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Configuration fr FR

ArchiBot edited this page Oct 7, 2024 · 109 revisions


Cette page est dédiée à la configuration ASF. Cette documentation complète est pour le répertoire config. Vous pouvez ainsi adapter ASF à vos besoins.


La configuration ASF est séparé en deux parties principales : la configuration globale (processus) et la configuration de chaque bot. Chaque bot dispose de son propre fichier de configuration nommé BotName.json ( BotName est le nom du bot). La que la configuration globale ASF (processus) est un fichier unique nommé ASF.json .

Un bot est un compte unique qui participe au processus ASF. Pour fonctionner correctement, ASF a besoin d’au moins une instance de bot définie. Il n'y a pas de limite d'instances de bot imposée par le processus, vous pouvez donc utiliser autant de bots (comptes steam) que vous le souhaitez.

ASF utilise le format JSON pour stocker ses fichiers de configuration. C'est un format convivial, lisible et très universel dans lequel vous pouvez configurer le programme. Ne vous inquiétez pas, vous n'avez pas besoin de connaître JSON pour configurer ASF. Je viens de le mentionner au cas où vous voudriez déjà créer en masse des configurations ASF avec une sorte de script bash.

Configuration can be done in several ways. You can use our Web-based ConfigGenerator, which is a local app independent of ASF. You can use our ASF-ui IPC frontend for configuration done directly in ASF. Lastly, you can always generate config files manually, as they follow fixed JSON structure specified below. We'll explain shortly the available options.

Panel Web de configuration

The purpose of our Web-based ConfigGenerator is to provide you with a friendly frontend that is used for generating ASF configuration files. Le Panel Web de configuration est 100% basé sur le client, ce qui signifie que les détails que vous saisissez ne sont envoyés nulle part, mais traités localement uniquement. Cela garantit la sécurité et la fiabilité, car cela peut même fonctionner hors connexion si vous souhaitez télécharger tous les fichiers et exécuter index.html dans votre navigateur préféré.

Le Panel Web de configuration est vérifié pour fonctionner correctement sur Chrome et Firefox, mais il devrait fonctionner correctement avec la plupart des navigateurs les plus populaires comptabile avec javascript.

L’utilisation est assez simple - indiquez si vous souhaitez générer la configuration ASF ou Bot en basculant sur l’onglet approprié, assurez-vous que la version choisie du fichier de configuration correspond à votre version ASF, puis saisissez tous les détails et cliquez sur le bouton "télécharger". Déplacez ce fichier dans le répertoire ASF config, en écrasant les fichiers existants si nécessaire. Répétez cette procédure pour toutes les modifications ultérieures éventuelles et reportez-vous au reste de cette section pour obtenir une explication de toutes les options disponibles pour la configuration.

ASF-ui configuration

Our ASF-ui IPC interface allows you to configure ASF as well, and is superior solution for reconfiguring ASF after generating the initial configs due to the fact that it can edit the configs in-place, as opposed to Web-based ConfigGenerator which generates them statically.

In order to use ASF-ui, you must have our IPC interface enabled itself. IPC is enabled by default, therefore you can access it right away, as long as you didn't disable it yourself.

After launching the program, simply navigate to ASF's IPC address. If everything worked properly, you can change ASF configuration from there as well.

Configuration Manuelle

In general we strongly recommend using either our ConfigGenerator or ASF-ui, as it's much easier and ensures you won't make a mistake in the JSON structure, but if for some reason you don't want to, then you can also create proper configs manually. Check JSON examples below for a good start in proper structure, you can copy the content into a file and use it as a base for your config. Since you're not using any of our frontends, ensure that your config is valid, as ASF will refuse to load it if it can't be parsed. Even if it's a valid JSON, you also have to ensure that all the properties have the proper type, as required by ASF. For proper JSON structure of all available fields, refer to JSON mapping section and our documentation below.

Configuration globale

La configuration globale se trouve dans le fichier ASF.json et se présente dans la structure suivante:

    "AutoRestart": true,
    "Blacklist": [],
    "CommandPrefix": "!",
    "ConfirmationsLimiterDelay": 10,
    "ConnectionTimeout": 90,
    "CurrentCulture": null,
    "Debug": false,
    "DefaultBot": null,
    "FarmingDelay": 15,
    "FilterBadBots": true,
    "GiftsLimiterDelay": 1,
    "Headless": false,
    "IdleFarmingPeriod": 8,
    "InventoryLimiterDelay": 4,
    "IPC": true,
    "IPCPassword": null,
    "IPCPasswordFormat": 0,
    "LicenseID": null,
    "LoginLimiterDelay": 10,
    "MaxFarmingTime": 10,
    "MaxTradeHoldDuration": 15,
    "MinFarmingDelayAfterBlock": 60,
    "OptimizationMode": 0,
    "PluginsUpdateList": [],
    "PluginsUpdateMode": 0,
    "ShutdownIfPossible": false,
    "SteamMessagePrefix": "/me ",
    "SteamOwnerID": 0,
    "SteamProtocols": 7,
    "UpdateChannel": 1,
    "UpdatePeriod": 24,
    "WebLimiterDelay": 300,
    "WebProxy": null,
    "WebProxyPassword": null,
    "WebProxyUsername": null

Toutes les options sont expliquées ci-dessous :


bool avec la valeur par défaut true</ 0>. Cette fonctionnalité définit si ASF est autorisé à effectuer un redémarrage automatique en cas de besoin. Quelques événements nécessiteront un redémarrage automatique de la part d'ASF, tels que la mise à jour d'ASF (effectuée avec la commande <code>UpdatePeriod ou update), ainsi que la ASF. json config edit, restart et de même. En règle générale, le redémarrage comprend deux parties: créer un nouveau processus et terminer le processus en cours. La plupart des utilisateurs devraient accepter cette option et conserver cette fonction avec la valeur par défaut true. Toutefois, si vous exécutez ASF avec votre propre script et / ou avec dotnet, vous voudrez peut-être avoir le contrôle total sur le démarrage du processus et éviter une situation telle que l'exécution d'un nouveau processus ASF (redémarré) quelque part en silence en arrière-plan et non au premier plan du script, qui s'est terminé avec l'ancien processus ASF. Ceci est particulièrement important compte tenu du fait que le nouveau processus ne sera plus votre fonction direct, ce qui vous rendrait incapable, par exemple d'utiliser une entrée de console standard pour cela.

Si tel est le cas, cette fonction est spécialement conçue pour vous et vous pouvez la définir sur false</ 0>. Cependant, gardez à l'esprit que dans ce cas, <strong x-id="1">vous</strong> êtes responsable du redémarrage du processus. C’est important car ASF se ferme uniquement au lieu de créer un nouveau processus (par exemple, après la mise à jour). Ainsi, si aucune logique n’est ajoutée par vous, il cessera tout simplement de fonctionner jusqu’à ce que vous le redémarriez. ASF se ferme toujours avec le code d'erreur correct indiquant succès (zéro) ou non succès (différent de zéro). Vous pouvez ainsi ajouter une logique appropriée dans votre script, ce qui devrait éviter le redémarrage automatique d'ASF en cas d'échec, ou du moins créez une copie locale de <code>log.txt pour une analyse plus approfondie. Notez également que la commande restart redémarre toujours ASF, quel que soit le mode de définition de cette fonction, car cette fonction définit le comportement par défaut, tandis que la commande restart redémarre toujours le processus. Sauf si vous avez une raison de désactiver cette fonctionnalité, vous devez la laisser activée.

Liste noire

ImmutableHashSet<uint> avec la valeur par défaut étant vide. As the name suggests, this global config property defines appIDs (games) that will be entirely ignored by automatic ASF farming process. Malheureusement, Steam adore désigner les badges de soldes d’été / hiver comme étant "disponibles pour des cartes à obtenir", ce qui induit en erreur le processus ASF en lui faisant croire que c’est un jeu valable qui mérite d’être cultivé. S'il n'y avait aucune sorte de liste noire, ASF finirait par "bloquer" le farming d'un jeu qui n'est en fait pas un jeu, et attendrait infiniment que les cartes tombent. La liste noire ASF a pour but de marquer ces badges comme étant non disponibles pour le farming. Nous pouvons donc les ignorer en silence lorsque nous décidons d’agir, et ne pas tomber dans le piège.

ASF includes two blacklists by default - SalesBlacklist, which is hardcoded into the ASF code and not possible to edit, and normal Blacklist, which is defined here. SalesBlacklist is updated together with ASF version and typically includes all "bad" appIDs at the time of release, so if you're using up-to-date ASF then you do not need to maintain your own Blacklist defined here. Le but principal de cette propriété est de vous permettre de mettre en liste noire de nouveaux identificateurs d’application non connus au moment de la publication d'une nouvelle version ASF, qui ne doivent pas être mis en farming. Hardcoded SalesBlacklist is being updated as fast as possible, therefore you're not required to update your own Blacklist if you're using latest ASF version, but without Blacklist you'd be forced to update ASF in order to "keep running" when Valve releases new sale badge - I don't want to force you to use latest ASF code, therefore this property is here to allow you "fixing" ASF yourself if you for some reason don't want to, or can't, update to new hardcoded SalesBlacklist in new ASF release, yet you want to keep your old ASF running. À moins que vous n'ayez une raison forte de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.

If you're looking for bot-based blacklist instead, take a look at fb, fbadd and fbrm commands.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut !. Cette fonction spécifie le préfixe sensible à la case utilisé pour les commandes ASF. En d’autres termes, c’est ce que vous devez ajouter à chaque commande ASF pour que ASF vous écoute. Il est possible de définir cette valeur sur null ou sur une valeur vide pour que ASF n’utilise aucun préfixe de commande. Dans ce cas, vous devez entrer des commandes avec leurs identificateurs simples. Cela risque toutefois de réduire les performances d'ASF, car ASF est optimisé pour ne plus analyser le message s'il ne commence pas par CommandPrefix - si vous décidez intentionnellement de ne pas l'utiliser, ASF sera forcé de tout lire. messages et y répondre, même s’ils ne sont pas des commandes ASF. Par conséquent, il est recommandé de continuer à utiliser des CommandPrefix, tels que / si vous n'aimez pas la valeur par défaut de !. Par souci de cohérence, CommandPrefix affecte l’ensemble du processus ASF. Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 10. ASF will ensure that there will be at least ConfirmationsLimiterDelay seconds in between of two consecutive 2FA confirmations fetching requests to avoid triggering rate-limit - those are being used by ASF 2FA during e.g. 2faok command, as well as on as-needed basis when performing various trading-related operations. La valeur par défaut a été définie en fonction de nos tests et ne doit pas être réduite si vous ne voulez pas rencontrer de problèmes. À moins que vous n'ayez une raison forte de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 90. Cette propriété définit les délais d'attente pour diverses actions réseau effectuées par ASF, en secondes. En particulier, ConnectionTimeout définit le délai d'expiration en secondes pour les demandes HTTP et IPC, ConnectionTimeout / 10 définit le nombre maximal de pulsations manquées, tandis que ConnectionTimeout / 30 définit le nombre de minutes que nous autorisons pour la demande initiale de connexion au réseau Steam. La valeur par défaut de 90 devrait convenir à la majorité des gens. Toutefois, si vous avez une connexion réseau ou un PC plutôt lent, vous souhaiterez peut-être augmenter ce nombre (par exemple, 120</0 >). Gardez à l'esprit que de plus grandes valeurs ne résoudront pas comme par magie des serveurs Steam lents ou même inaccessibles. Nous ne devrions donc pas attendre indéfiniment quelque chose qui ne se produira pas et simplement réessayer ultérieurement. Si vous définissez cette valeur sur une valeur trop élevée, cela entraînera un retard excessif dans la résolution des problèmes de réseau, ainsi que dans une diminution des performances globales. Si vous définissez cette valeur sur une valeur trop basse, la stabilité et les performances globales seront également réduites, car ASF abandonnera les requêtes valides en cours d'analyse. Par conséquent, définir cette valeur sur une valeur inférieure à celle par défaut ne présente généralement aucun avantage, car les serveurs Steam ont tendance à être lents de temps en temps et peuvent nécessiter plus de temps pour l'analyse des demandes ASF. La valeur par défaut est un équilibre entre croire que notre connexion réseau est stable et douter du réseau Steam pour traiter notre demande dans un délai indiqué. Si vous souhaitez détecter les problèmes plus rapidement et permettre à ASF de se reconnecter / répondre plus rapidement, la valeur par défaut convient (ou très légèrement en dessous, par exemple <code>60, rendant ASF moins patient). Si vous remarquez au contraire qu'ASF a des problèmes de réseau, tels que des requêtes en échec, la perte de pulsations ou la connexion à Steam interrompue, il peut être judicieux d'augmenter cette valeur si vous êtes sûr que cela n'est pas via votre réseau, mais par Steam lui-même, à mesure que les délais dépassent, ASF devient plus "patient" et ne décide pas de se reconnecter immédiatement.

