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2020_12_02 FONLL A discontinuity threshold

Felix Hekhorn edited this page Dec 2, 2020 · 1 revision
  • below the charm threshold APFEL is dicontinues in FONLL-A for F2c, although the paper explicitly says: "Note that in the FONLL scheme continuity does not play a role in the matching conditions: at NLO continuity ensues accidentally from the matching conditions, but at higher orders subleading discontinuities may arise."
 WARNING: FONLL-A is a VFN scheme
          ... setting VFNS PDF evolution
          ... setting NLO perturbative order
 WARNING: if there are external grids they cannot be locked
          ... unlocking subgrids
 Welcome to 
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 _____v3.0.4 A PDF Evolution Library, arXiv:1310.1394
      Authors: V. Bertone, S. Carrazza, J. Rojo
 Report of the evolution parameters:
 QCD evolution
 Space-like evolution (PDFs)
 Unpolarized evolution
 Evolution scheme: VFNS at N1LO
 Solution of the DGLAP equation: 'exactalpha' with maximum 6 active flavours
 Solution of the coupling equations: 'exact' with maximum 6 active flavours
 Coupling reference value:
 - AlphaQCD( 91.2000 GeV) =  0.118000
 Pole heavy quark masses:
 - Mc =   2.0000 GeV
 - Mb =   4.0000 GeV
 - Mt = 173.0700 GeV
 The matching thresholds coincide with the physical masses
 muR / muF =  1.0000
 Allowed evolution range [   1.0000 :  10000.0000 ] GeV
 Fast evolution enabled
 Initialization of the evolution completed in   5.253 s
 Report of the electroweak parameters:
 Mass of the Z = 91.188 GeV
 Mass of the W = 80.398 GeV
 Mass of the proton = 0.9380 GeV
 sin^2(thetaW) = 0.2313
 GFermi = 1.16638E-05
       | 0.9743 0.2253 0.0035 |
 CKM = | 0.2252 0.9735 0.0410 |
       | 0.0086 0.0403 0.9992 |
 Z propagator correction = 0.00000
 Report of the DIS parameters:
 Computation in the FONLL-A mass scheme
 Neutral Current (NC) process
 Scattering electron - proton   
 muR / Q =  1.0000
 muF / Q =  0.7000
 (No scale variation in the evolution)
 Target Mass corrections disabled
 FONLL damping factor disabled for all heavy quarks
 Intrinsic charm disabled
 Initialization of the DIS module completed in  48.245 s

           x         Q2     APFEL    yadism  yadism_error  rel_err[%]
0   0.000317  10.000000  0.170859  0.170841  6.783112e-10   -0.010934
1   0.001007  10.000000  0.125300  0.125286  5.111060e-10   -0.011011
2   0.003195  10.000000  0.083981  0.083971  4.391555e-10   -0.011932
3   0.010138  10.000000  0.049088  0.049086  1.946948e-10   -0.003966
4   0.032169  10.000000  0.023827  0.023830  1.025159e-10    0.011912
5   0.102077  10.000000  0.008936  0.008933  3.026824e-11   -0.039344
6   0.304545  10.000000  0.002373  0.002375  1.431899e-11    0.095638
7   0.536364  10.000000  0.000345  0.000345  2.535385e-12   -0.162694
8   0.768182  10.000000  0.000010  0.000010  6.156303e-14    1.080926
9   1.000000  10.000000  0.000000  0.000000  0.000000e+00         NaN
10  0.001000   4.000000  0.016171  0.065208 -1.839210e-10  303.243910
11  0.001000   4.632775  0.019717  0.075268 -7.758784e-11  281.741949
12  0.001000   5.365652  0.023911  0.084564 -8.698892e-11  253.655914
13  0.001000   6.214465  0.028797  0.093809 -2.891586e-10  225.760499
14  0.001000   7.197555  0.034553  0.103208 -1.739951e-10  198.695722
15  0.001000   8.336164  0.112962  0.112898  3.091698e-10   -0.056147
16  0.001000   9.654894  0.123118  0.123038  2.444463e-10   -0.065322
17  0.001000  11.182239  0.133861  0.133752  4.321947e-10   -0.081607
18  0.001000  12.951200  0.145268  0.145143  4.390337e-10   -0.085943
19  0.001000  15.000000  0.157417  0.157302  3.786837e-10   -0.072681