This is a project in which an STM32 microcontroller and an MPU6050 IMU were used to build a so-called Inertial Navigation System (INS).
An inertial navigation system [...] is a navigation device that uses motion sensors (accelerometers), rotation sensors (gyroscopes), and a computer to continuously calculate by dead reckoning the position, orientation, and velocity (direction and speed of movement) of a moving object without the need for external references.
I mainly focused on achieving good orientation estimation. You still have the ability to calculate the position and velocity from the accelerometer measurements. However, doing so without fusing these measurements with other sensors that supply additional velocity or position references will result in substantial drifts over time.
- A complete quaternion-based Kalman filter for orientation estimation.
- Outlier filtering using a median filter.
- 12-parameter in-field calibration of the accelerometer.
- 12-parameter in-field calibration of the gyroscope.
- INS data transmission over the serial port (using the embedded ST-Link).
- An example program for receiving, displaying, and saving transmitted data.
The Kalman filter I used is from my kfclib repository. There you will find more information on the design of the filter.
This assumes that you are using the STM32-Cube IDE.
The I2C1 peripheral needs to be used to communicate with the MPU6050. I2C1 Configuration:
- I2C Speed Frequency: 400kHz (fast mode).
- Enable I2C1 event interrupt and set preemption priority to 4.
- Enable I2C1 error interrupt and set preemption priority to 3.
- Create a user label named
for the SCL pin. - Create a user label named
for the SDA pin.
Create an EXTI pin with external interrupt mode with rising edge trigger
and without pull-up
or pull-down. Also, create a user label named MPU6050_INT_PIN
. Enable the interrupt for it and
give it a preemption priority of 5.
Timer 16 is used to provide a nanosecond delay (used for I2C bit banging). This timer
needs to count up
and have a count frequency of 10MHz. The counter period
should be set to the max value. No auto-reload preload.
To transmit the INS data to a computer, the virtual COM port (aka the embedded ST-Link)
is used. Here is a screenshot of the parameter settings:
Enable the interrupt and set the preemption priority to 6.
A pin (that is connected to the onboard LED) is used to provide status
information. More on that later. You need to have the following
Create a user label named STATUS_LED
Before you generate code, go into the code generator settings and enable Generate peripheral initialization as a pair of '.c/.h' file per peripheral
Include the source and header files
from the INS/Core folder into your project. Include ins.h
inside your main.c
and call the ins_run()
function before entering the main loop. You can look at the
INS/Core/main.c file for reference.
After booting the system, it first performs some initializations and needs to be in a static state (no translation, no rotation) for the entire duration. During this timeframe, the status LED will glow. Once the initialization is complete, the LED will turn off.
I made an example program (terrible code) for receiving, displaying, and saving the transmitted data.
The code only works on Linux. If you want to use it, navigate into the tui
folder. From there, execute make
and then run ./tui -h
to see how to use it.
Calibration parameters for the gyroscope and accelerometer will certainly differ from device to device. Thus, you need to change them. Calibration parameters are stored in the INS/Core/Src/cal.c file. To calibrate the gyroscope and accelerometer, I followed the instructions and methods listed in this paper. The only difference is that I used the normal quaternion rate equation for integrating the gyroscope measurements. In the future, I will turn this into a separate repository, where I will provide more information.
The authors of the paper said that they solved/optimized the loss function using the
Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm. For the accelerometer loss function, I implemented said algorithm by
hand. Shortly after that, I found out that you can use the least_squares
function from the
Python module to basically do the same thing. For that reason, there are two different
calibration scripts for the accelerometer. For the gyroscope, I only used the least_squares
function. The scripts can be found in the cal folder. Each folder also contains the calibration
data that I recorded. Also, consider adepting the initial parameter estimation if you use it on
different data. The variable is named z0
Accelerometer: Each static measurement is seperated by a new line. Each line has the x, y, and z axis value seperated by a comma:
. -
Gyroscope: Each calibration data set starts with an accelerometer measurement at the starting position. Then follow the gyroscope measurements recorded during the rotation to the end position. The last value of the set is an accelerometer measurement at the end position. Each individual measurement is sperated by a new line. Each line contains the comma sperated values of the three axis in the following order:
. The end of a set is marked with anX
character on a new line.