(_totalZUSDDeposits);
lastZEROError = ZERONumerator.sub(ZEROPerUnitStaked.mul(_totalZUSDDeposits));
return ZEROPerUnitStaked;
function offset(uint256 _debtToOffset, uint256 _collToAdd) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_debtToOffset | uint256 | |
_collToAdd | uint256 |
Source Code
nction offset(uint _debtToOffset, uint _collToAdd) external override {
uint totalZUSD = totalZUSDDeposits; // cached to save an SLOAD
if (totalZUSD == 0 || _debtToOffset == 0) { return; }
(uint ETHGainPerUnitStaked,
uint ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked) = _computeRewardsPerUnitStaked(_collToAdd, _debtToOffset, totalZUSD);
_updateRewardSumAndProduct(ETHGainPerUnitStaked, ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked); // updates S and P
_moveOffsetCollAndDebt(_collToAdd, _debtToOffset);
function _computeRewardsPerUnitStaked(uint256 _collToAdd, uint256 _debtToOffset, uint256 _totalZUSDDeposits) internal nonpayable
returns(ETHGainPerUnitStaked uint256, ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked uint256)
Name | Type | Description |
_collToAdd | uint256 | |
_debtToOffset | uint256 | |
_totalZUSDDeposits | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _computeRewardsPerUnitStaked(
uint _collToAdd,
uint _debtToOffset,
uint _totalZUSDDeposits
returns (uint ETHGainPerUnitStaked, uint ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked)
* Compute the ZUSD and ETH rewards. Uses a "feedback" error correction, to keep
* the cumulative error in the P and S state variables low:
* 1) Form numerators which compensate for the floor division errors that occurred the last time this
* function was called.
* 2) Calculate "per-unit-staked" ratios.
* 3) Multiply each ratio back by its denominator, to reveal the current floor division error.
* 4) Store these errors for use in the next correction when this function is called.
* 5) Note: static analysis tools complain about this "division before multiplication", however, it is intended.
uint ETHNumerator = _collToAdd.mul(DECIMAL_PRECISION).add(lastETHError_Offset);
assert(_debtToOffset <= _totalZUSDDeposits);
if (_debtToOffset == _totalZUSDDeposits) {
ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked = DECIMAL_PRECISION; // When the Pool depletes to 0, so does each deposit
lastZUSDLossError_Offset = 0;
} else {
uint ZUSDLossNumerator = _debtToOffset.mul(DECIMAL_PRECISION).sub(lastZUSDLossError_Offset);
* Add 1 to make error in quotient positive. We want "slightly too much" ZUSD loss,
* which ensures the error in any given compoundedZUSDDeposit favors the Stability Pool.
ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked = (ZUSDLossNumerator.div(_totalZUSDDeposits)).add(1);
lastZUSDLossError_Offset = (ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked.mul(_totalZUSDDeposits)).sub(ZUSDLossNumerator);
ETHGainPerUnitStaked = ETHNumerator.div(_totalZUSDDeposits);
lastETHError_Offset = ETHNumerator.sub(ETHGainPerUnitStaked.mul(_totalZUSDDeposits));
return (ETHGainPerUnitStaked, ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked);
function _updateRewardSumAndProduct(uint256 _ETHGainPerUnitStaked, uint256 _ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_ETHGainPerUnitStaked | uint256 | |
_ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _updateRewardSumAndProduct(uint _ETHGainPerUnitStaked, uint _ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked) internal {
uint currentP = P;
uint newP;
assert(_ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked <= DECIMAL_PRECISION);
* The newProductFactor is the factor by which to change all deposits, due to the depletion of Stability Pool ZUSD in the liquidation.
* We make the product factor 0 if there was a pool-emptying. Otherwise, it is (1 - ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked)
uint newProductFactor = uint(DECIMAL_PRECISION).sub(_ZUSDLossPerUnitStaked);
uint128 currentScaleCached = currentScale;
uint128 currentEpochCached = currentEpoch;
uint currentS = epochToScaleToSum[currentEpochCached][currentScaleCached];
* Calculate the new S first, before we update P.
