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Patch missing?

harman-f edited this page Jun 11, 2022 · 6 revisions

In case you want to use your own patches (not recommended) - ask us first to help you:

  • Create a backup with M.I.B and open up a new issue


  • Create a zip od the /backup/ folder on SD and upload it. If file seize is too big for GITHUB use a service like

How a patch folder is built up:

  • For each SW-train a seperate folder is needed e.g. /patches/MHI2_ER_SKG13_P4526_MU1440_PATCH
  • The folder has to contain the patched ifs-root-stage2 image with the following naming syntax:
  • "MU-version"-ifs-root-part2-"image start address in hex within RCC"-"image length in hex" --> e.g. MU1440-ifs-part2-0x00ba0000-1C06F300.ifs
  • image length is on byte 0x20 position 04-07 in little Endian of the original ifs-root-stage2 image (e.g. fresh from FW update)
  • addfec.txt with the FECs you want to add to your FecContainer.fec and stock ExceptionList.txt. Get these from any of the other prepared patch folder.

Patch files are not part of this repo