MRI ImageJ related python (jython) package.
ijmpy is a jython wrapper of the imagej-macro-language. It allow to easily porting macros to jython by reimplementing the macro commands in jython.
The idea is to be able to import ijmpy, copy your ij-macro code and use it in jython, profiting from the python language and datastructures.
Try for example:
run("Duplicate...", " ");
run("Find Edges");
run("Analyze Particles...", "size="+minSize+"-"+maxSize+" circularity=0.00-1.00 show=Masks exclude in_situ");
run("Create Selection");
run("Enlarge...", "enlarge=" + numberOfDilates + " pixel");
roiManager("select", 0);
run("Clear Outside");
bialang is a bio-image analyst centric jython wrapper for the ImageJ1 api. In bialang the above code will look something like this:
image = duplicate(inputImage)
Filter(minSize, maxSize, minCirc, maxCirc, exclude))
roi = createSelection(image)
enlarge(roi, numberOfDilates, unit=units.pixel)
clearOutside(inputImage, roi)
The operations like duplicate
, findEdges
, ... are implemented as functions and as objects which can be created and configured before run.
For example:
Duplicate = Duplicate()
Duplicate.selectChannels(1, 3)
Duplicate.setZSices(1, 3, 5, 7)
bialangsj (sj for sci-java) is a bio-image analyst centric jython wrapper for the ImageJ2 api. The idea is to create the same classes and functions as in bialang but implemented in ImageJ2 and sci-java.
Clone or download the repository. Copy the mripy-folder into the folder jars/Lib of your FIJI installation. Import the module you want to use in your iython image analysis script.
from mripy.ijmpy import *
from mripy.bialang import *
from mripy.bialangsj import *
from mripy import bialang as bl
from mripy import bialangsj as blsj
Have a look at the unit tests for code-examples.
21.02.2020: Currently it's only the beginning of a proove of concept.
Since run
, roiManager
and setAutoTreshold
are implemented in ijmpy, some recorded ij-macros might already work. Please contact me if you want to participate in the project.