Finding Property Violations through Network Falsification: Challenges, Adaptations and Lessons Learned from OpenPilot
ACM publication (DOI 10.1145/3551349.3559500):
- Extended results from the paper
- Original output for all 10 images
- Baseline for all 10 images
- Counterexamples for all 10 images on all 3 safety properties
- How to reproduce results from the paper
- How to generate original images dataset
- How to generate baseline images
- How to generate counterexamples
- Description of image distance metrics
- Links to other large-scale networks of interest (candidate networks for further study):
- BigGAN
- AdmiralNet
- Detectron2
- Further documentation of OpenPilot, including network input and output
This project uses the most recent stable version of OpenPilot, determined by analyzing commits and building and testing several versions on a simple stretch of road. The most recent stable version is:
OpenPilot (tag): 6be70a063dfc96b9e9f097f439bdc2e0be54d6d9
openpilot_docker (tag): sha256:35ff99c6004869d97d05a90fa77668f732596d74886f9a5c5fe5003233536b2f
Carla (Version): 0.9.12 (edited)
To read more on performing a full installation of OpenPilot, refer to documentation or Installing OpenPilot
git clone
python -m venv .venv
. .venv/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade pip flit
flit install -s
git checkout -b openpilot
pip install -e .
cd ..
git clone
git checkout -b openpilot
pip install -e .
cd dnnf
black <path/to/file>
git add <path/to/file>
git commit -S -m 'enhancement: Descriptive message'