An example situation that may require increase of this property is letting ASF to deal with a very huge trade offers that can take good 2+ minutes to be fully accepted and handled by Steam. By increasing default timeout, ASF will be more patient and wait longer before deciding that the trade is not going through and abandon the initial request.

Another situation could be caused by very slow machine or internet connection that requires more time to handle the data being transmitted. This is pretty rare condition, as the CPU/network bandwidth is almost never a bottleneck, but still a possibility worth mentioning.

En bref, la valeur par défaut devrait être convenable dans la plupart des cas, mais vous pouvez l’augmenter si nécessaire. Néanmoins, aller au-delà de la valeur par défaut n’a pas de sens, car des délais plus longs ne résoudront pas comme par magie des serveurs Steam inaccessibles. Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. Par défaut, ASF tente d'utiliser la langue de votre système d'exploitation et préférera utiliser les chaînes traduites dans cette langue si elles sont disponibles. Ceci est possible grâce à notre communauté qui tente de traduire ASF dans toutes les langues les plus populaires. Si, pour une raison quelconque, vous ne souhaitez pas utiliser la langue native de votre système d'exploitation, vous pouvez utiliser cette propriété de configuration pour sélectionner une langue valide que vous souhaitez utiliser. Pour obtenir une liste de toutes les langues disponibles, visitez MSDN et recherchez Langage tag. It's nice to note that ASF accepts both specific cultures, such as "en-GB", but also neutral ones, such as "en". La spécification de la langue actuelle peut également affecter d'autres comportements spécifiques à la langues, tels que le format de date/heure et autres. Notez que vous aurez peut-être besoin de packs de polices / langues supplémentaires pour afficher correctement les caractères spécifiques à une langue, si vous avez sélectionné une langue non native qui les utilise. Généralement, vous souhaitez utiliser cette fonction de configuration si vous préférez ASF en anglais plutôt que dans votre langue maternelle.


bool avec la valeur par défaut false. Cette propriété définit si le processus doit être exécuté en mode debug. En mode débogage, ASF crée un répertoire spécial debug à côté de la config, qui assure le suivi de l'ensemble de la communication entre les serveurs ASF et Steam. Les informations de debug peuvent aider à détecter des problèmes épineux liés à la mise en réseau et au flux de travail ASF général. En outre, certaines routines de programme seront beaucoup plus détaillées, telles que WebBrowser indiquant la raison exacte pour laquelle certaines demandes échouent: ces entrées sont écrites dans le journal ASF normal. Vous ne devez pas exécuter ASF en mode debug, à moins que le développeur ne vous le demande. L'exécution d'ASF en mode debug diminue les performances, affecte négativement la stabilité et est beaucoup plus détaillé à divers endroits. Il doit donc être utilisé uniquement intentionnellement, à court terme, pour debug un problème particulier, reproduire le problème ou obtenir plus d’informations sur une demande en échec, mais de la même manière, mais pas pour l’exécution normale du programme. Vous verrez beaucoup de nouvelles erreurs, problèmes et exceptions - assurez-vous d'avoir une bonne connaissance d'ASF, de Steam et de ses bizarreries si vous décidez d'analyser tout cela vous-même.

AVERTISSEMENT: l'activation de ce mode inclut la journalisation d'informations potentiellement sensibles telles que les identifiants de connexion et les mots de passe que vous utilisez pour vous connecter à Steam (en raison de la journalisation réseau). Ces données sont écrites dans le répertoire debug, ainsi que dans le fichier standard log.txt (qui est maintenant beaucoup plus détaillé pour consigner ces informations). Vous ne devez pas publier de contenu de debug généré par ASF dans un emplacement public, le développeur ASF doit toujours vous rappeler de l'envoyer à son adresse e-mail ou à un autre emplacement sécurisé. Nous ne stockons pas, ni n'utilisons ces détails sensibles, ils sont écrits dans le cadre de routines de debug, car leur présence peut être pertinente pour le problème qui vous concerne. Nous préférerions ne pas modifier la journalisation ASF de quelque manière que ce soit, mais si vous êtes inquiet, vous êtes libre de rédiger ces informations sensibles de manière appropriée.

La rédaction implique le remplacement de détails sensibles, par exemple par des étoiles. Vous devez vous abstenir de supprimer entièrement les lignes sensibles, car leur existence pure pourrait être pertinente et devrait être préservée.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. In some scenarios ASF functions with a concept of a default bot responsible for handling something - for example IPC commands or interactive console when you don't specify target bot. This property allows you to choose default bot responsible for handling such scenarios, by putting its BotName here. If given bot doesn't exist, or you use a default value of null, ASF will pick first registered bot sorted alphabetically instead. Typically you want to make use of this config property if you want to omit [Bots] argument in IPC and interactive console commands, and always pick the same bot as the default one for such calls.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 15. Pour que ASF fonctionne, il vérifiera la partie actuellement exploitée toutes les FarmingDelay, s'il a peut-être déjà obtenus toutes les cartes. Si vous définissez cette fonction sur une valeur trop basse, le nombre de demandes de Steam envoyées sera excessif. Si vous la définissez trop haut, ASF continuera à "farmer" le titre en cours jusqu'à FarmingDelay minutes après la fin de son exploitation. La valeur par défaut devrait être excellente pour la plupart des utilisateurs, mais si vous avez beaucoup de bots en cours d'exécution, vous pouvez envisager de l'augmenter à quelque chose comme 30 minutes afin de limiter les demandes d'envoi envoyées. Il est agréable de noter que ASF utilise un mécanisme basé sur les événements et vérifie la page de badge du jeu sur chaque objet Steam obtenu. Par conséquent, en général nous n’avons même pas besoin de le vérifier à des intervalles de temps fixes. Ne faites pas entièrement confiance au réseau Steam - de toute façon, nous vérifions la page des badges de jeu. Si nous ne l’avons pas vérifiée au cours du dernier FarmingDelay (dans le cas où le réseau Steam ne nous informerait pas de l’élément obtenu ou des trucs comme ça). En supposant que le réseau Steam fonctionne correctement, diminuer cette valeur n'améliorera en aucun cas l'efficacité du farming, tandis que augmentera considérablement la surcharge du réseau - il est recommandé de l'augmenter uniquement (si nécessaire). par défaut de 15 minutes. À moins que vous n'ayez une raison forte de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


bool avec la valeur par défaut true</ 0>. This property defines whether ASF will automatically decline trade offers that are received from known and marked bad actors. In order to do that, ASF will communicate with our server on as-needed basis to fetch a list of blacklisted Steam identificators. The bots listed are operated by people that are classified as harmful towards ASF initiative by us, such as those that violate our <strong x-id="1"><a href="">code of conduct</a></strong>, use provided functionality and resources by us such as <strong x-id="1"><a href=""><code>PublicListing in order to abuse and exploit other people, or are doing outright criminal activity such as launching DDoS attacks on the server. Since ASF has strong stance on overall fairness, honesty and cooperation between its users in order to make the whole community thrive, this property is enabled by default, and therefore ASF filters bots that we've classified as harmful from services offered. Unless you have a strong reason to edit this property, such as disagreeing with our statement and intentionally allowing those bots to operate (including exploiting your accounts), you should keep it at default.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 1. ASF veillera à ce qu'il y ait au moins GiftsLimiterDelay deux secondes entre deux demandes consécutives de traitement cadeau / clé / licence (utilisation) afin d'éviter de déclencher une limite de débit. In addition to that it'll also be used as global limiter for game list requests, such as the one issued by owns command. Unless you have a strong reason to edit this property, you should keep it at default.


bool avec la valeur par défaut true</ 0>. Cette propriété définit si le processus doit être exécuté en mode headless. When in headless mode, ASF assumes that it's running on a server or in other non-interactive environment, therefore it will not attempt to read any information through console input. This includes on-demand details (account credentials such as 2FA code, SteamGuard code, password or any other variable required for ASF to operate) as well as all other console inputs (such as interactive command console). In other words, <code>Headless mode is equal to making ASF console read-only. This setting is useful mainly for users running ASF on their servers, as instead of asking e.g. for 2FA code, ASF will silently abort the operation by stopping an account. Unless you're running ASF on a server, and you previously confirmed that ASF is able to operate in non-headless mode, you should keep this property disabled. Any user interaction will be denied when in headless mode, and your accounts will not run if they require any console input during starting. This is useful for servers, as ASF can abort trying to log onto the account when asked for credentials, instead of waiting (infinitely) for user to provide those. Enabling this mode will also allow you to use input command which acts as a replacement for standard console input. Si vous n'êtes pas sur du réglage de cette propriété, laissez-la à la valeur par défaut de false.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 8. When ASF has nothing to farm, it will periodically check every IdleFarmingPeriod hours if perhaps account got some new games to farm. This feature is not needed when talking about new games we're getting, as ASF is smart enough to automatically check badge pages in this case. IdleFarmingPeriod is mainly for situations such as old games we already have having trading cards added. In this case there is no event, so ASF has to periodically check badge pages if we want to have this covered. Value of 0 disables this feature. Also check: ShutdownOnFarmingFinished preference in FarmingPreferences.


byte type with default value of 4. ASF will ensure that there will be at least InventoryLimiterDelay seconds in between of two consecutive web inventory requests to avoid triggering rate-limit - those are being used for example during marking inventory notifications as read, might also be used by third-party plugins fetching inventory of other users. This property is not used for fetching our own inventory, as ASF is using much more efficient internal network call for that, so it'll not affect commands like loot or transfer in any way. Default value of 4 was set based on marking inventories of over 100 consecutive bot instances, and should satisfy most (if not all) of the users. You may however want to decrease it, or even change to 0 if you have very low amount of bots, so ASF will ignore the delay and mark Steam inventories much faster. Be warned though, as setting it too low will result in Steam temporarily banning your IP, and that will prevent you from making any calls at all. You also may need to increase this value if you're running a lot of bots with a lot of inventory requests, although in this case you should probably try to limit number of those requests instead. À moins que vous n'ayez une raison forte de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


bool avec la valeur par défaut `true</ 0>. Cette fonction définit si le serveur IPC d'ASF doit démarrer en même temps que le processus. IPC allows for inter-process communication, including usage of ASF-ui, by booting a local HTTP server. If you do not intend to use any third-party IPC integration with ASF, including our ASF-ui, you can safely disable this option. Otherwise, it's a good idea to keep it enabled (default option).


