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Harvard (separate memories for data and instructions), RISC-like, five-stages pipeline processor

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In this project, we design, implement and test a Harvard (separate memories for data and instructions), RISC-like, five-stages pipeline processor, with the specifications as described in the following sections.

5-Stages pipeline processor

namely (Fetch -Decode-Execute-Memory-Write Back). We will simulate a pipeline that issues new instruction after 5-time steps. In every time step, the instruction passes through one of the stages. Each instruction should walk through the complete 5 stages even if it doesn’t need to do anything in some of the stages.

Memory units and registers description

In this project, we apply a Harvard architecture with two memory units; Instructions’ memory and Data memory.

The processor in this project has a RISC-like instruction set architecture. There are eight 2-bytes general purpose registers[ R0 to R7]. These registers are separate from the program counter and the stack pointer registers.

The program counter PC spans the instructions memory address space that has a total size of 2 Megabytes. Each memory address has a 16-bit width (i.e., is word addressable). The instructions memory starts with the interrupts area (the very first address space from [0 down to 2^5-1]), followed by the instructions area (starting from [2^5 and down to 2^20]) as shown in Figure.1. By default, the PC is initialized with a value of (2^5) where the program code starts.

The other memory unit is the data memory, which has a total size of 4 Kilobytes for its own, 16-bit in width (i.e., is word addressable). The processor can access both memory units at the same time without having a memory access hazard.

The data memory starts with the data area (the very first address space and down), followed by the stack area (starting from [2^11 − 1 and up]) as shown in Figure.1. By default, the stack pointer (SP) pointer points to the top of the stack (the next free address available in the stack), and is initialized by a value of (2^1-1).


interrupts area is in the very first address space from [0 down to 2^5-1]

When an interrupt occurs, the processor finishes the currently fetched instructions (instructions that have already entered the pipeline), save the processor state (Flags), then the address of the next instruction (in PC) is saved on top of the stack, and PC is loaded from address 0 of the memory where the interrupt code resides.

We have only one interrupt program, the one which starts at the top of the instruction’s memory

To return from an interrupt, an RTI instruction loads the PC from the top of stack, restores the processor state (Flags), and the flow of the program resumes from the instruction that was supposed to be fetched in-order before handling the interrupted instruction.

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ISA specifications

A) Registers:

○ R[0:7]<15:0> : Eight 16-bit general purpose registers

○ PC<31:0> : 32-bit program counter

○ SP<31:0> : 32-bit stack pointer

○ CCR<3:0> : condition code register that can be divided to

○ Z<0>:=CCR<0> : zero flag, change after arithmetic, logical, or shift operations

○ N<0>:=CCR<1> : negative flag, change after arithmetic, logical, or shift operations

○ C<0>:=CCR<2> : carry flag, change after arithmetic or shift operations.

B) Input-Output

○ IN.PORT<15:0> : 16-bit data input port

○ OUT.PORT<15:0> : 16-bit data output port

○ INTR.IN<0> : a single, non-maskable interrupt

○ RESET.IN<0> : reset signal

C) Other registers to hold the operands and opcodes of the instructions

○ Rsrc : 1st operand register

○ Rdst : 2nd operand register and result register field

○ Imm : Immediate Value

D) Instructions (some instructions will occupy more than one memory location)

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The whole design

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Fetch Stage

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Decode Stage

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Execute Stage

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Memory Stage

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Write Back Stage

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Interrupt,Call,RET & RTI controllers

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Hazard detection unit and forwarding unit

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Flush Controller

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To See more details you can open 'design.drawio' file in This Site

Instructions format

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PC control unit

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Entered Instruction in IF/IE buffer:

1-If PC is freezed or the instruction needs Immediate value PC is freezed , Nop is Entered.

2-else it will be the output of instructions memory.

ALU OpCodes (from decoding stage to ALU)

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Full forwarding unit truth table

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Handled Hazards

Control Hazards:

We used static branch prediction

Data Hazards:

We used full-forwarding

In load use case we stall one cycle.

Structural Hazards:

Separate memories for data and instructions (Harvard architecture)

Writing to registers is in first-half of the clock cycle 7 reading is in the second-half cycle

Branch predicion

We used static branch predicion


Input files are in Assembly language, so we have assembler file to convert assembly language to machine code for our ISA specifications

Not sensetive to spaces before/after operand and opcodes

Not case sensetive

No brackets are allowed ==> remove brackets before you run the assembler

Assembler file is in Test Cases & Assembler folder

Put the input text file in the the path of the assembler

Set file_name with input file name

The Interrupt service routine which starts at Org0 till RTI will be in isrMEM.txt file

The instructions OP_Codes will be in instructionMem.txt

Instructions starts with .ORG in our test cases

We don't use first ORG as the project says that instruction memory starts in 2^5 memory location

Any ORG we insert NOP instructions with the number of ORG

Comments in input files start with #

Test Cases

There are five test cases in Test Cases & Assembler folder

Set file_name in assembler with each test case file name

OP_Coes will be in isrMEM.txt & instructionMem.txt files

How to simulate it?

1-Open Modelsim

2- Create new project

3- Add all files from DecodeStage, ExecuteStage,FetchStage,MemoryStage, WriteBackStage& Controllers folders

4- Add files proces_tb.v, processor.v

5- Add file do_processor_tb.tcl from TCL files folder

6- Simulate do_processor_tb.tcl to test the instructions in isrMEM.txt & instructionMem.txt files using Modelsim


Ahmed Lotfy.

Donia Gameel.

Heba Ashraf.

Menatalh Hossamalden.


Harvard (separate memories for data and instructions), RISC-like, five-stages pipeline processor







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