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AMI Service Interface

Justin edited this page Oct 2, 2017 · 1 revision

Administrative Management Interface

Resource Operation Description
/ OPTIONS Gets options for the AMI service. Returns options for the AMI service.
PING Ping the service to determine up/down
/?xsd={schemaId} GET Gets the schema for the administrative interface. The id of the schema to be retrieved.Returns the administrative interface schema.
/alert GET Gets a list of alert for a specific query. Returns a list of alert which match the specific query.
POST Creates an alert. The alert message to be created.Returns the created alert.
/alert/{alertId} GET Gets a specific alert. The id of the alert to retrieve.Returns the alert.
PUT Updates an alert. The id of the alert to be updated.The alert containing the updated information.Returns the updated alert.
/applet GET Gets a list of applets for a specific query. Returns a list of applet which match the specific query.
POST Creates an applet. The pak data.Returns the created applet manifest info.
/applet/{appletId} GET Gets a specific applet. The id of the applet to retrieve.Returns the applet.
DELETE Deletes an applet. The id of the applet to be deleted.Returns the deleted applet.
HEAD Return just the headers of the applet id
PUT Updates an applet. The id of the applet to be updated.The applet containing the updated information.Returns the updated applet.
/applet/{appletId}/pak GET Downloads the applet. The applet identifier.Stream.
/application GET Gets a list applications for a specific query. Returns a list of application which match the specific query.
POST Creates a security application. The security application to be created.Returns the created security application.
/application/{applicationId} GET Gets a specific application. The id of the application to retrieve.Returns the application.
DELETE Deletes an application. The id of the application to be deleted.Returns the deleted application.
PUT Updates an application. The id of the application to be updated.The application containing the updated information.Returns the updated application.
/assigningAuthority GET Gets a list of assigning authorities for a specific query. Returns a list of assigning authorities which match the specific query.
POST Creates an assigning authority. The assigning authority to be created.Returns the created assigning authority.
/assigningAuthority/{assigningAuthorityId} GET Gets a specific assigning authority. The id of the assigning authority to retrieve.Returns the assigning authority.
DELETE Deletes an assigning authority. The id of the assigning authority to be deleted.Returns the deleted assigning authority.
PUT Updates an assigning authority. The id of the assigning authority to be updated.The assigning authority containing the updated information.Returns the updated assigning authority.
/audit POST Create audit in the IMS' audit repository
/certificate GET Gets a list of certificates. Returns a list of certificates.
/certificate/{id} GET Gets a specific certificate. The id of the certificate to retrieve.Returns the certificate.
/certificate/{id}/revokeReason/{reason} DELETE Deletes a specified certificate. The id of the certificate to be deleted.The reason the certificate is to be deleted.Returns the deletion result.
/changepassword/{id} PUT Changes the password of a user. The id of the user whose password is to be changed.The new password of the user.Returns the updated user.
/codeSystem GET Gets the code systems. Returns a list of code systems.
POST Creates the code system. The code system.Returns the created code system.
/codeSystem/{codeSystemId} GET Gets the code system. The code system identifier.Returns a code system.
DELETE Deletes the code system. The code system identifier.Returns the deleted code system.
PUT Updates the code system. The code system identifier.The code system.Return the updated code system.
/crl GET Gets the certificate revocation list. Returns the certificate revocation list.
/csr GET Gets a list of submitted certificate signing requests. Returns a list of certificate signing requests.
POST Submits a specific certificate signing request. The certificate signing request.Returns the submission result.
/csr/{certId} DELETE Rejects a specified certificate signing request. The id of the certificate signing request to be rejected.The reason the certificate signing request is to be rejected.Returns the rejection result.
/csr/{id} GET Gets a specific certificate signing request. The id of the certificate signing request to be retrieved.Returns the certificate signing request.
PUT Accepts a certificate signing request. The id of the certificate signing request to be accepted.Returns the acceptance result.
/device GET Gets a list of devices. Returns a list of devices.
POST Creates a device in the IMS. The device to be created.Returns the newly created device.
/device/{deviceId} GET Gets a specific device. The id of the security device to be retrieved.Returns the security device.
DELETE Deletes a device. The id of the device to be deleted.Returns the deleted device.
PUT Updates a device. The id of the device to be updated.The device containing the updated information.Returns the updated device.
/extensionType GET Gets the extension types. Returns a list of extension types.
POST Creates the type of the extension. Type of the extension.Returns the created extension type.
/extensionType/{extensionTypeId} GET Gets the type of the extension. The extension type identifier.Returns the extension type, or null if no extension type is found.
DELETE Deletes the type of the extension. The extension type identifier.Returns the deleted extension type.
PUT Updates the type of the extension. The extension type identifier.Type of the extension.Returns the updated extension type.
/log GET Get log files on the server and their sizes
/log/{logId} GET Gets the specific log file
/policy GET Gets a list of policies. Returns a list of policies.
POST Creates a security policy. The security policy to be created.Returns the newly created security policy.
/policy/{policyId} GET Gets a specific security policy. The id of the security policy to be retrieved.Returns the security policy.
DELETE Deletes a security policy. The id of the policy to be deleted.Returns the deleted policy.
PUT Updates a policy. The id of the policy to be updated.The policy containing the updated information.Returns the updated policy.
/role GET Gets a list of security roles. Returns a list of security roles.
POST Creates a security role. The security role to be created.Returns the newly created security role.
/role/{roleId} GET Gets a specific security role. The id of the security role to be retrieved.Returns the security role.
DELETE Deletes a security role. The id of the role to be deleted.Returns the deleted role.
PUT Updates a role. The id of the role to be updated.The role containing the updated information.Returns the updated role.
/sherlock GET Gets a server diagnostic report. The diagnostic report to be created.Returns the created diagnostic report.
POST Creates a diagnostic report. The diagnostic report to be created.Returns the created diagnostic report.
/tfa GET Gets the list of TFA mechanisms. Returns a list of TFA mechanisms.
POST Creates a request that the server issue a reset code
/user GET Gets a list of security users. Returns a list of security users.
POST Creates a security user. The security user to be created.Returns the newly created security user.
/user/{userId} GET Gets a specific security user. The id of the security user to be retrieved.Returns the security user.
DELETE Deletes a security user. The id of the user to be deleted.Returns the deleted user.
PUT Updates a security user. The id of the security user to be retrieved.The user containing the updated information.Returns the security user.