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. This property defines mandatory password for every API call done via IPC and serves as an extra security measure. When set to non-empty value, all IPC requests will require extra password property set to the password specified here. Default value of null will skip a need of the password, making ASF respect all queries. In addition to that, enabling this option also enables built-in IPC anti-bruteforce mechanism which will temporarily ban given IPAddress after sending too many unauthorized requests in a very short time. Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property defines the format of IPCPassword property and uses EHashingMethod as underlying type. Please refer to Security section if you want to learn more, as you'll need to ensure that IPCPassword property indeed includes password in matching IPCPasswordFormat. In other words, when you change IPCPasswordFormat then your IPCPassword should be already in that format, not just aiming to be. Unless you know what you're doing, you should keep it with default value of 0.


Guid? type with default value of null. This property allows our sponsors to enhance ASF with optional features that require paid resources to work. For now, this allows you to make use of MatchActively feature in ItemsMatcher plugin.

While we recommend you to utilize GitHub since it offers monthly and one-time tiers, as well as allows full automation and gives you immediate access, we also support all other currently-available donation options. See this post for instructions on how to donate using other methods in order to get a manual license valid for given period.

Regardless of the method used, if you're ASF sponsor, you can obtain your license here. You'll need to sign in with GitHub for confirming your identity, we ask only for read-only public information, which is your username. LicenseID is made out of 32 hexadecimal characters, such as f6a0529813f74d119982eb4fe43a9a24.

Ensure that you do not share your LicenseID with other people. Since it's issued on personal basis, it might get revoked if it's leaked. If by any chance this happened to you accidentally, you can generate a new one from the same place.

Unless you want to enable extra ASF functionalities, there is no need for you to provide the license.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 10. ASF veillera à ce qu'il y ait au moins LoginLimiterDelay deux secondes entre deux demandes successives de tentatives de connexion, afin d'éviter de déclencher une limite de débit. Default value of 10 was set based on connecting over 100 bot instances, and should satisfy most (if not all) of the users. You may however want to increase/decrease it, or even change to 0 if you have very low amount of bots, so ASF will ignore the delay and connect to Steam much faster. Be warned though, as setting it too low while having too many bots will result in Steam temporarily banning your IP, and that will prevent you from logging in at all, with InvalidPassword/RateLimitExceeded error - and that also includes your normal Steam client, not only ASF. Likewise, if you're running excessive number of bots, especially together with other Steam clients/tools using the same IP address, most likely you'll need to increase this value in order to spread logins across longer period of time.

As a side note, this value is also used as load-balancing buffer in all ASF-scheduled actions, such as trades in SendTradePeriod. À moins que vous n'ayez une raison forte de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 10. As you should know, Steam is not always working properly, sometimes weird situations can happen such as our playtime not being recorded, despite of, in fact, playing a game. ASF will allow farming a single game in solo mode for maximum of MaxFarmingTime hours, and consider it fully farmed after that period. This is required to not freeze farming process in case of weird situations happening, but also if for some reason Steam released a new badge that would stop ASF from progressing further (see: Blacklist). Default value of 10 hours should be enough for dropping all steam cards from one game. Setting this property too low can result in valid games being skipped (and yes, there are valid games taking even up to 9 hours to farm), while setting it too high can result in farming process being frozen. Please note that this property affects only a single game in a single farming session (so after going through entire queue ASF will return to that title), also it's not based on total playtime but internal ASF farming time, so ASF will also return to that title after a restart. À moins que vous n'ayez une raison forte de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 15. This property defines maximum duration of trade hold in days that we're willing to accept - ASF will reject trades that are being held for more than MaxTradeHoldDuration days, as defined in trading section. This option makes sense only for bots with TradingPreferences of SteamTradeMatcher, as it doesn't affect Master/SteamOwnerID trades, neither donations. Trade holds are annoying for everyone, and nobody really wants to deal with them. ASF is supposed to work on liberal rules and help everyone, regardless if on trade hold or not - that's why this option is set to 15 by default. However, if you'd instead prefer to reject all trades affected by trade holds, you can specify 0 here. Please consider the fact that cards with short lifespan are not affected by this option and automatically rejected for people with trade holds, as described in trading section, so there is no need to globally reject everybody only because of that. Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 60. This property defines minimum amount of time, in seconds, which ASF will wait before resuming cards farming if it got previously disconnected with LoggedInElsewhere, which happens when you decide to forcefully disconnect currently-farming ASF by launching a game. This delay exists mainly for convenience and overhead reasons, for example it allows you to restart the game without having to fight with ASF occupying your account again only because playing lock was available for a split second. Due to the fact that reclaiming the session causes LoggedInElsewhere disconnect, ASF has to go through whole reconnect procedure, which puts additional pressure on the machine and Steam network, therefore avoiding additional disconnects, if possible, is preferable. By default, this is configured at 60 seconds, which should be enough to allow you restart the game without much hassle. However, there are scenarios when you could be interested in increasing it, for example if your network disconnects often and ASF is taking over too soon, which causes being forced to go through the reconnect process yourself. We allow a maximum value of 255 for this property, which should be enough for all common scenarios. In addition to the above, it's also possible to decrease the delay, or even remove it entirely with a value of 0, although that is usually not recommended due to reasons stated above. Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property defines optimization mode which ASF will prefer during runtime. Currently ASF supports two modes - 0 which is called MaxPerformance, and 1 which is called MinMemoryUsage. By default ASF prefers to run as many things in parallel (concurrently) as possible, which enhances performance by load-balancing work across all CPU cores, multiple CPU threads, multiple sockets and multiple threadpool tasks. For example, ASF will ask for your first badge page when checking for games to farm, and then once request arrived, ASF will read from it how many badge pages you actually have, then request each other one concurrently. This is what you should want almost always, as the overhead in most cases is minimal and benefits from asynchronous ASF code can be seen even on the oldest hardware with a single CPU core and heavily limited power. However, with many tasks being processed in parallel, ASF runtime is responsible for their maintenance, e.g. keeping sockets open, threads alive and tasks being processed, which can result in increased memory usage from time to time, and if you're extremely constrained by available memory, you may want to switch this property to 1 (MinMemoryUsage) in order to force ASF into using as little tasks as possible, and typically running possible-to-parallel asynchronous code in a synchronous manner. You should consider switching this property only if you previously read low-memory setup and you intentionally want to sacrifice gigantic performance boost, for a very small memory overhead decrease. Usually this option is much worse than what you can achieve with other possible ways, such as by limiting your ASF usage or tuning runtime's garbage collector, as explained in low-memory setup. Therefore, you should use MinMemoryUsage as a last resort, right before runtime recompilation, if you couldn't achieve satisfying results with other (much better) options. Unless you have a strong reason to edit this property, you should keep it at default.


ImmutableHashSet<string> avec la valeur par défaut étant vide. This property defines list of plugin assembly names that are either blacklisted or whitelisted for being considered for automatic updates, as per PluginsUpdateMode defined below.

Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property defines plugins update mode that gives meaning to PluginsUpdateList defined above. By specifying this property you can easily enable/disable automatic updates for all plugins except those declared.

  • Value of 0, called Whitelist, disables automatic update of all plugins, except those defined in PluginsUpdateList.
  • Value of 1, called Blacklist, enables automatic update of all plugins, except those defined in PluginsUpdateList.

ASF team would like to remind you that, for your own safety, you should enable automatic updates only from trusted parties. Keep in mind that malicious plugins can decide to update themselves or execute remote commands regardless of this setting, this is why this setting applies to ASF-provided plugins update functionality exclusively, and you should still ensure that you've appropriately verified every plugin that you've decided to use.

Updates of plugins are performed by default along with ASF update routine - UpdateChannel and UpdatePeriod. Standard ASF update mechanisms such as update command will also trigger optional plugins update. If instead you'd like to update plugins manually without updating ASF version at the same time, updateplugins command offers such possibility.

Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


bool avec la valeur par défaut false. When enabled, ASF will try to shutdown the process if possible, that is, when all of your registered bots are stopped. This can be especially useful when combined with ShutdownOnFarmingFinished on all of your bot instances, since this way ASF will be allowed to automatically shutdown when the last one of your bots finishes farming.

Since the expectation of majority of the users is to have the process running at all times, e.g. for IPC usage, this option is disabled by default.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut /me. This property defines a prefix that will be prepended to all Steam messages being sent by ASF. By default ASF uses "/me " prefix in order to distinguish bot messages more easily by showing them in different color on Steam chat. Another worthy mention is "/pre " prefix which achieves similar result, but uses different formatting. You can also set this property to empty string or null in order to disable using prefix entirely and output all ASF messages in a traditional way. It's nice to note that this property affects Steam messages only - responses returned through other channels (such as IPC) are not affected. Unless you want to customize standard ASF behaviour, it's a good idea to leave it at default.



ulong avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property defines Steam ID in 64-bit form of ASF process owner, and is very similar to Master permission of given bot instance (but global instead). You almost always want to set this property to ID of your own main Steam account. Master permission includes full control over his bot instance, but global commands such as exit, restart or update are reserved for SteamOwnerID only. This is convenient, as you may want to run bots for your friends, while not allowing them to control ASF process, such as exiting it via exit command. Default value of 0 specifies that there is no owner of ASF process, which means that nobody will be able to issue global ASF commands. Keep in mind that this property applies to Steam chat exclusively. IPC, as well as interactive console, will still allow you to execute Owner commands even if this property is not set.


byte flags avec la valeur par défaut 7. Cette fonction définit les protocoles Steam utilisés par ASF lors de la connexion aux serveurs Steam, définis comme suit:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 None Pas de protocole
1 TCP Protocole de contrôle de transmission
2 UDP Protocole utilisateur Datagram
4 WebSockets WebSockets

Veuillez noter que cette fonction est le champ flags, il est donc possible de choisir n’importe quelle combinaison de valeurs disponibles. Check out json mapping if you'd like to learn more. Si aucun indicateur n’est activé, l’option None est validée et cette option n’est pas valide par elle-même.

By default ASF will use all available Steam protocols as a measure for fighting with downtimes and other similar Steam issues. Typically you want to change this property if you want to limit ASF into using only one or two specific protocols. Une telle mesure pourrait être nécessaire si, par exemple, en activant uniquement le trafic TCP sur votre pare-feu, vous ne voulez pas qu'ASF tente de se connecter via UDP. Cependant, sauf si vous êtes en train de debug un problème ou un problème particulier, vous voulez presque toujours vous assurer qu'ASF est libre d'utiliser tout protocole actuellement pris en charge, et non un ou deux. À moins que vous n'ayez une raison forte de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 1. This property defines update channel which is being used, either for auto-updates (if UpdatePeriod is greater than 0), or update notifications (otherwise). Currently ASF supports three update channels - 0 which is called None, 1, which is called Stable, and 2, which is called PreRelease. Stable channel is the default release channel, which should be used by majority of users. PreRelease channel in addition to Stable releases, also includes pre-releases dedicated for advanced users and other developers in order to test new features, confirm bugfixes or give feedback about planned enhancements. PreRelease versions often contain unpatched bugs, work-in-progress features or rewritten implementations. If you don't consider yourself advanced user, please stay with default 1 (Stable) update channel. PreRelease channel is dedicated to users who know how to report bugs, deal with issues and give feedback - no technical support will be given. Check out ASF release cycle if you'd like to learn more. You can also set UpdateChannel to 0 (None), if you want to completely remove all version checks. Setting UpdateChannel to 0 will entirely disable entire functionality related to updates, including update command. Using None channel is strongly discouraged due to exposing yourself to all sort of problems (mentioned in UpdatePeriod description below).

Unless you know what you're doing, we strongly recommend to keep it at default.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 24. This property defines how often ASF should check for auto-updates. Updates are crucial not only to receive new features and critical security patches, but also to receive bugfixes, performance enhancements, stability improvements and more. When a value greater than 0 is set, ASF will automatically download, replace, and restart itself (if AutoRestart permits) when new update is available. In order to achieve this, ASF will check every UpdatePeriod hours if new update is available on our GitHub repo. A value of 0 disables auto-updates, but still allows you to execute update command manually. You may also be interested in setting appropriate UpdateChannel that UpdatePeriod should follow.

