Repository for the course Computational Physics help by Prof. Pederiva at unitn.
- 1D harmonic oscillator solution with Numerov method
- 3D harmonic oscillator with the same method
- Implementation of the recursive formulas for the Bessel functions
- Rescaling of the problem units
- A mathematical proof
- Modification of Numerov code for interatomic potential and calculation of the phase shift
- Calculation of the cross section
- Calculation of Hydrogen ground state via variational procedure
- Graphical representation of Hydrogen WF and electronic density
- Calculation of Helium ground state energy via Hartree-Fock method.
- Graphical representation of Helium WF and electronic density
- Berillium ground state without contraction
- Graphical representation of Berillium WFs and electronic densities
- Write a program to compute the densities in the uncorrelated and non-interacting electrons case
- Self consistent procedure acconting for direct, exchange and correlation terms.
- Polarisation calculation
- Setup of the initial configuration of the system for the simulation.
- Write down explicit expresison for the local kinetic energy in two different ways as shown in the lecture. (to be corrected...)
- Work out hbar/2m when using the proper energy and length units of the problem (to be corrected...)
- Metropolis algorithm to sample the square modulus of the WF and compute the energy. Minimise the energy. (waiting for the previous two points to compute local kinetic energy...)
- Repeat the simulation for other 2 densities and find the minimum of the density. (Once point 4 is done, this is done as well...)