* The ETH gain for any given depositor from a liquidation depends on the value of their deposit
* (and the value of totalDeposits) prior to the Stability being depleted by the debt in the liquidation.
* Since S corresponds to ETH gain, and P to deposit loss, we update S first.
uint marginalETHGain = _ETHGainPerUnitStaked.mul(currentP);
uint newS = currentS.add(marginalETHGain);
epochToScaleToSum[currentEpochCached][currentScaleCached] = newS;
emit S_Updated(newS, currentEpochCached, currentScaleCached);
// If the Stability Pool was emptied, increment the epoch, and reset the scale and product P
if (newProductFactor == 0) {
currentEpoch = currentEpochCached.add(1);
emit EpochUpdated(currentEpoch);
currentScale = 0;
emit ScaleUpdated(currentScale);
// If multiplying P by a non-zero product factor would reduce P below the scale boundary, increment the scale
} else if (currentP.mul(newProductFactor).div(DECIMAL_PRECISION) < SCALE_FACTOR) {
newP = currentP.mul(newProductFactor).mul(SCALE_FACTOR).div(DECIMAL_PRECISION);
currentScale = currentScaleCached.add(1);
emit ScaleUpdated(currentScale);
} else {
newP = currentP.mul(newProductFactor).div(DECIMAL_PRECISION);
assert(newP > 0);
P = newP;
emit P_Updated(newP);
function _moveOffsetCollAndDebt(uint256 _collToAdd, uint256 _debtToOffset) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_collToAdd | uint256 | |
_debtToOffset | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _moveOffsetCollAndDebt(uint _collToAdd, uint _debtToOffset) internal {
IActivePool activePoolCached = activePool;
// Cancel the liquidated ZUSD debt with the ZUSD in the stability pool
// Burn the debt that was successfully offset
zusdToken.burn(address(this), _debtToOffset);
activePoolCached.sendETH(address(this), _collToAdd);
function _decreaseZUSD(uint256 _amount) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _decreaseZUSD(uint _amount) internal {
uint newTotalZUSDDeposits = totalZUSDDeposits.sub(_amount);
totalZUSDDeposits = newTotalZUSDDeposits;
emit StabilityPoolZUSDBalanceUpdated(newTotalZUSDDeposits);
function getDepositorETHGain(address _depositor) public view
Name | Type | Description |
_depositor | address |
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nction getDepositorETHGain(address _depositor) public view override returns (uint) {
uint initialDeposit = deposits[_depositor].initialValue;
if (initialDeposit == 0) { return 0; }
Snapshots memory snapshots = depositSnapshots[_depositor];
uint ETHGain = _getETHGainFromSnapshots(initialDeposit, snapshots);
return ETHGain;
function _getETHGainFromSnapshots(uint256 initialDeposit, struct StabilityPoolStorage.Snapshots snapshots) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
initialDeposit | uint256 | |
snapshots | struct StabilityPoolStorage.Snapshots |
Source Code
nction _getETHGainFromSnapshots(uint initialDeposit, Snapshots memory snapshots) internal view returns (uint) {
* Grab the sum 'S' from the epoch at which the stake was made. The ETH gain may span up to one scale change.
* If it does, the second portion of the ETH gain is scaled by 1e9.
* If the gain spans no scale change, the second portion will be 0.
uint128 epochSnapshot = snapshots.epoch;
uint128 scaleSnapshot = snapshots.scale;
uint S_Snapshot = snapshots.S;
uint P_Snapshot = snapshots.P;
uint firstPortion = epochToScaleToSum[epochSnapshot][scaleSnapshot].sub(S_Snapshot);
uint secondPortion = epochToScaleToSum[epochSnapshot][scaleSnapshot.add(1)].div(SCALE_FACTOR);
uint ETHGain = initialDeposit.mul(firstPortion.add(secondPortion)).div(P_Snapshot).div(DECIMAL_PRECISION);
return ETHGain;
function getDepositorZEROGain(address _depositor) public view
Name | Type | Description |
_depositor | address |
Source Code
nction getDepositorZEROGain(address _depositor) public view override returns (uint) {
uint initialDeposit = deposits[_depositor].initialValue;
if (initialDeposit == 0) {return 0;}
address frontEndTag = deposits[_depositor].frontEndTag;
* If not tagged with a front end, the depositor gets a 100% cut of what their deposit earned.