Update process of ASF involves update of entire folder structure that ASF is using, but without touching your own configs or databases located in config directory - this means that any extra files unrelated to ASF in its directory can be lost during update. Default value of 24 is a good balance between unnecessary checks, and ASF that is fresh enough.

Unless you have a strong reason to disable this feature, you should keep auto-updates enabled within reasonable UpdatePeriod for your own good. This is not only because we don't support anything but latest stable ASF release, but also because we give our security guarantee only for latest version. If you're using outdated ASF version then you're intentionally exposing yourself to all kind of issues, from small bugs, through broken functionality, ending with permanent Steam account suspensions, so we strongly recommend, for your own good, to always ensure that your ASF version is up to date. Auto-updates allow us to react quickly to all kind of issues by disabling or patching problematic code before it can escalate - if you opt out of it, you lose all of our security guarantees and risk consequences from running code that could be potentially harmful, not only to Steam network, but also (by definition) to your own Steam account.


string avec la valeur par défaut 300. This property defines, in miliseconds, the minimum amount of delay between sending two consecutive requests to the same Steam web-service. Such delay is required as AkamaiGhost service that Steam uses internally includes rate-limiting based on global number of requests sent across given time period. In normal circumstances akamai block is rather hard to achieve, but under very heavy workloads with a huge ongoing queue of requests, it's possible to trigger it if we keep sending too many requests across too short time period.

Default value was set based on assumption that ASF is the only tool accessing Steam web-services, in particular, and If you're using other tools sending requests to the same web-services then you should make sure that your tool includes similar functionality of WebLimiterDelay and set both to double of default value, which would be 600. This guarantees that under no circumstance you'll exceed sending more than 1 request per 300 ms.

In general, lowering WebLimiterDelay under default value is strongly discouraged as it could lead to various IP-related blocks, some of which are possible to be permanent. Default value is good enough for running a single ASF instance on the server, as well as using ASF in normal scenario along with original Steam client. It should be correct for majority of usages, and you should only increase it (never lower it). In short, global number of all requests sent from a single IP to a single Steam domain should never exceed more than 1 request per 300 ms.

Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. This property defines a web proxy address that will be used for all internal http and https requests sent by ASF's HttpClient, especially to services such as, and Proxying ASF requests in general has no advantages, but it's exceptionally useful for bypassing various kinds of firewalls, especially the great firewall in China.

Cette propriété est définie comme une chaîne uri :

A URI string is composed of a scheme (supported: http/https/socks4/socks4a/socks5), a host, and an optional port. An example of a complete uri string is "".

If your proxy requires user authentication, you will also need to set up WebProxyUsername and/or WebProxyPassword. If there is no such need, setting up this property alone is sufficient.

Right now ASF uses web proxy only for http and https requests, which do not include internal Steam network communication done within ASF's internal Steam client. There are currently no plans for supporting that, mainly due to missing SK2 functionality. If you need/want it to happen, I'd suggest starting from there.

Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. This property defines password field used in basic, digest, NTLM, and Kerberos authentication that is supported by a target WebProxy machine providing proxy functionality. If your proxy doesn't require user credentials, there is no need for you to input anything here. Using this option makes sense only if WebProxy is used as well, as it has no effect otherwise.

Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. This property defines username field used in basic, digest, NTLM, and Kerberos authentication that is supported by a target WebProxy machine providing proxy functionality. If your proxy doesn't require user credentials, there is no need for you to input anything here. Using this option makes sense only if WebProxy is used as well, as it has no effect otherwise.

Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.

Configuration Bot

As you should know already, every bot should have its own config based on example JSON structure below. Start from deciding how you want to name your bot (e.g. 1.json, main.json, primary.json or AnythingElse.json) and head over to configuration.

Notice: Bot can't be named ASF (as that keyword is reserved for global config), ASF will also ignore all configuration files starting with a dot.

La configuration du bot a la structure suivante :

    "AcceptGifts": false,
    "BotBehaviour": 0,
    "CompleteTypesToSend": [],
    "CustomGamePlayedWhileFarming": null,
    "CustomGamePlayedWhileIdle": null,
    "Enabled": false,
    "FarmingOrders": [],
    "FarmingPreferences": 0,
    "GamesPlayedWhileIdle": [],
    "HoursUntilCardDrops": 3,
    "LootableTypes": [1, 3, 5],
    "MatchableTypes": [5],
    "OnlineFlags": 0,
    "OnlinePreferences": 0,
    "OnlineStatus": 1,
    "PasswordFormat": 0,
    "RedeemingPreferences": 0,
    "RemoteCommunication": 3,
    "SendTradePeriod": 0,
    "SteamLogin": null,
    "SteamMasterClanID": 0,
    "SteamParentalCode": null,
    "SteamPassword": null,
    "SteamTradeToken": null,
    "SteamUserPermissions": {},
    "TradeCheckPeriod": 60,
    "TradingPreferences": 0,
    "TransferableTypes": [1, 3, 5],
    "UseLoginKeys": true,
    "UserInterfaceMode": 0

Toutes les options sont expliquées ci-dessous :


bool avec la valeur par défaut false. When enabled, ASF will automatically accept and redeem all steam gifts (including wallet gift cards) sent to the bot. This includes also gifts sent from users other than those defined in SteamUserPermissions. Keep in mind that gifts sent to e-mail address are not directly forwarded to the client, so ASF won't accept those without your help.

This option is recommended only for alt accounts, as it's very likely that you don't want to automatically redeem all gifts sent to your primary account. Si vous ne savez pas si cette fonctionnalité doit être activée ou non, conservez-la avec la valeur par défaut false.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut 0. Cette fonction définit le comportement de type bot ASF lors de divers événements. Elle est définie comme suit:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 None No special bot behaviour, the least invasive mode, default
1 RejectInvalidFriendInvites Forcera ASF à rejeter (au lieu d'ignorer) des offres d'amitié non valides
2 RejectInvalidTrades Forcera ASF à rejeter (au lieu d'ignorer) des offres d'échange non valides
4 RejectInvalidGroupInvites Forcera ASF à rejeter (au lieu d'ignorer) des offres d'inclusion à un groupe non valides
8 DismissInventoryNotifications Will cause ASF to automatically dismiss all inventory notifications
16 MarkReceivedMessagesAsRead Will cause ASF to automatically mark all received messages as read
32 MarkBotMessagesAsRead Will cause ASF to automatically mark messages from other ASF bots (running in the same instance) as read

Veuillez noter que cette fonction est le champ flags, il est donc possible de choisir n’importe quelle combinaison de valeurs disponibles. Check out json mapping if you'd like to learn more. Si aucun indicateur n’est activé, l’option None est activée.

En général, vous souhaitez modifier cette fonction si vous attendez d'ASF une certaine automatisation liée à son activité, comme ce serait le cas d'un compte bot, mais pas d'un compte principal utilisé dans ASF. Par conséquent, la modification de cette fonction est particulièrement utile pour tout les comptes, bien que vous puissiez également utiliser les options sélectionnées pour les comptes principaux.

Normal (None) ASF behaviour is to only automate things that user wants (e.g. cards farming or SteamTradeMatcher offers processing, if set in TradingPreferences). Il s'agit du mode le moins invasif. Il est avantageux pour la majorité des utilisateurs, car vous gardez le contrôle total de votre compte et vous pouvez décider vous-même d'autoriser ou non certaines interactions hors de la portée.

Une invitation d'amis non valide est une invitation qui ne provient pas d'un utilisateur disposant de l'autorisation FamilySharing (défini dans SteamUserPermissions) ou supérieure. ASF en mode normal ignore ces invitations, comme vous vous en doutez, vous laissant le choix de les accepter ou non. RejectInvalidFriendInvites entraînera le rejet automatique de ces invitations, ce qui désactivera pratiquement l'option permettant à d'autres personnes de vous ajouter à leur liste d'amis (ASF refusant toutes ces demandes, à l'exception des personnes définies dans SteamUserPermissions). Si vous ne souhaitez pas refuser toutes les invitations d'amis, vous ne devez pas activer cette option.

Une offre commerciale non valide est une offre qui n'est pas acceptée via le module ASF intégré. Pour plus d'informations à ce sujet, reportez-vous à la section trading, qui définit explicitement les types de commerce que ASF est disposé à accepter automatiquement. Les transactions valides sont également définies par d'autres paramètres, notamment TradingPreferences. RejectInvalidTrades entraînera le rejet de toutes les offres commerciales non valides, au lieu de les ignorer. Si vous ne souhaitez pas refuser toutes les offres commerciales qui ne sont pas automatiquement acceptées par ASF, vous ne devez pas activer cette option.

Une invitation de groupe non valide est une invitation qui ne provient pas du groupe SteamMasterClanID. ASF en mode normal ignore ces invitations à un groupe, comme vous le souhaitez, vous permettant de décider vous-même si vous souhaitez rejoindre un groupe Steam particulier ou non. RejectInvalidGroupInvites entraînera le rejet automatique de toutes les invitations à un groupe, ce qui rendra impossible toute invitation à un autre groupe que SteamMasterClanID. Si vous ne souhaitez pas refuser toutes les invitations à un groupe, vous ne devez pas activer cette option.

DismissInventoryNotifications is extremely useful when you start getting annoyed by constant Steam notification about receiving new items. ASF can't get rid of the notification itself, as that's built-in into your Steam client, but it's able to automatically clear the notification after receiving it, which will no longer leave "new items in inventory" notification hanging around. If you expect to evaluate yourself all received items (especially cards farmed with ASF), then naturally you shouldn't enable this option. When you start going crazy, remember this is offered as an option.

MarkReceivedMessagesAsRead will automatically mark all messages being received by the account on which ASF is running, both private and group, as read. This typically should be used by alt accounts only in order to clear "new message" notification coming e.g. from you during executing ASF commands. We do not recommend this option for primary accounts, unless you want to cut yourself from any kind of new messages notifications, including those that happened while you were offline, assuming that ASF was still left open dismissing it.

MarkBotMessagesAsRead works in a similar manner by marking only bot messages as read. However, keep in mind that when using that option on group chats with your bots and other people, Steam implementation of acknowledging chat message also acknowledges all messages that happened before the one you decided to mark, so if by any chance you don't want to miss unrelated message that happened in-between, you typically want to avoid using this feature. Obviously, it's also risky when you have multiple primary accounts (e.g. from different users) running in the same ASF instance, as you can also miss their normal out-of-ASF messages.

Si vous ne savez pas comment configurer cette option, il est préférable de la laisser par défaut.


ImmutableHashSet<byte> avec la valeur par défaut étant vide. When ASF is done with completing a given set of item types specified here, it can automatically send steam trade with all finished sets to the user with Master permission, which is very convenient if you'd like to utilize given bot account for e.g. STM matching, while moving finished sets to some other account. This option works the same as loot command, therefore keep in mind that it requires user with Master permission set, you may also need a valid SteamTradeToken, as well as using an account that is eligible for trading in the first place.

As of today, the following item types are supported in this setting:

Valeur  Nom Description
3 FoilTradingCard Variante brillante de TradingCard
5 Carte à échanger Carte Steam à échanger, utilisée dans la fabrication de badges (non-brillants)

Please note that regardless of the settings above, ASF will only ask for Steam community items (appID of 753, contextID of 6), so all game items, gifts and likewise, are excluded from the trade offer by definition.

Due to additional overhead of using this option, it's recommended to use it only on bot accounts that have a realistic chance of finishing sets on their own - for example, it makes no sense to activate if you're already using SendOnFarmingFinished preference in FarmingPreferences, SendTradePeriod or loot command on usual basis.

