Currently running at
This repository contains documentation for the Ma'ayan Lab Dokku Server. Files are just markdown, and jupyter-book is used to turn them into a webpage.
While you can add new files to some of the directories, if you add new directories or new root-level files, they'll need to be added to _toc.yml
# install python dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
# build html
jupyter-book build .
# the resulting book is in _build/html, the html can be viewed with any static web browser (including just opening _build/html/index.html in your browser)
npx http-server _build/html
This can be deployed with dokku itself, see dokku docs for that. But even without dokku it's just a matter of building the Dockerfile.
# Build docker file, a python builder builds the html
# and the final image is just an nginx-served static site
docker build -t maayanlab/dokku .
# nginx serves the static site on port 80
docker run -p 80:80 -it maayanlab/dokku