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3. Initializing Digital Experience File Sync

Thomas Hurek edited this page Jan 15, 2020 · 1 revision

When you create a new theme for HCL Digital Experience, you can edit your files locally. You can choose which directory you want to synchronize with your server. You must initialize Digital Experience File Sync to synchronize with a directory. ###Procedure

  1. Create a local directory, for example, /themedev.

  2. In the command line, change to your new directory.

  3. Run the following command to initialize a theme with your new directory:

    dxsync init

  4. Respond to the following prompts to connect to your server. Each prompt automatically fills with a default value. You can press the Enter key to use the default values:

    • Hostname - Defines the hostname of your server.
    • Username - Defines your user name.
    • Password - Defines your password.
    • Path to the content handler servlet - Defines the path to your content handler servlet. The default is /wps/mycontenthandler.
    • Secure connection - Defines whether Digital Experience File Sync connects to the server securely or unsecurely.
    • Port - Defines your port. The default for a secure connection is 10041. The default for an unsecure connection is 10039.
    • Theme - Defines the theme that you are synchronizing. Digital Experience File Sync provides a numbered list of available themes. Choose the number that corresponds to the theme that you want to synchronize.


The theme on your workstation is now connected to your server and you are ready to synchronize your theme files.

Initialization might fail if the Basic Authorization Trust Association Interceptor is disabled on the target host. To resolve this issue, enable the Basic Authorization Trust Association Interceptor. For more information, see Configuring the HTTP Basic Authentication Trust Association Interceptor.