Si vous ne savez pas comment configurer cette option, il est préférable de la laisser par défaut.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. When ASF is farming, it can display itself as "Playing non-steam game: CustomGamePlayedWhileFarming" instead of currently farmed game. This can be useful if you would like to let your friends know that you're farming, yet you don't want to use OnlineStatus of Offline. Please note that ASF cannot guarantee the actual display order of Steam network, therefore this is only a suggestion that may, or may not, display properly. In particular, custom name will not display in Complex farming algorithm if ASF fills all 32 slots with games requiring hours to be bumped. Default value of null disables this feature.

ASF provides a few special variables that you can optionally use in your text. {0} will be replaced by ASF with AppID of currently farmed game(s), while {1} will be replaced by ASF with GameName of currently farmed game(s).


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. Similar to CustomGamePlayedWhileFarming, but for the situation when ASF has nothing to do (as account is fully farmed). Please note that ASF cannot guarantee the actual display order of Steam network, therefore this is only a suggestion that may, or may not, display properly. If you're using GamesPlayedWhileIdle together with this option, then keep in mind that GamesPlayedWhileIdle get priority, therefore you can't declare more than 31 of them, as otherwise CustomGamePlayedWhileIdle will not be able to occupy the slot for custom name. Default value of null disables this feature.


bool avec la valeur par défaut false. Cette propriété définit si le bot est activé. Enabled bot instance (true) will automatically start on ASF run, while disabled bot instance (false) will need to be started manually. By default every bot is disabled, so you probably want to switch this property to true for all of your bots that should be started automatically.


ImmutableList<byte> type with default value of being empty. This property defines the preferred farming order used by ASF for given bot account. Currently there are following farming orders available:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 Unordered No sorting, slightly improving CPU performance
1 AppIDsAscending Try to farm games with lowest appIDs first
2 AppIDsDescending Try to farm games with highest appIDs first
3 CardDropsAscending Try to farm games with lowest number of card drops remaining first
4 CardDropsDescending Try to farm games with highest number of card drops remaining first
5 HoursAscending Try to farm games with lowest number of hours played first
6 HoursDescending Try to farm games with highest number of hours played first
7 NamesAscending Try to farm games in alphabetical order, starting from A
8 NamesDescending Try to farm games in reverse alphabetical order, starting from Z
9 Random Try to farm games in totally random order (different on each run of the program)
10 BadgeLevelsAscending Try to farm games with lowest badge levels first
11 BadgeLevelsDescending Try to farm games with highest badge levels first
12 RedeemDateTimesAscending Try to farm oldest games on our account first
13 RedeemDateTimesDescending Try to farm newest games on our account first
14 MarketableAscending Try to farm games with unmarketable card drops first
15 MarketableDescending Try to farm games with marketable card drops first

Since this property is an array, it allows you to use several different settings in your fixed order. For example, you can include values of 15, 11 and 7 in order to sort by marketable games first, then by those with highest badge level, and finally alphabetically. As you can guess, the order actually matters, as reverse one (7, 11 and 15) achieves something entirely different (sorts games alphabetically first, and due to game names being unique, the other two are effectively useless). Majority of people will probably use just one order out of all of them, but in case you want to, you can also sort further by extra parameters.

Also notice the word "try" in all above descriptions - the actual ASF order is heavily affected by selected cards farming algorithm and sorting will affect only results that ASF considers same performance-wise. For example, in Simple algorithm, selected FarmingOrders should be entirely respected in current farming session (as every game has the same performance value), while in Complex algorithm actual order is affected by hours first, and then sorted according to chosen FarmingOrders. This will lead to different results, as games with existing playtime will have a priority over others, so effectively ASF will prefer games that already passed required HoursUntilCardDrops firstly, and only then sorting those games further by your chosen FarmingOrders. Likewise, once ASF runs out of already-bumped games, it'll sort remaining queue by hours first (as that will decrease time required for bumping any of remaining titles to HoursUntilCardDrops). Therefore, this config property is only a suggestion that ASF will try to respect, as long as it doesn't affect performance negatively (in this case, ASF will always prefer farming performance over FarmingOrders).

There is also farming priority queue that is accessible through fq commands. If it's used, actual farming order is sorted firstly by performance, then by farming queue, and finally by your FarmingOrders.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property defines ASF behaviour related to farming, and is defined as below:

Valeur  Nom
0 None
1 FarmingPausedByDefault
2 ShutdownOnFarmingFinished
4 SendOnFarmingFinished
8 FarmPriorityQueueOnly
16 SkipRefundableGames
32 SkipUnplayedGames
64 EnableRiskyCardsDiscovery
128 AutoSteamSaleEvent
256 AutoUnpackBoosterPacks

Veuillez noter que cette fonction est le champ flags, il est donc possible de choisir n’importe quelle combinaison de valeurs disponibles. Check out json mapping if you'd like to learn more. Si aucun indicateur n’est activé, l’option None est activée.

All of the options are described below.

FarmingPausedByDefault defines initial state of CardsFarmer module. Normally bot will automatically start farming when it's started, either because of Enabled or start command. Using FarmingPausedByDefault can be used if you want to manually resume automatic farming process, for example because you want to use play all the time and never use automatic CardsFarmer module - this works exactly the same as pause command.

ShutdownOnFarmingFinished allows you to shutdown bot once it's done farming. Normally ASF is "occupying" an account for the whole time of process being active. When given account is done with farming, ASF periodically checks it (every IdleFarmingPeriod hours), if perhaps some new games with steam cards were added in the meantime, so it can resume farming of that account without a need to restart the process. This is useful for majority of people, as ASF can automatically resume farming when needed. However, you may actually want to stop the process when given account is fully farmed, you can achieve that by using this flag. When enabled, ASF will proceed with logging off when account is fully farmed, which means that it won't be periodically checked or occupied anymore. You should decide yourself if you prefer ASF to work on given bot instance for the whole time, or if perhaps ASF should stop it when farming process is done.

This option makes the most sense to be combined with ShutdownIfPossible, so when all accounts are stopped, ASF will shutdown as well, putting your machine at rest and allowing you to schedule other actions, such as sleep or shutdown at the same moment of last card dropping.

SendOnFarmingFinished allows you to automatically send steam trade containing everything farmed up to this point to user with Master permission, which is very convenient if you don't want to bother with trades yourself. This option works the same as loot command, therefore keep in mind that it requires user with Master permission set, you may also need a valid SteamTradeToken, as well as using an account that is eligible for trading in the first place. In addition to initiating loot after finishing farming, ASF will also initiate loot on each new items notification (when not farming), and after completing each trade that results in new items (always) when this option is active. This is especially useful for "forwarding" items received from other people to our account. Typically you'll want to use ASF 2FA together with this feature, although it's not a requirement if you intend to handle 2FA confirmations manually in timely fashion.

FarmPriorityQueueOnly defines if ASF should consider for automatic farming only apps that you added yourself to priority farming queue available with fq commands. When this option is enabled, ASF will skip all appIDs that are missing on the list, effectively allowing you to cherry-pick games for automatic ASF farming. Keep in mind that if you didn't add any games to the queue then ASF will act as if there is nothing to farm on your account.

SkipRefundableGames defines if ASF should skip games that are still refundable from automatic farming. A refundable game is a game that you bought in last 2 weeks through Steam Store and didn't play for longer than 2 hours yet, as stated on Steam refunds page. By default, ASF ignores Steam refunds policy entirely and farms everything, as most people would expect. However, you can use this flag if you want to ensure that ASF won't farm any of your refundable games too soon, allowing you to evaluate those games yourself and refund if needed without worrying about ASF affecting playtime negatively. Please note that if you enable this option then games you purchased from Steam Store won't be farmed by ASF for up to 14 days since redeem date, which will show as nothing to farm if your account doesn't own anything else.

SkipUnplayedGames defines if ASF should skip games that you didn't launch yet. Unplayed game in this context means that you have exactly no playtime recorded for it on Steam. If you use this flag, then such games will be skipped until Steam registers any playtime for them. This allows you to control better which games ASF is eligible to farm, skipping those that you didn't have a chance of trying out yet, keeping selected Steam features more useful - such as suggesting unplayed games to play.

EnableRiskyCardsDiscovery enables additional fallback which triggers when ASF is unable to load one or more of badge pages and is therefore unable to find games available for farming. In particular, some accounts with massive amount of card drops might cause a situation where loading badge pages is no longer possible (due to overhead), and those accounts are impossible for farming purely because we can't load the information based on which we can start the process. For those handful cases, this option allows alternative algorithm to be used, which uses a combination of boosters possible to craft and booster packs the account is eligible for, in order to find potentially available games to idle, then spending excessive amount of resources for verifying and fetching required information, and attempting to start the process of farming on limited amount of data and information in order to eventually reach a situation when badge page loads and we'll be able to use normal approach. Please note that when this fallback is used, ASF operates only with limited data, therefore it's completely normal for ASF to find much less drops than in reality - other drops will be found at later stage of farming process.

This option is called "risky" for a very good reason - it's extremely slow and requires significant amount of resources (including network requests) for operation, therefore it's not recommended to be enabled, and especially in long-term. You should use this option only if you previously determined that your account suffers from being unable to load badge pages and ASF can't operate on it, always failing to load necessary information to start the process. Even if we made our best to optimize the process as much as possible, it's still possible for this option to backfire, and it might cause unwanted outcomes, such as temporary and maybe even permanent bans from Steam side for sending too many requests and otherwise causing overhead on Steam servers. Therefore, we warn you in advance and we're offering this option with absolutely no guarantees, you're using it at your own risk.

AutoSteamSaleEvent allows you to claim additional cards during Steam summer/winter sale events from browsing discovery queue each day. When this option is enabled, ASF will automatically check Steam discovery queue each 8 hours (starting in one hour since program start), and clear it if needed. Cette option n'est pas recommandée si vous souhaitez effectuer cette action vous-même et ne doit normalement avoir de sens que sur des comptes bot. Veuillez noter qu'en raison de problèmes, modifications et problèmes constants liés à Steam, nous ne donnons aucune garantie sur le bon fonctionnement de cette fonction. Il est donc tout à fait possible que cette option ne fonctionne pas du tout . Nous n'acceptons pas les rapports de bugs, ni les demandes d'assistance pour cette option. Il est offert avec aucune garantie, vous l'utilisez à vos risques et périls.

AutoUnpackBoosterPacks will automatically unpack all booster packs upon receiving new items notification. This will allow you to immediately acquire additional card drops, which might be wanted scenario especially in combination with other options (e.g. SteamTradeMatcher or CompleteTypesToSend).


ImmutableHashSet<uint> avec la valeur par défaut étant vide. If ASF has nothing to farm it can play your specified steam games (appIDs) instead. Playing games in such manner increases your "hours played" of those games, but nothing else apart of it. In order for this feature to work properly, your Steam account must own a valid license to all the appIDs that you specify here, this includes F2P games as well. This feature can be enabled at the same time with CustomGamePlayedWhileIdle in order to play your selected games while showing custom status in Steam network, but in this case, like in CustomGamePlayedWhileFarming case, the actual display order is not guaranteed. Please note that Steam allows ASF to play only up to 32 appIDs total, therefore you can put only as many games in this property.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 3. This property defines if account has card drops restricted, and if yes, for how many initial hours. Restricted card drops means that account is not receiving any card drops from given game until the game is played for at least HoursUntilCardDrops hours. Unfortunately there is no magical way to detect that, so ASF relies on you. This property affects cards farming algorithm that will be used. Setting this property properly will maximize profits and minimize time required for cards to be farmed. Remember that there is no obvious answer whether you should use one or another value, since it fully depends on your account. It seems that older accounts which never asked for refund have unrestricted card drops, so they should use a value of 0, while new accounts and those who did ask for refund have restricted card drops with a value of 3. This is however only theory, and should not be taken as a rule. The default value for this property was set based on "lesser evil" and majority of use cases.


