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guxsousa edited this page Jul 5, 2018 · 1 revision

Name of variables and prefixes

tbl → table, usually a summary

lst → list or dictionary object

var → variable

mtx → matrix

.is → flag, used for workflow control

path → folder definition

Modifiers and suffixes

raw → raw data from data sources

der → derived data (mined, cleaned, combined)

book → reference value or object

svy → survey data derived with corresponding weights

ref → reference table from standards, manuals and books

melt → derived and edited, usually employed for plotting

Subtypes and indicators

_units → used to differentiate auxiliary objects

_ptc → indicates percentage object

Syntax convention

(camelback coding style)

objects: object.Origin.Name.modifier

functions: fnActonSomething

plotting: drawForSomething

counters: i,j,k


  • tbl.EHS.Building.raw

    stands for a table formed with EHS data, particularly the building-related section, as is presented in the original data set, i.e. raw.