Hi there, I'm 0xhacker
Website: https://0xhacker.dev/
🎓 Junior in Communication Engineering at Wuhan University
📖 Breaking free from exam-oriented education
🚀 Aspiring entrepreneur
🔥 Building strength
💡 Full Stack Engineer | Solidity Smart Contract Developer
🚀 Portfolio:
- 🌍 Personal Website
- 🤖 Trading Bot
- 🎰 On-chain ZK Casino
- 🗣️ Natural Language Trading
- 🚗 Smart Car Navigation
- ⚡ BTC Trading Risk Detection
🌱 Open Source Beginner
🔓 Ready to step into the open source world!
📊 Investment Research Intern at Trustless Lab
- 📝 10+ Research Reports
- 📈 In-depth research on Web3 projects