* Otherwise, their cut of the deposit's earnings is equal to the kickbackRate, set by the front end through
* which they made their deposit.
uint kickbackRate = frontEndTag == address(0) ? DECIMAL_PRECISION : frontEnds[frontEndTag].kickbackRate;
Snapshots memory snapshots = depositSnapshots[_depositor];
uint ZEROGain = kickbackRate.mul(_getZEROGainFromSnapshots(initialDeposit, snapshots)).div(DECIMAL_PRECISION);
return ZEROGain;
function getFrontEndZEROGain(address _frontEnd) public view
Name | Type | Description |
_frontEnd | address |
Source Code
nction getFrontEndZEROGain(address _frontEnd) public view override returns (uint) {
uint frontEndStake = frontEndStakes[_frontEnd];
if (frontEndStake == 0) { return 0; }
uint kickbackRate = frontEnds[_frontEnd].kickbackRate;
uint frontEndShare = uint(DECIMAL_PRECISION).sub(kickbackRate);
Snapshots memory snapshots = frontEndSnapshots[_frontEnd];
uint ZEROGain = frontEndShare.mul(_getZEROGainFromSnapshots(frontEndStake, snapshots)).div(DECIMAL_PRECISION);
return ZEROGain;
function _getZEROGainFromSnapshots(uint256 initialStake, struct StabilityPoolStorage.Snapshots snapshots) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
initialStake | uint256 | |
snapshots | struct StabilityPoolStorage.Snapshots |
Source Code
nction _getZEROGainFromSnapshots(uint initialStake, Snapshots memory snapshots) internal view returns (uint) {
* Grab the sum 'G' from the epoch at which the stake was made. The ZERO gain may span up to one scale change.
* If it does, the second portion of the ZERO gain is scaled by 1e9.
* If the gain spans no scale change, the second portion will be 0.
uint128 epochSnapshot = snapshots.epoch;
uint128 scaleSnapshot = snapshots.scale;
uint G_Snapshot = snapshots.G;
uint P_Snapshot = snapshots.P;
uint firstPortion = epochToScaleToG[epochSnapshot][scaleSnapshot].sub(G_Snapshot);
uint secondPortion = epochToScaleToG[epochSnapshot][scaleSnapshot.add(1)].div(SCALE_FACTOR);
uint ZEROGain = initialStake.mul(firstPortion.add(secondPortion)).div(P_Snapshot).div(DECIMAL_PRECISION);
return ZEROGain;
function getCompoundedZUSDDeposit(address _depositor) public view
Name | Type | Description |
_depositor | address |
Source Code
nction getCompoundedZUSDDeposit(address _depositor) public view override returns (uint) {
uint initialDeposit = deposits[_depositor].initialValue;
if (initialDeposit == 0) { return 0; }
Snapshots memory snapshots = depositSnapshots[_depositor];
uint compoundedDeposit = _getCompoundedStakeFromSnapshots(initialDeposit, snapshots);
return compoundedDeposit;
function getCompoundedFrontEndStake(address _frontEnd) public view
Name | Type | Description |
_frontEnd | address |
Source Code
nction getCompoundedFrontEndStake(address _frontEnd) public view override returns (uint) {
uint frontEndStake = frontEndStakes[_frontEnd];
if (frontEndStake == 0) { return 0; }
Snapshots memory snapshots = frontEndSnapshots[_frontEnd];
uint compoundedFrontEndStake = _getCompoundedStakeFromSnapshots(frontEndStake, snapshots);
return compoundedFrontEndStake;
function _getCompoundedStakeFromSnapshots(uint256 initialStake, struct StabilityPoolStorage.Snapshots snapshots) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
initialStake | uint256 | |
snapshots | struct StabilityPoolStorage.Snapshots |
Source Code
nction _getCompoundedStakeFromSnapshots(
uint initialStake,
Snapshots memory snapshots
returns (uint)
uint snapshot_P = snapshots.P;
uint128 scaleSnapshot = snapshots.scale;
uint128 epochSnapshot = snapshots.epoch;
// If stake was made before a pool-emptying event, then it has been fully cancelled with debt -- so, return 0
if (epochSnapshot < currentEpoch) { return 0; }
uint compoundedStake;
uint128 scaleDiff = currentScale.sub(scaleSnapshot);
/* Compute the compounded stake. If a scale change in P was made during the stake's lifetime,
* account for it. If more than one scale change was made, then the stake has decreased by a factor of
* at least 1e-9 -- so return 0.
