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IMSI Service Interface

Justin edited this page Oct 2, 2017 · 2 revisions

IMSI Service Contract

Note: The {resourceType} parameter for all operations are defined here: IMSI Schema Definition

Resource Operation Description
/ OPTIONS Gets the operations that each resource in this IMS instance supports.
PING Performs a minimal PING request to test service uptime
/?xsd={schemaId} GET Get the schema
/{resourceType} GET Performs a search for the specified resource, returning only current version items.
HEAD Searches for the specified resource and returns only the HEADer metadata
POST Creates the resource. If the resource already exists, then a 409 is thrown
/{resourceType}/{id} GET Retrieves the current version of the specified resource from the IMS.
HEAD Retrieves only the metadata of the specified resource
PATCH Updates the specified resource according to the instructions in the PATCH file
PUT Updates the specified resource. If the resource does not exist than a 404 is thrown
POST Creates or updates a resource. That is, creates the resource if it does not exist, or updates it if it does
DELETE Deletes the specified resource from the IMS instance
/{resourceType}/{id}/history GET Gets a complete history of all changes made to the specified resource
/{resourceType}/{id}/history/{versionId} GET Retrieves a specific version of the specified resource
/{resourceType}/{id}/patch GET Returns a list of patches for the specified resource
/time GET Get the current time