Releases: ImaterialC/PriconeTL
Pricone UI EN DMM v2022.12.13
- Create ChangeLog.yml
- Update ChangeLog.yml
- Update and rename ChangeLog.yml to changelog-config.js
- 20221209
- Merge branch 'main' of
Pricone UI EN DMM v2022.12.09
fix common atlas
Pricone UI EN DMM v2022.12.07
-Fix atlas gacha
-check the calendar on the guild house
-have you tried 3D Pricone ripoff The Eminence in Shadow?
Pricone UI EN DMM v2022.11.30
-fix atlas wac
add character skill/desc and fix of the following:
-Yori Xmas
-Akari Xmas
-Hiyori Princess
-Kyaru Princess
-Kyaru OL
btw I love sax too ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Pricone UI EN DMM v2022.11.18
-fix Dungeon image
Pricone UI EN DMM v2022.11.16
-fix Unit atlas
-fix secret dungeon atlas
skill change:
yukari, saren, yuki
Pricone UI EN DMM v2022.11.15
-Fix Image glitch unit attlas
-added Mana Senri aka Kaiser Insight
-added Matsuri Wild
-World 61
-Equipment Name (Rank 26-27)
-Extra Char Menu
-Auto Enhance menu
-Item list menu
-fix various place
-change 200+ names of the equipment (based on global)
-change 2 world late name (Global)
Pricone UI EN DMM v2022.11.07
-Fix Image Common, Unit, Battle
-fix image Adventure Result
-add image Adventure Status
-Ex Equip List
-Ex Equip Description
-Ex Equip: Dismantle
-Schedule Book
add/fix Character skill desc:
-Aunt bunny
- Added [Physical] type for a few characters that is missing this.
- Added character introduction for Kokkoro. (Text\Character\Kokkoro.txt)
- Fixed "indent" issue for character(s) profiles [Physical]Description / [Magic]Description -> [Magic] Description | [Physical] Description (This was done in the global version of the game and it would make sense spacing it out to make the description stand out more)
- Fixed inconsistency/wording mistakes with [Physical]. From [Physics] -> [Physical]
- Fixed wording mistake for "Setting" and changed/fixed to "Settings" (when necessary).
- Fixed one slight spelling mistake from "Sellect" -> "Select"
- Fixed spelling mistake for Text\Character\Kyaru.txt "wining" -> "winning"
Pricone UI EN DMM v2022.11.01
-fix image glitch common, and gacha
-Adventure system
-Ex Equipment
-skill effect and desc: Christina (Wild)
-fix various things
-add Tutorial/Tips image
Pricone UI EN DMM v2022.10.21
-Fix Common Atlas image
-September and October Calendar Image and birthday tittle
-tl Auto battle Luna info.
-tl skill desc and effect of this character (either only small fix):
-Kuuka (Oedo)
-Kaori (Halloween)
-Nanaka (Halloween)
-Ninon (Halloween)
-Ninon (Oedo)
-Tsumugi (Summer)
-Suzuna (Halloween)
-Rin (Halloween)