if (scaleDiff == 0) {
compoundedStake = initialStake.mul(P).div(snapshot_P);
} else if (scaleDiff == 1) {
compoundedStake = initialStake.mul(P).div(snapshot_P).div(SCALE_FACTOR);
} else { // if scaleDiff >= 2
compoundedStake = 0;
* If compounded deposit is less than a billionth of the initial deposit, return 0.
* NOTE: originally, this line was in place to stop rounding errors making the deposit too large. However, the error
* corrections should ensure the error in P "favors the Pool", i.e. any given compounded deposit should slightly less
* than it's theoretical value.
* Thus it's unclear whether this line is still really needed.
if (compoundedStake < initialStake.div(1e9)) {return 0;}
return compoundedStake;
function _sendZUSDtoStabilityPool(address _address, uint256 _amount) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_address | address | |
_amount | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _sendZUSDtoStabilityPool(address _address, uint _amount) internal {
zusdToken.sendToPool(_address, address(this), _amount);
uint newTotalZUSDDeposits = totalZUSDDeposits.add(_amount);
totalZUSDDeposits = newTotalZUSDDeposits;
emit StabilityPoolZUSDBalanceUpdated(newTotalZUSDDeposits);
function _sendETHGainToDepositor(uint256 _amount) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _sendETHGainToDepositor(uint _amount) internal {
if (_amount == 0) {return;}
uint newETH = ETH.sub(_amount);
ETH = newETH;
emit StabilityPoolETHBalanceUpdated(newETH);
emit EtherSent(msg.sender, _amount);
(bool success, ) ={ value: _amount }("");
require(success, "StabilityPool: sending ETH failed");
function _sendZUSDToDepositor(address _depositor, uint256 ZUSDWithdrawal) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_depositor | address | |
ZUSDWithdrawal | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _sendZUSDToDepositor(address _depositor, uint ZUSDWithdrawal) internal {
if (ZUSDWithdrawal == 0) {return;}
zusdToken.returnFromPool(address(this), _depositor, ZUSDWithdrawal);
function registerFrontEnd(uint256 _kickbackRate) external nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_kickbackRate | uint256 |
Source Code
nction registerFrontEnd(uint _kickbackRate) external override {
frontEnds[msg.sender].kickbackRate = _kickbackRate;
frontEnds[msg.sender].registered = true;
emit FrontEndRegistered(msg.sender, _kickbackRate);
function _setFrontEndTag(address _depositor, address _frontEndTag) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_depositor | address | |
_frontEndTag | address |
Source Code
nction _setFrontEndTag(address _depositor, address _frontEndTag) internal {
deposits[_depositor].frontEndTag = _frontEndTag;
emit FrontEndTagSet(_depositor, _frontEndTag);
function _updateDepositAndSnapshots(address _depositor, uint256 _newValue) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_depositor | address | |
_newValue | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _updateDepositAndSnapshots(address _depositor, uint _newValue) internal {
deposits[_depositor].initialValue = _newValue;
if (_newValue == 0) {
delete deposits[_depositor].frontEndTag;
delete depositSnapshots[_depositor];
emit DepositSnapshotUpdated(_depositor, 0, 0, 0);
uint128 currentScaleCached = currentScale;
uint128 currentEpochCached = currentEpoch;
uint currentP = P;
// Get S and G for the current epoch and current scale
uint currentS = epochToScaleToSum[currentEpochCached][currentScaleCached];
uint currentG = epochToScaleToG[currentEpochCached][currentScaleCached];
