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Creation of Volumetric Archetypes

Housing Stock Energy Hub edited this page Nov 13, 2019 · 2 revisions

The creation of an IDF volumetric archetype can be performed with the function fnGenerateIdf(). One of the parameters defined when calling the function is the property to create profiles—see the full details on the script Run_EnergyPlus.R.

☛ single case

The following example creates the IDF for the model → 1

var.idfModelToRun <- fnGenerateIdf(id.model <- 1,
                                   profilesNew = TRUE,
                                   detailedOut = TRUE,
                                   isSimulated = FALSE,
                                   generateIdf = TRUE,
                                   printStatus = TRUE,
                                   intervalOut = 'daily')

☛ single case, stored in an arbitrary location.

writeLines(var.idfModelToRun, "<anyFolder>/ModelToRun.idf")

☛ all archetypes

By default, the function uses the whole dataset as reference. Hence, if the id.model is empty, it creates all the volumetric archetypes.


☛ sequence

If a given sequence of elements is known, this can be used to create archetypes.

fnCreateMultipleIDFs(1000:1013, FALSE)

This mode is also used when the generation of archetypes is performed in detached mode (for example, in an HPC environment, for which further distributed algorithms are required.

☛ subsets

The elements passed to the function fnCreateMultipleIDFs() can also be defined using the subset method.

fnCreateMultipleIDFs(rownames(dB.EHS.subset), FALSE)

☛ subsets (attachments)

A selection of archetypes based on the attachment attributes.

stock.sample <- subset(tbl.CHMwEHS.expandedEquivalised.der,
                       .floors==1 &
                       .AttachState == 'Right' &
                       .isattic == F &
                       .iscellar == T)
stock.sample <- stock.sample$HousingCode

fnCreateMultipleIDFs(stock.sample, outResolution="m)

emulated profiles

By default, both fnGenerateIdf() and fnCreateMultipleIDFs() indicate the use of a deterministic profile, which is based on average values of usage and occupancy. This mode, however, can be changed with a variable flag.

The command args can be used to display the possible variables of the function.


The following example creates idfs attaching a non-deterministic profile (see Project References).

fnCreateMultipleIDFs(1:10, TRUE)