Bugfix for Manual GUI: unit selection cursors (black and red lines) do not disappear anymore after saving to a file.
This has been an issue since v3.1.8 with an introduction of saving the
cluster selection plot (rho vs. delta for the DPCLUS clustering algorithm). -
Bugfix for "maketrial" command: supports binary files with header information and/or
multiple combined recordings if multiple binary files are set in "csFile_merge" parameter. -
Speed improvement for Manual GUI: "delete/merge/split" operation got significantly faster by removing unnecessary visual updates and text box display for the unit counts, which is now shown on the x-axis as "unit# (counts)". The text box indicating the unit count used to block the waveforms and took a long time to plot.
"jrc clear mybatch.batch" will clear the output of the .prm files listed the batch text file (.batch).
LFP-related commands are reintroduced from version 1 (jrclust.m)
"jrc import-lfp" extracts LFP signal by subsampling the raw traces or by loading the LFP file (.imec.lf.bin) for Neuropixels recordings.
LFP file name (.lfp.jrc) is automatically generated from .prm file andvcFile_lfp
parameter is updated in .prm file.
Subsampling is done by averaging the time bin (P.nSkip_lfp) to prevent aliasing as opposed to simply skipping samples.
"jrc traces-lfp" plots the LFP traces with a larger time window by a factor of P.nSkip_lfp. This works similarly to "jrc traces" command for viewing wide-band traces.