Final project for my Multimedia & Computer Graphics course at Universidad Panamericana. The project is a raytracing engine made with Java. The code allows to import .obj files or create basic figures, create scenes, lights, and render everything in scene.
You can clone or download the project and run it with IntelliJ IDEA, NETBEANS or another Java IDE. You can also configure scenes, cameras, lights and objects, the code allows to import .obj files or create basic shapes manually.
- Create Objects
- Sphere
- Triangle
- Polygon
- Import .obj files
- Create cameras
- Create scenes
- Create lights
- Directional light
- Point light
- Clipping planes
- Blinn-phong
- Light falloff
- Raycast
- Multithreading
- Shadows
- Reflection
- Render an image
- Java v11.0.5
- IDE: Intellij IDEA
Contributions are closed.
See the tags on this repository.
If you want to see the progress of the project in a more visual way, you can select the image.png file and toggle between the different tags.
- André Marco Ruiz Sandoval - Student - LOG1CRS
- Jafet Rodríguez - Teacher
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for more details.
- Learned how a Raytracing Engine works
- Object oriented programming thinking
- vector calculus
- How to create a scalable project
- Java advanced