ImmutableHashSet<byte> type with default value of 1, 3, 5 steam item types. This property defines ASF behaviour when looting - both manual, using a command, as well as automatic one, through one or more configuration properties. ASF will ensure that only items from LootableTypes will be included in a trade offer, therefore this property allows you to choose what you want to receive in a trade offer that is being sent to you.

Valeur  Nom Description
0 Unknown Tous les types qui ne correspondent à aucun des éléments ci-dessous
1 BoosterPack Paquet de cartes contenant 3 cartes aléatoires d'un jeu
2 Emoticon Emoji à utiliser dans le chat Steam
3 FoilTradingCard Variante brillante de TradingCard
4 ProfileBackground Fond d'écran à utiliser sur votre profil Steam
5 Carte à échanger Carte Steam à échanger, utilisée dans la fabrication de badges (non-brillants)
6 SteamGems Gemmes Steam utilisés dans la fabrication des paquets de cartes, sacs de gemmes inclus
7 SaleItem Articles spéciaux attribués lors des soldes Steam
8 Consumable Articles consommables spéciaux qui disparaissent après avoir été utilisés
9 ProfileModifier Articles spéciaux qui peuvent modifier l'apparence du profil Steam
10 Sticker Special items that can be used on Steam chat
11 ChatEffect Special items that can be used on Steam chat
12 MiniProfileBackground Special background for Steam profile
13 AvatarProfileFrame Special avatar frame for Steam profile
14 AnimatedAvatar Special animated avatar for Steam profile
15 KeyboardSkin Special keyboard skin for Steam deck
16 StartupVideo Special startup video for Steam deck

Please note that regardless of the settings above, ASF will only ask for Steam community items (appID of 753, contextID of 6), so all game items, gifts and likewise, are excluded from the trade offer by definition.

Default ASF setting is based on the most common usage of the bot, with looting only booster packs, and trading cards (including foils). The property defined here allows you to alter that behaviour in whatever way that satisfies you. Please keep in mind that all types not defined above will show as Unknown type, which is especially important when Valve releases some new Steam item, that will be marked as Unknown by ASF as well, until it's added here (in the future release). That's why in general it's not recommended to include Unknown type in your LootableTypes, unless you know what you're doing, and you also understand that ASF will send your entire inventory in a trade offer if Steam Network gets broken again and reports all your items as Unknown. My strong suggestion is to not include Unknown type in the LootableTypes, even if you expect to loot everything (else).


ImmutableHashSet<byte> type with default value of 5 Steam item types. This property defines which Steam item types are permitted to be matched when SteamTradeMatcher option in TradingPreferences is enabled. Types are defined as below:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 Unknown Tous les types qui ne correspondent à aucun des éléments ci-dessous
1 BoosterPack Paquet de cartes contenant 3 cartes aléatoires d'un jeu
2 Emoticon Emoji à utiliser dans le chat Steam
3 FoilTradingCard Variante brillante de TradingCard
4 ProfileBackground Fond d'écran à utiliser sur votre profil Steam
5 Carte à échanger Carte Steam à échanger, utilisée dans la fabrication de badges (non-brillants)
6 SteamGems Gemmes Steam utilisés dans la fabrication des paquets de cartes, sacs de gemmes inclus
7 SaleItem Articles spéciaux attribués lors des soldes Steam
8 Consumable Articles consommables spéciaux qui disparaissent après avoir été utilisés
9 ProfileModifier Articles spéciaux qui peuvent modifier l'apparence du profil Steam
10 Sticker Special items that can be used on Steam chat
11 ChatEffect Special items that can be used on Steam chat
12 MiniProfileBackground Special background for Steam profile
13 AvatarProfileFrame Special avatar frame for Steam profile
14 AnimatedAvatar Special animated avatar for Steam profile
15 KeyboardSkin Special keyboard skin for Steam deck
16 StartupVideo Special startup video for Steam deck

Of course, types that you should use for this property typically include only 2, 3, 4 and 5, as only those types are supported by STM. ASF includes proper logic for discovering rarity of the items, therefore it's also safe to match emoticons or backgrounds, as ASF will properly consider fair only those items from the same game and type, that also share the same rarity.

Please note that ASF is not a trading bot and will NOT care about the market price. If you don't consider items of the same rarity from the same set to be the same price-wise, then this option is NOT for you. Please evaluate twice if you understand and agree with this statement before you decide to change this setting.

Unless you know what you're doing, you should keep it with default value of 5.


ushort flags type with default value of 0. This property works as supplement to OnlineStatus and specifies additional online presence features announced to Steam network. Requires OnlineStatus other than Offline, and is defined as below:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 None No special online presence flags, default
256 ClientTypeWeb Client is using web interface
512 ClientTypeMobile Client is using mobile app
1024 ClientTypeTenfoot Client is using big picture
2048 ClientTypeVR Client is using VR headset

Veuillez noter que cette fonction est le champ flags, il est donc possible de choisir n’importe quelle combinaison de valeurs disponibles. Check out json mapping if you'd like to learn more. Si aucun indicateur n’est activé, l’option None est activée.

The underlying EPersonaStateFlag type that this property is based on includes more available flags, however, to the best of our knowledge they have absolutely no effect as of today, therefore they were cut for visibility.

Si vous n'êtes pas sur du réglage de cette propriété, laissez-la à la valeur par défaut de 0.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property can enable some additional online features on the Steam platform, and is defined as below:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 None No special online preferences, default
1 IsSteamDeck Present itself as Steam Deck

Veuillez noter que cette fonction est le champ flags, il est donc possible de choisir n’importe quelle combinaison de valeurs disponibles. Check out json mapping if you'd like to learn more. Si aucun indicateur n’est activé, l’option None est activée.

Si vous n'êtes pas sur du réglage de cette propriété, laissez-la à la valeur par défaut de 0.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 1. This property specifies Steam community status that the bot will be announced with after logging in to Steam network. Currently you can choose one of below statuses:

Valeur  Nom
0 Hors ligne
1 En ligne
2 Busy
3 Away
4 Snooze
5 LookingToTrade
6 LookingToPlay
7 Invisible

Offline status is extremely useful for primary accounts. As you should know, farming a game actually shows your steam status as "Playing game: XXX", which can be misleading to your friends, confusing them that you're playing a game while actually you're only farming it. Using Offline status solves that issue - your account will never be shown as "in-game" when you're farming steam cards with ASF. This is possible thanks to the fact that ASF does not have to sign in into Steam Community in order to work properly, so we're in fact playing those games, connected to Steam network, but without announcing our online presence at all. Keep in mind that played games using offline status will still count towards your playtime, and show as "recently played" on your profile.

In addition to that, this feature is also important if you want to receive notifications and unread messages when ASF is running, while not keeping Steam client open at the same time. This is because ASF acts as a Steam client itself, and whether ASF would like it or not, Steam broadcasts all those messages and other events to it. This is not a problem if you have both ASF and your own Steam client running, as both clients receive exactly the same events. However, if just ASF is running, Steam network could mark certain events and messages as "delivered", despite of your traditional Steam client not receiving it due to not being present. Offline status also solves this problem, as ASF is never considered for any community events in this case, so all unread messages and other events will be properly marked as unread when you come back.

It's important to note that ASF running on Offline mode will not be able to receive commands in usual Steam chat way, as the chat, as well as entire community presence is in fact, entirely offline. A solution to this issue is using Invisible mode instead which works in a similar way (not exposing status), but keeps the ability to receive and respond to messages (so also a potential to dismiss notifications and unread messages as stated above). Invisible mode makes the most sense on alt accounts that you don't want to expose (status-wise), but still be able to send commands to.

However, there is one catch with Invisible mode - it doesn't go well with primary accounts. This is because any Steam session that is currently online exposes the status, even if ASF itself does not. This is caused by the current limitation/bug of the Steam network that isn't possible to be fixed on ASF side, so if you want to use Invisible mode you will also need to ensure that all other sessions to the same account use Invisible mode as well. This will be the case on alt accounts where ASF is hopefully the only active session, but on primary accounts you'll almost always prefer to show as Online to your friends, hiding only ASF activity, and in this case Invisible mode will be entirely useless for you (we recommend to use Offline mode instead). Hopefully this limitation/bug will be eventually solved in the future by Valve, but I wouldn't expect that to happen anytime soon...

If you're unsure how to set up this property, it's recommended to use a value of 0 (Offline) for primary accounts, and default 1 (Online) otherwise.


byte type with default value of 0 (PlainText). This property defines the format of SteamPassword property, and currently supports values specified in the security section. You should follow the instructions specified there, as you'll need to ensure that SteamPassword property indeed includes password in matching PasswordFormat. In other words, when you change PasswordFormat then your SteamPassword should be already in that format, not just aiming to be. Unless you know what you're doing, you should keep it with default value of 0.

If you decide to change PasswordFormat of a bot that has already logged in to Steam network at least once, it's possible that you'll get one-time decrypt error on the next bot's start - this is caused by the fact that PasswordFormat is also used in regards to automatic encryption/decryption of sensitive properties in Bot.db database file. You can safely ignore that error, as ASF will be able to recover from this situation on its own. If it's happening on constant basis though, e.g. each restart, it should be investigated.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property defines ASF behaviour when redeeming cd-keys, and is defined as below:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 Aucune No special redeeming preferences, default
1 Forwarding Forward keys unavailable to redeem to other bots
2 Distributing Distribute all keys among itself and other bots
4 KeepMissingGames Keep keys for (potentially) missing games when forwarding, leaving them unused
8 AssumeWalletKeyOnBadActivationCode Assume that BadActivationCode keys are equal to CannotRedeemCodeFromClient, and therefore try to redeem them as wallet keys

Veuillez noter que cette fonction est le champ flags, il est donc possible de choisir n’importe quelle combinaison de valeurs disponibles. Check out json mapping if you'd like to learn more. Si aucun indicateur n’est activé, l’option None est activée.

Forwarding will cause bot to forward a key that is not possible to redeem, to another connected and logged on bot that is missing that particular game (if possible to check). The most common situation is forwarding AlreadyPurchased game to another bot that is missing that particular game, but this option also covers other scenarios, such as DoesNotOwnRequiredApp, RateLimited or RestrictedCountry.

Distributing will cause bot to distribute all received keys among itself and other bots. This means that every bot will get a single key from the batch. Typically this is used only when you're redeeming many keys for the same game, and you want to evenly distribute them among your bots, as opposed to redeeming keys for various different games. This feature makes no sense if you're redeeming only one key in a single redeem action (as there are no extra keys to be distributed).

KeepMissingGames will cause bot to skip Forwarding when we can't be sure if key being redeemed is in fact owned by our bot, or not. This basically means that Forwarding will apply only to AlreadyPurchased keys, instead of covering also other cases such as DoesNotOwnRequiredApp, RateLimited or RestrictedCountry. Typically you want to use this option on primary account, to ensure that keys being redeemed on it won't be forwarded further if your bot for example becomes temporarily RateLimited. As you can guess from the description, this field has absolutely no effect if Forwarding is not enabled.

AssumeWalletKeyOnBadActivationCode will cause BadActivationCode keys to be treated as CannotRedeemCodeFromClient, and therefore result in ASF trying to redeem them as wallet keys. This is needed because Steam might announce wallet keys as BadActivationCode (and not CannotRedeemCodeFromClient as it used to), resulting in ASF never attempting to redeem them. However, we recommend against using this preference, as it'll result in ASF trying to redeem every invalid key as a wallet code, resulting in excessive amount of (potentially invalid) requests sent to the Steam service, with all the potential consequences. Instead, we recommend to use ForceAssumeWalletKey redeem^ mode while knowingly redeeming wallet keys, which will enable the needed workaround only when it's required, on as-needed basis.

