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Minty Trebor edited this page Apr 21, 2024 · 29 revisions

Welcome to the BtnCmd wiki. (01.03.0)

BtnCmd is a Duet Web Control plugin which runs in the browser. BtnCmd enables the addition of configurable buttons to the DWC interface.

Please use the Wiki page index to navigate the content and learn how to install and use BtnCmd.

In BtnCmd you can create Tabs, with custom buttons in a freeform layout. You may also choose to display a selection of panels including:

  • Standard DWC information & control panels
  • DWC CNC Panels (Only available if using M452/M453 laser/cnc mode)
  • Standard DWC webcam
  • Alternative webcam
  • Remote Source (eg. A web service from your LAN)
  • Object Model Values
  • Text/Label Panel
  • User Created Custom Panels
  • Global Variable Input Panels (Change/update the value of global variables)
  • Custom Charts (Create your own charts from the Object Model)

BtnCmd Edit Mode

The custom buttons can be configured to trigger one of five types of actions:

  • Send a gcode command to the Duet Board
  • Run a Macro
  • Send a simple HTTP get/post command
  • Send a MQTT Message
  • Open a URL in a pop-up window


By default BtnCmd saves its settings in the browsers local cache, this means if you clear your cache or history, or the url of DWC changes, all of your settings and layouts will be lost. You should use the Backup feature to avoid any loss of your configuration options.

Layouts created on one device will often display incorrectly on different devices with different resolutions. To transfer layouts across devices you must use the export or backup & restore features, as BtnCmd config data is normally stored in the local browser cache.