// Record new snapshots of the latest running product P, sum S, and sum G, for the depositor
depositSnapshots[_depositor].P = currentP;
depositSnapshots[_depositor].S = currentS;
depositSnapshots[_depositor].G = currentG;
depositSnapshots[_depositor].scale = currentScaleCached;
depositSnapshots[_depositor].epoch = currentEpochCached;
emit DepositSnapshotUpdated(_depositor, currentP, currentS, currentG);
function _updateFrontEndStakeAndSnapshots(address _frontEnd, uint256 _newValue) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_frontEnd | address | |
_newValue | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _updateFrontEndStakeAndSnapshots(address _frontEnd, uint _newValue) internal {
frontEndStakes[_frontEnd] = _newValue;
if (_newValue == 0) {
delete frontEndSnapshots[_frontEnd];
emit FrontEndSnapshotUpdated(_frontEnd, 0, 0);
uint128 currentScaleCached = currentScale;
uint128 currentEpochCached = currentEpoch;
uint currentP = P;
// Get G for the current epoch and current scale
uint currentG = epochToScaleToG[currentEpochCached][currentScaleCached];
// Record new snapshots of the latest running product P and sum G for the front end
frontEndSnapshots[_frontEnd].P = currentP;
frontEndSnapshots[_frontEnd].G = currentG;
frontEndSnapshots[_frontEnd].scale = currentScaleCached;
frontEndSnapshots[_frontEnd].epoch = currentEpochCached;
emit FrontEndSnapshotUpdated(_frontEnd, currentP, currentG);
function _payOutZEROGains(ICommunityIssuance _communityIssuance, address _depositor, address _frontEnd) internal nonpayable
Name | Type | Description |
_communityIssuance | ICommunityIssuance | |
_depositor | address | |
_frontEnd | address |
Source Code
nction _payOutZEROGains(ICommunityIssuance _communityIssuance, address _depositor, address _frontEnd) internal {
// Pay out front end's ZERO gain
if (_frontEnd != address(0)) {
uint frontEndZEROGain = getFrontEndZEROGain(_frontEnd);
_communityIssuance.sendZERO(_frontEnd, frontEndZEROGain);
emit ZEROPaidToFrontEnd(_frontEnd, frontEndZEROGain);
// Pay out depositor's ZERO gain
uint depositorZEROGain = getDepositorZEROGain(_depositor);
_communityIssuance.sendZERO(_depositor, depositorZEROGain);
emit ZEROPaidToDepositor(_depositor, depositorZEROGain);
function _requireCallerIsActivePool() internal view
Source Code
nction _requireCallerIsActivePool() internal view {
require( msg.sender == address(activePool), "StabilityPool: Caller is not ActivePool");
function _requireCallerIsTroveManager() internal view
Source Code
nction _requireCallerIsTroveManager() internal view {
require(msg.sender == address(troveManager), "StabilityPool: Caller is not TroveManager");
function _requireNoUnderCollateralizedTroves() internal nonpayable
Source Code
nction _requireNoUnderCollateralizedTroves() internal {
uint price = priceFeed.fetchPrice();
address lowestTrove = sortedTroves.getLast();
uint ICR = troveManager.getCurrentICR(lowestTrove, price);
require(ICR >= liquityBaseParams.MCR(), "StabilityPool: Cannot withdraw while there are troves with ICR < MCR");
function _requireUserHasDeposit(uint256 _initialDeposit) internal pure
Name | Type | Description |
_initialDeposit | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _requireUserHasDeposit(uint _initialDeposit) internal pure {
require(_initialDeposit > 0, 'StabilityPool: User must have a non-zero deposit');
function _requireUserHasNoDeposit(address _address) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
_address | address |
Source Code
nction _requireUserHasNoDeposit(address _address) internal view {