Enabling both Forwarding and Distributing will add distributing feature on top of forwarding one, which makes ASF trying to redeem one key on all bots firstly (forwarding) before moving to the next one (distributing). Typically you want to use this option only when you want Forwarding, but with altered behaviour of switching the bot on key being used, instead of always going in-order with every key (which would be Forwarding alone). This behaviour can be beneficial if you know that majority or even all of your keys are tied to the same game, because in this situation Forwarding alone would try to redeem everything on one bot firstly (which makes sense if your keys are for unique games), and Forwarding + Distributing will switch the bot on the next key, "distributing" the task of redeeming new key onto another bot than the initial one (which makes sense if keys are for the same game, skipping one pointless attempt per key).

The actual bots order for all of the redeeming scenarios is alphabetical, excluding bots that are unavailable (not connected, stopped or likewise). Please keep in mind that there is per-IP and per-account hourly limit of redeeming tries, and every redeem try that didn't end with OK contributes to failed tries. ASF will do its best to minimize number of AlreadyPurchased failures, e.g. by trying to avoid forwarding a key to another bot that already owns that particular game, but it's not always guaranteed to work due to how Steam is handling licenses. Using redeeming flags such as Forwarding or Distributing will always increase your likelyhood to hit RateLimited.

Also keep in mind that you can't forward or distribute keys to bots that you do not have access to. This should be obvious, but ensure that you're at least Operator of all the bots you want to include in your redeeming process, for example with status ASF command.


byte flags avec la valeur par défaut 3. This property defines per-bot ASF behaviour when it comes to communication with remote, third-party services, and is defined as below:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 None No allowed third-party communication, rendering selected ASF features unusable
1 SteamGroup Allows communication with ASF's Steam group
2 PublicListing Allows communication with ASF's STM listing in order to being listed, if user has also enabled SteamTradeMatcher in TradingPreferences

Veuillez noter que cette fonction est le champ flags, il est donc possible de choisir n’importe quelle combinaison de valeurs disponibles. Check out json mapping if you'd like to learn more. Si aucun indicateur n’est activé, l’option None est activée.

This option doesn't include every third-party communication offered by ASF, only those that are not implied by other settings. For example, if you've enabled ASF's auto-updates, ASF will communicate with both GitHub (for downloads) and our server (for checksum verification), as per your configuration. Likewise, enabling MatchActively in TradingPreferences implies communication with our server to fetch listed bots, which is required for that functionality.

Further explanation on this subject is available in remote communication section. Sauf si vous avez une raison de modifier cette fonction, vous devez la conserver par défaut.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property works very similar to SendOnFarmingFinished preference in FarmingPreferences, with one difference - instead of sending trade when farming is done, we can also send it every SendTradePeriod hours, regardless of how much we have to farm left. This is useful if you want to loot your alt accounts on usual basis instead of waiting for it to finish farming. Default value of 0 disables this feature, if you want your bot to send you trade e.g. every day, you should put 24 here.

Typically you'll want to use ASF 2FA together with this feature, although it's not a requirement if you intend to handle 2FA confirmations manually in timely fashion. Si vous n'êtes pas sur du réglage de cette propriété, laissez-la à la valeur par défaut de 0.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. This property defines your steam login - the one you use for logging in to steam. In addition to defining steam login here, you may also keep default value of null if you want to enter your steam login on each ASF startup instead of putting it in the config. This may be useful for you if you don't want to save sensitive data in config file.


ulong avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property defines the steamID of the steam group that bot should automatically join, including its group chat. You can check steamID of your group by navigating to its page, then adding /memberslistxml?xml=1 to the end of the link, so the link will look like this. Then you can get steamID of your group from the result, it's in <groupID64> tag. In above example it would be 103582791440160998. In addition to trying to join given group at startup, the bot will also automatically accept group invites to this group, which makes it possible for you to invite your bot manually if your group has private membership. If you don't have any group dedicated for your bots, you should keep this property with default value of 0.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. This property defines your steam parental PIN. ASF requires an access to resources protected by steam parental, therefore if you use that feature, you should provide ASF with parental unlock PIN, so it can operate normally. Default value of null means that there is no steam parental PIN required to unlock this account, and this is probably what you want if you don't use steam parental functionality.

In limited circumstances, ASF is also able to generate a valid Steam parental code itself, although that requires excessive amount of OS resources and additional time to complete, not to mention that it's not guaranteed to succeed, therefore we recommend to not rely on that feature and instead put valid SteamParentalCode in the config for ASF to use. If ASF determines that PIN is required, and it'll be unable to generate one on its own, it'll ask you for input.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. This property defines your steam password - the one you use for logging in to steam. In addition to defining steam password here, you may also keep default value of null if you want to enter your steam password on each ASF startup instead of putting it in the config. This may be useful for you if you don't want to save sensitive data in config file.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut null. When you have your bot on your friend list, then bot can send a trade to you right away without worrying about trade token, therefore you can leave this property at default value of null. If you however decide to NOT have your bot on your friend list, then you will need to generate and fill a trade token as the user that this bot is expecting to send trades to. In other words, this property should be filled with trade token of the account that is defined with Master permission in SteamUserPermissions of this bot instance.

In order to find your token, as logged in user with Master permission, navigate here and take a look at your trade URL. The token we're looking for is made out of 8 characters after &token= part in your trade URL. You should copy and put those 8 characters here, as SteamTradeToken. Do not include whole trading URL, neither &token= part, only the token itself (8 characters).


ImmutableDictionary<ulong, byte> type with default value of being empty. This property is a dictionary property which maps given Steam user identified by his 64-bit steam ID, to byte number that specifies his permission in ASF instance. Currently available bot permissions in ASF are defined as:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 None No special permission, this is mainly a reference value that is assigned to steam IDs missing in this dictionary - there is no need to define anybody with this permission
1 PartageFamilial Provides minimum access for family sharing users. Once again, this is mainly a reference value since ASF is capable of automatically discovering steam IDs that we permitted for using our library
2 Opérateur Provides basic access to given bot instances, mainly adding licenses and redeeming keys
3 Maître Provides full access to given bot instance

In short, this property allows you to handle permissions for given users. Permissions are important mainly for access to ASF commands, but also for enabling many ASF features, such as accepting trades. For example you may want to set your own account as Master, and give Operator access to 2-3 of your friends so they can easily redeem keys for your bot with ASF, while not being eligible e.g. for stopping it. Thanks to that you can easily assign permissions to given users and let them use your bot to some specified by you degree.

We recommend to set exactly one user as Master, and any amount you wish as Operators and below. While it's technically possible to set multiple Masters and ASF will work correctly with them, for example by accepting all of their trades sent to the bot, ASF will use only one of them (with lowest steam ID) for every action that requires a single target, for example a loot request, so also properties like SendOnFarmingFinished preference in FarmingPreferences or SendTradePeriod. If you perfectly understand those limitations, especially the fact that loot request will always send items to the Master with lowest steam ID, regardless of the Master that actually executed the command, then you can define multiple users with Master permission here, but we still recommend a single master scheme.

It's nice to note that there is one more extra Owner permission, which is declared as SteamOwnerID global config property. You can't assign Owner permission to anybody here, as SteamUserPermissions property defines only permissions that are related to the bot instance, and not ASF as a process. For bot-related tasks, SteamOwnerID is treated the same as Master, so defining your SteamOwnerID here is not necessary.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 60. Normally ASF handles incoming trade offers right after receiving notification about one, but sometimes because of Steam glitches it can't do it at that time, and such trade offers remain ignored until next trade notification or bot restart occurs, which may lead to trades being cancelled or items not available at that later time. If this parameter is set to a non-zero value, ASF will additionally check for such outstanding trades every TradeCheckPeriod minutes. Default value is selected with balance between additional requests to steam servers and losing incoming trades in mind. However, if you are just using ASF to farm cards, and don't plan to automatically process any incoming trades, you may set it to 0 to disable this feature completely. On the other hand, if your bot participates in public ASF's STM listing or provides other automated services as a trade bot, you may want to decrease this parameter to 15 minutes or so, to process all trades in a timely manner.


chaîne avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property defines ASF behaviour when in trading, and is defined as below:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 None No special trading preferences, default
1 AcceptDonations Accepts trades in which we're not losing anything
2 SteamTradeMatcher Passively participates in STM-like trades. Consultez trading pour plus de détails
4 MatchEverything Requires SteamTradeMatcher to be set, and in combination with it - also accepts bad trades in addition to good and neutral ones
8 DontAcceptBotTrades Doesn't automatically accept loot trades from other bot instances
16 MatchActively Actively participates in STM-like trades. Visit ItemsMatcherPlugin for more info

Veuillez noter que cette fonction est le champ flags, il est donc possible de choisir n’importe quelle combinaison de valeurs disponibles. Check out json mapping if you'd like to learn more. Si aucun indicateur n’est activé, l’option None est activée.

For further explanation of ASF trading logic, and description of every available flag, please visit trading section.


ImmutableHashSet<byte> type with default value of 1, 3, 5 steam item types. This property defines which Steam item types will be considered for transfering between bots, during transfer command. ASF will ensure that only items from TransferableTypes will be included in a trade offer, therefore this property allows you to choose what you want to receive in a trade offer that is being sent to one of your bots.

Valeur  Nom Description
0 Unknown Tous les types qui ne correspondent à aucun des éléments ci-dessous
1 BoosterPack Paquet de cartes contenant 3 cartes aléatoires d'un jeu
2 Emoticon Emoji à utiliser dans le chat Steam
3 FoilTradingCard Variante brillante de TradingCard
4 ProfileBackground Fond d'écran à utiliser sur votre profil Steam
5 Carte à échanger Carte Steam à échanger, utilisée dans la fabrication de badges (non-brillants)
6 SteamGems Gemmes Steam utilisés dans la fabrication des paquets de cartes, sacs de gemmes inclus
7 SaleItem Articles spéciaux attribués lors des soldes Steam
8 Consumable Articles consommables spéciaux qui disparaissent après avoir été utilisés
9 ProfileModifier Articles spéciaux qui peuvent modifier l'apparence du profil Steam
10 Sticker Special items that can be used on Steam chat
11 ChatEffect Special items that can be used on Steam chat
12 MiniProfileBackground Special background for Steam profile
13 AvatarProfileFrame Special avatar frame for Steam profile
14 AnimatedAvatar Special animated avatar for Steam profile
15 KeyboardSkin Special keyboard skin for Steam deck
16 StartupVideo Special startup video for Steam deck

Please note that regardless of the settings above, ASF will only ask for Steam community items (appID of 753, contextID of 6), so all game items, gifts and likewise, are excluded from the trade offer by definition.

Default ASF setting is based on the most common usage of the bot, with transfering only booster packs, and trading cards (including foils). The property defined here allows you to alter that behaviour in whatever way that satisfies you. Please keep in mind that all types not defined above will show as Unknown type, which is especially important when Valve releases some new Steam item, that will be marked as Unknown by ASF as well, until it's added here (in the future release). That's why in general it's not recommended to include Unknown type in your TransferableTypes, unless you know what you're doing, and you also understand that ASF will send your entire inventory in a trade offer if Steam Network gets broken again and reports all your items as Unknown. My strong suggestion is to not include Unknown type in the TransferableTypes, even if you expect to transfer everything.


bool avec la valeur par défaut true</ 0>. This property defines if ASF should use login keys mechanism for this Steam account. Login keys mechanism works very similar to official Steam client's "remember me" option, which makes it possible for ASF to store and use temporary one-time use login key for next logon attempt, effectively skipping a need of providing password, Steam Guard or 2FA code as long as our login key is valid. Login key is stored in <code>BotName.db file and updated automatically. This is why you don't need to provide password/SteamGuard/2FA code after logging in successfully with ASF just once.

