released this
21 Aug 15:08
Updated KDMA descriptions and made the KDMA description yml file configurable
No longer overwriting data when followup prompts are used in the Outlines ADM
Small updates to Outlines ADM to be compatible with API updates
Updated the oracle and comparative regression ADMs to use AlignmentFunction
Updated comparative regression ADMs justification to use the best samples reasoning
Added incontext learning option for Outlines-based structured ADM
Added incontext learning option for Outlines-based regression ADM
Added alignment targets for ADEPT training scenarios for the dry run evaluation
Added comparative regression ADM which predicts KDMA scores for all responses simultaneously, enabling comparative reasoning
Added template option or kdma_score_examples
for regression and comparative regression ADMs
Added incontext learning with chain of thought reasoning for regression and comparative regression ADMs
Added some Kaleido hybrid experiments for the ADEPT dry run scenarios
Added Persona based ADM from UCB (based off single kdma adm)
Added alignment targets for SoarTech scenarios for the dry run evaluation
Added some random ADM experiments for the SoarTech dry run scenarios
Added intend_action
to the ActionBasedScenarioInterface
to comply with TA3 server updates
Added functionality in the oracle and comparative regression ADMs for aligning to KDE targets
Added a misaligned option for the Oracle ADM using any alignment function
Added configuration option to record timing information about choose_action
Added a scenario description prompt which includes all unique structured character info
Added a hybrid regression approach for the Outlines ADM.
Fixed issue for running in batches with batch size in outlines ADMs
Fixed character selection to use the character_id
associated with the selected action when available, otherwise send a follow up prompt
Restrict actions with pre-specified treatments when those supplies are not available
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