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Level Editor

Kyle Robinson edited this page Jan 28, 2023 · 8 revisions


The purpose of the level editor is to allow developers to update the JSON files which all of the core systems in the engine point to for the relevant information on the current level.

It also allows developers to add, and remove levels while letting them switch to different ones on the fly. The saving functionality only updates the changes to the JSON manager files that each system points to for information.


How To Use

  1. Select the level that you want to switch to in the Level List and click the Switch To button. This updates the managers, as defined in the Levels.json file, for each level.
  2. Select Add Level to add a new level to the list, and Remove Level to remove the currently selected level from the list.
  3. Click Save Levels? to update the changes to the Level List and the system managers.
  4. To switch a manager for a particular system, click the relevant Switch button and select a valid file for reading from the file explorer.

New Features

  • The option to rename levels has been added. The updated name is then reflected in the JSON file, when clicking the Save Levels? button.


Page Author: Kyle Robinson