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Releases: GateNLP/gateplugin-LearningFramework

Version 4.2

31 Oct 15:31
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Release v4.2

Version 3.9

20 Apr 11:28
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NOTE/IMPORT: some PRs in this version are not drop-in compatible with the previous version since their parameters have changed (supporting multiple classes for sequence tagging needed the class annotation type parameter to be a list instead of a single value). Also, models may not be compatible (a model trained with a previous version may not work with this version) since there have been chances of which features get generated and how they are named.

CHANGES (In reverse order of time):

  • Fix issue #32
  • Fix problem with handling the exception correctly when the trainer class cannot be instantiated
  • Fix bug: incorrected trainer class for MALLET_CL_NAIVE_BAYES
  • Better handling of escaping/cleaning strings when exporting to tsv/csv format
  • Better handling of missing values for number-coded nominal features when exporting to ARFF
  • Properly escape empty string when exporting to ARFF, treat null like an empty string
  • More runtime parameters are optional
  • Add JSON exporter
  • Implement START/STOP symbols
  • In many places, move from assuming files to using URLs
  • Major refactoring: the Engine instance now knows which CorpusRepresentation to use and returns it
  • Added support to use previous target(s) as a feature
  • Make classification using a sequence algorithm work
  • Implement PRs for word shape features and affix features generation
  • Implement multi-class sequence tagging

Version 3.8

27 Jun 14:08
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Bump to next release version.

Version 3.7

20 Jun 14:01
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Avoid using ivy and include all jars for all dependencies for now. Adapt License to updated Mallet license.

Version 3.6

01 Feb 16:48
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Avoid clashes with a pre-loaded commons-cli library, avoid training after an exception during processing the documents in the training set.

Version 3.5.4

29 Jan 15:50
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The -prune parameter for Mallet C45 now requires a boolean value (true / false).

Version 3.5.3

16 Jan 12:49
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Small change to how ngrams are treated: now, if an ngram occurs multiple times for an instance, we always accumulate the score of the ngram. This is done if we just count ngrams or if we get a score for the ngram from the featurename4value feature, or if we calculate a score by multiplication for n-grams with n>1 in either of the two cases.

Version 3.5.2

02 Nov 17:17
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Fix in the cross-validation evalutation for regression.

Version 3.5.1

16 Aug 12:15
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  • Initial support for server-based application
  • Initial support for Keras
  • Support for using dense vectors as attributes (e.g. embeddings)
  • Support for using tf*idf or other scores for attributes and ngrams

Version 3.5

18 Jul 12:09
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Important changes:

  • Support instance weights
  • initial code to support per instance classification costs and addition of experimental costcla support, however this does not actually work yet
  • add support to get the actual feature values for one-of-k coded nominal attributes from another feature. This should make it easier to use (externally precalculated) TF/IDF values for this.