- Intel x64 architecture processor
- CMake 3.29 or newer
- C compiler supporting C 17
- Windows system (assembly function is using microsoft x64 calling convention)
- Git
- Clone the repository into desired place
- Create "build" directory inside the repo
- Using command prompt (terminal, powershell ...) go to the build directory with "cd (path)" command
- Type cmake ..
- Type cd ..
- Type cmake --build (build directory)
- After the installation program should be located in {repo}/executables or {repo}/exectubales/Debug
- To run the program simply type "./Fractal.exe {width} {height}" in terminal while being in the same directory as the program, where {width} and {height} are desired width and height of the window. If program is executed without width and height arguments it sets both to 800.
- Press c to toggle colored mode
- Use arrows to change the fractal (modify C value)
- Use mousewheel to zoom in/out
- Use delete key to restore to default settings
- Press left mouse button and drag the mouse to move around the fractal