Challenge organizer: Yury Goltsev
Challenge participants:
- Cole Harris
- Clemens Hug
- Rumana Rashid
- Geoffrey Schau
The asym package contains code to run a variational autoencoder network to extract features from a stack of single cell images.
These features can be further reduced by running UMAP and then visualized interactively using the builtin Bokeh app.
pip install git+
Some example cell stacks and cell marker data are in the pd1_project folder.
To visualize and example UMAP embedding run
asym vis pd1_project/all_cells_tensor.npy pd1_project/umap_pd1+_all_channels.csv
This starts up the interactive Bokeh server. While using the app, keep the server running in the background. To exit the server press CTRL+C.
While the server is running, browse to localhost:5000 in any webbrowser to access the app.
Data for the PD1 project are available at!Synapse:syn22009464/files/.
The pd1_project folder contains multiple Jupyter notebooks for the pre-processing and analysis of the PD1 asymmetry project. In order to run them, several dependencies need to be installed:
Conda environments contain a set of packages required for a project, keeping them separate from other projects.
To create a conda environment called pd1
for the challenge:
conda env create --name pd1 --file pd1_project/pd1-conda-environment.yaml
conda activate pd1