ND performance improved
ND refactored
ND waypoint symbols use less hacky implementation
ND Flight plan waypoint labels fixed (labels do not have white stroke anymore)
Airways improved
SimBrief configuration under Heavy menu
It is possible to request route on ROUTE Page if simbrief username/userid is set in configuration
LOADING Route from SB overrides (import) your CRZ altitude
LOADING Route from SB overrides (import) your Cost Index
Fixed problem with similar waypoint names in same airway (EGSIR, SIR)
Fixed problem with ICAOS which do not use XXXXX format in airways (LAM, SIR and so on)
SimBrief import progress page
SimBrief oceanic waypoints converter
SimBrief importer breaks to parts NATZ "pseudo" airway and insert waypoints as DIRECT
SimBrief importer automatically skip not found airways
SimBrief importer automatically skip not found waypoints
SimBrief importer automatically select desired waypoint from "DESIRED WAYPOINT page" if possible (based on lat and lon)
Basic custom waypoints data synchronization
Route page 2+ waypoints are grouped by airways
LEGS Page update hotfix
FMC lines colors and font size support extended
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