uint initialDeposit = deposits[_address].initialValue;
require(initialDeposit == 0, 'StabilityPool: User must have no deposit');
function _requireNonZeroAmount(uint256 _amount) internal pure
Name | Type | Description |
_amount | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _requireNonZeroAmount(uint _amount) internal pure {
require(_amount > 0, 'StabilityPool: Amount must be non-zero');
function _requireUserHasTrove(address _depositor) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
_depositor | address |
Source Code
nction _requireUserHasTrove(address _depositor) internal view {
require(troveManager.getTroveStatus(_depositor) == 1, "StabilityPool: caller must have an active trove to withdraw ETHGain to");
function _requireUserHasETHGain(address _depositor) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
_depositor | address |
Source Code
nction _requireUserHasETHGain(address _depositor) internal view {
uint ETHGain = getDepositorETHGain(_depositor);
require(ETHGain > 0, "StabilityPool: caller must have non-zero ETH Gain");
function _requireFrontEndNotRegistered(address _address) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
_address | address |
Source Code
nction _requireFrontEndNotRegistered(address _address) internal view {
require(!frontEnds[_address].registered, "StabilityPool: must not already be a registered front end");
function _requireFrontEndIsRegisteredOrZero(address _address) internal view
Name | Type | Description |
_address | address |
Source Code
nction _requireFrontEndIsRegisteredOrZero(address _address) internal view {
require(frontEnds[_address].registered || _address == address(0),
"StabilityPool: Tag must be a registered front end, or the zero address");
function _requireValidKickbackRate(uint256 _kickbackRate) internal pure
Name | Type | Description |
_kickbackRate | uint256 |
Source Code
nction _requireValidKickbackRate(uint _kickbackRate) internal pure {
require (_kickbackRate <= DECIMAL_PRECISION, "StabilityPool: Kickback rate must be in range [0,1]");
function () external payable
Source Code
ceive() external payable {
ETH = ETH.add(msg.value);
- ActivePool
- ActivePoolStorage
- BaseMath
- BorrowerOperations
- BorrowerOperationsScript
- BorrowerOperationsStorage
- BorrowerWrappersScript
- CheckContract
- CollSurplusPool
- CollSurplusPoolStorage
- console
- Context
- DefaultPool
- DefaultPoolStorage
- DocsCover
- DSAuth
- DSAuthEvents
- DSAuthority
- DSNote
- DSProxy
- DSProxyCache
- DSProxyFactory
- ERC20
- ETHTransferScript
- FeeDistributor
- FeeDistributorStorage
- GasPool
- HintHelpers
- HintHelpersStorage
- IActivePool
- IBalanceRedirectPresale
- IBorrowerOperations
- ICollSurplusPool
- IDefaultPool
- IERC20
- IERC2612
- IExternalPriceFeed
- IFeeDistributor
- IFeeSharingProxy
- ILiquityBase
- ILiquityBaseParams
- IMasset
- IMoCBaseOracle
- Initializable
- IPool
- IPriceFeed
- IRSKOracle
- ISortedTroves
- IStabilityPool
- ITroveManager
- IWrbtc
- IZUSDToken
- LiquityBase
- LiquityBaseParams
- LiquityMath
- LiquitySafeMath128
- MoCMedianizer
- MultiTroveGetter
- MultiTroveGetterStorage
- NueToken
- Ownable
- PriceFeed
- PriceFeedStorage
- ProxiableContract
- ProxiableContract2
- Proxy
- RskOracle
- SafeMath
- SortedTroves
- SortedTrovesStorage
- StabilityPool
- StabilityPoolScript
- StabilityPoolStorage
- Storage
- Storage2
- TokenScript
- TroveManager
- TroveManagerBase
- TroveManagerBase1MinuteBootstrap
- TroveManagerRedeemOps
- TroveManagerScript
- TroveManagerStorage
- UpgradableProxy
- ZUSDToken
- ZUSDTokenStorage