Login keys are used by default for your convenience, so you don't need to input SteamPassword, SteamGuard or 2FA code (when not using ASF 2FA) on each login. It's also superior alternative since login key can be used only for a single time and does not reveal your original password in any way. Exactly the same method is being used by your original Steam client, which saves your account name and login key for your next logon attempt, effectively being the same as using SteamLogin with UseLoginKeys and empty SteamPassword in ASF.

However, some people could be concerned even about this little detail, therefore this option is available here for you if you'd like to ensure that ASF won't store any kind of token that would allow resuming previous session after being closed, which will result in full authentication being mandatory on each login attempt. Disabling this option will work exactly the same as not checking "remember me" in official Steam client. Unless you know what you're doing, you should keep it with default value of true.


byte avec la valeur par défaut 0. This property specifies user interface mode that the bot will be announced with after logging in to the Steam network. It might influence how the account is visible e.g. on the Steam chat, if your presence allows that through OnlineStatus. Currently you can choose one of below modes:

Valeur  Nom Description
0 VGUI Default Steam client mode
1 Tenfoot Big picture mode
2 Mobile Steam mobile app
3 Web Web browser session
4 ClientUI
5 MobileChat Steam mobile chat app
6 EmbeddedClient

Not all modes might have an effect. Also, you might be interested in checking OnlinePreferences, since some additional features are enabled there. Si vous n'êtes pas sur du réglage de cette propriété, laissez-la à la valeur par défaut de 0.

Structures des répertoires

ASF utilise une structure de fichier assez simple.

├── 📁 config
│     ├── ASF.json
│     ├── ASF.db
│     ├── Bot1.json
│     ├── Bot1.db
│     ├── Bot2.json
│     ├── Bot2.db
│     └── ...
├── ArchiSteamFarm.dll
├── log.txt
└── ...

In order to move ASF to new location, for example another PC, it's enough to move/copy config directory alone, and that's the recommended way of doing any form of "ASF backups", since you can always download the remaining (program) part from the GitHub, while not risking corrupting internal ASF files, e.g. through a faulty backup.

Le fichier ` log.txt </ 0> contient le journal généré par votre dernière exécution ASF. Ce fichier ne contient aucune information sensible et est extrêmement utile lorsqu'il s'agit de problèmes, de plantages ou simplement en tant qu'informations sur ce qui s'est passé lors de la dernière exécution d'ASF. We will very often ask about this file if you run into issues or bugs. ASF gère automatiquement ce fichier pour vous, mais vous pouvez modifier davantage le module de journalisation ASF logging si vous êtes un utilisateur expérimenté.

Le répertoire config` est l'emplacement où se trouve la configuration pour ASF, y compris tous ses bots.

ASF.json est un fichier de configuration ASF global. Cette configuration est utilisée pour spécifier comment ASF se comporte comme un processus qui affecte tous les bots et le programme lui-même. Vous pouvez y trouver des fonctions globales, telles que le propriétaire du processus ASF, les mises à jour automatiques ou le debug.

BotName.json est une configuration d'instance de bot. Cette configuration est utilisée pour spécifier le comportement d'une instance de bot. Par conséquent, ces paramètres sont spécifiques à ce bot uniquement et ne sont pas partagés entre eux. Cela vous permet de configurer des bots avec différents paramètres et ne fonctionnant pas nécessairement tous de la même manière. Every bot is named using unique identifier, chosen by you in place of BotName.

Outre les fichiers de configuration, ASF utilise également le répertoire config pour stocker les bases de données.

ASF.json est un fichier de configuration ASF global. Il agit comme un stockage persistant global et est utilisé pour enregistrer diverses informations liées au processus ASF, telles que les adresses IP des serveurs Steam locaux. Vous ne devez pas éditer ce fichier.

BotName.db est une base de données d'instance de bot. Ce fichier est utilisé pour stocker des données cruciales relatives à une instance de bot dans un stockage persistant, telles que des clés de connexion ou ASF 2FA. Vous ne devez pas éditer ce fichier.

BotName.keys est un fichier spécial qui peut être utilisé pour importer des clés dans background de jeux d’arrière-plan. Ce n'est pas obligatoire ni généré, mais reconnu par ASF. Ce fichier est automatiquement supprimé une fois les clés importées.

BotName.maFile est un fichier spécial qui peut être utilisé pour importer ASF 2FA. Ce n'est pas obligatoire ni généré, mais reconnu par ASF si votre BotName n'utilise pas encore ASF 2FA. Ce fichier est automatiquement supprimé une fois ASF 2FA importé avec succès.

JSON mapping

Chaque fonction de configuration a son type. Le type de la fonction définit les valeurs qui lui sont valables. Vous ne pouvez utiliser que des valeurs valides pour un type donné. Si vous utilisez une valeur non valide, ASF ne pourra pas analyser votre configuration.

Nous vous recommandons vivement d’utiliser ConfigGenerator pour générer des configs - il gère la plupart des tâches de bas niveau (telles que la validation des types), il vous suffit donc de saisir les valeurs appropriées, et vous n'avez pas besoin de comprendre les types de variable spécifiés ci-dessous. Cette section est principalement destinée aux personnes générant / modifiant des configurations manuellement afin qu’elles sachent quelles valeurs elles peuvent utiliser.

Les types utilisés par ASF sont des types C # natifs, spécifiés ci-dessous:

bool - type Boolean accepte uniquement les valeurs true et false.

Exemple : "Enabled": true

byte - Unsigned byte type, accepting only integers from 0 to 255 (inclusive).

Exemple: "ConnectionTimeout": 90

ushort - Unsigned short type, accepting only integers from 0 to 65535 (inclusive).

Exemple: "WebLimiterDelay": 300

uint - Unsigned integer type, accepting only integers from 0 to 4294967295 (inclusive).

ulong - Unsigned long integer type, accepting only integers from 0 to 18446744073709551615 (inclusive).

Example: "SteamMasterClanID": 103582791440160998

string - String type, accepting any sequence of characters, including empty sequence "" and null. Empty sequence and null value are treated the same by ASF, so it's up to your preference which one you want to use (we stick with null).

Exemples: "SteamLogin": null, "SteamLogin": "", "SteamLogin": "MyAccountName"

Guid? - Nullable UUID type, in JSON encoded as string. UUID is made out of 32 hexadecimal characters, in range from 0 to 9 and a to f. ASF accepts variety of valid formats - lowercase, uppercase, with and without dashes. In addition to valid UUID, since this property is nullable, a special value of null is accepted to indicate lack of UUID to provide.

Examples: "LicenseID": null, "LicenseID": "f6a0529813f74d119982eb4fe43a9a24"

ImmutableList<valueType> - Immutable collection (list) of values in given valueType. In JSON, it's defined as array of elements in given valueType. ASF uses List to indicate that given property supports multiple values and that their order might be relevant.

Example for ImmutableList<byte>: "FarmingOrders": [15, 11, 7]

ImmutableHashSet<valueType> - Immutable collection (set) of unique values in given valueType. In JSON, it's defined as array of elements in given valueType. ASF uses HashSet to indicate that given property makes sense only for unique values and that their order doesn't matter, therefore it'll intentionally ignore any potential duplicates during parsing (if you happened to supply them anyway).

Example for ImmutableHashSet<uint>: "Blacklist": [267420, 303700, 335590]

ImmutableDictionary<keyType, valueType> - Immutable dictionary (map) that maps a unique key specified in its keyType, to value specified in its valueType. In JSON, it's defined as an object with key-value pairs. Keep in mind that keyType is always quoted in this case, even if it's value type such as ulong. There is also a strict requirement of the key being unique across the map, this time enforced by JSON as well.

Exemple pour ImmutableDictionary<ulong, byte>: "SteamUserPermissions": { "76561198174813138": 3, "76561198174813137": 1 }

flags - L'attribut Flags combine plusieurs propriétés différentes en une valeur finale en appliquant des opérations au niveau du bit. Cela vous permet de choisir toute combinaison possible de différentes valeurs autorisées en même temps. La valeur finale est construite comme la somme des valeurs de toutes les options activées.

Par exemple, à partir des valeurs suivantes:

Valeur  Nom
0 None
1 A
2 B
4 C

Using B + C would result in value of 6, using A + C would result in value of 5, using C would result in value of 4 and so on. This allows you to create any possible combination of enabled values - if you decided to enable all of them, making None + A + B + C, you'd get value of 7. Notez également que le drapeau avec la valeur 0 est activé par définition dans toutes les autres combinaisons disponibles. Il s'agit donc très souvent d'un drapeau qui n'active rien de particulier (tel que None).

So as you can see, in above example we have 3 available flags to switch on/off (A, B, C), and 8 possible values overall:

  • None -> 0
  • A -> 1
  • B -> 2
  • A + B -> 3
  • C -> 4
  • A + C -> 5
  • B + C -> 6
  • A + B + C -> 7

Example: "SteamProtocols": 7

Mode de compatibilité

Due to JavaScript limitations of being unable to properly serialize simple ulong fields in JSON when using web-based ConfigGenerator, ulong fields will be rendered as strings with s_ prefix in the resulting config. This includes for example "SteamOwnerID": 76561198006963719 that will be written by our ConfigGenerator as "s_SteamOwnerID": "76561198006963719". ASF inclut une logique appropriée pour la gestion automatique de ce mappage de chaîne. Les entrées s _ de vos configurations sont donc valides et correctement générées. Si vous générez vous-même des configurations, nous vous recommandons, si possible, de vous en tenir aux champs d'origine ulong, mais en cas d'impossibilité, vous pouvez également suivre ce schéma et les encoder sous forme de chaînes avec <0 >s_

ajouté à leurs noms. Nous espérons résoudre cette limitation de JavaScript éventuellement.

Compatibilité des configurations

It's top priority for ASF to remain compatible with older configs. As you should already know, missing config properties are treated the same as they would be defined with their default values. Par conséquent, si une nouvelle propriété de configuration est introduite dans la nouvelle version d’ASF, toutes vos configurations resteront compatibles avec la nouvelle version, et ASF traitera cette nouvelle propriété de configuration telle qu’elle serait définie avec sa valeur valeur par défaut. Vous pouvez toujours ajouter, supprimer ou modifier les propriétés de configuration en fonction de vos besoins.

We recommend to limit defined config properties only to those that you want to change, since this way you automatically inherit default values for all other ones, not only keeping your config clean but also increasing compatibility in case we decide to change a default value for property that you don't want to explicitly set yourself (e.g. WebLimiterDelay).

Due to above, ASF will automatically migrate/optimize your configs by reformatting them and removing fields that hold default value. You can disable this behaviour with --no-config-migrate command-line argument if you have a specific reason, for example you're providing read-only config files and you don't want ASF to modify them.


ASF is aware of configs being modified "on-the-fly" - thanks to that, ASF will automatically:

  • Créez (et démarrez, si nécessaire) une nouvelle instance de bot lorsque vous créez sa configuration
  • Arrêtez (si nécessaire) et supprimez l'ancienne instance de bot lorsque vous supprimez sa configuration
  • Arrêtez (et démarrez, si nécessaire) toute instance de bot lorsque vous modifiez sa configuration
  • Redémarrez (si nécessaire) le bot sous un nouveau nom lorsque vous renommez sa configuration

Tout ce qui précède est transparent et se fera automatiquement sans qu'il soit nécessaire de redémarrer le programme ou de tuer d'autres instances de bot (non affectées).

In addition to that, ASF will also restart itself (if AutoRestart permits) if you modify core ASF ASF.json config. Likewise, program will quit if you delete or rename it.

You can disable this behaviour with --no-config-watch command-line argument if you have a specific reason, for example you don't want from ASF to react to file changes in config folder.

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