Detect horizon using front-faced mounted camera on UAV using deep learning based computer vision algorithm. Tested to run in real-time using Raspberry Pi 4B + Google Coral Edge TPU + Raspberry Pi Camera v1.
- Python 3
- Tensorflow
- OpenCV
- Numpy
- Tensorflow-lite (Optional)
- TensorRT (Optional)
- Computer with decend RAM and CPU
- Nvidia GPU or Jetson Dev Board (Optional)
- Raspberry Pi 4B (Optional)
- Camera (Optional)
- Google Coral USB Accelerator (Optional)
- Use
to download dataset in original ratio - Use
to download dataset in square ratio - You can also download the dataset and sample video manually from here:!ArMhy7w0Pabls18kV9D7GVtonJmq
- Store dataset at
Notes: Change export_json_path
to the appropriate json file exported from LabelBox
- Use
to train your desired architecture (unet
, ormobilenet-unet
) - Change
to the appropriate path if needed - You can modify the Hyperparameter and Augmentation if needed
- Refer
to train model using google colab
- Use
to convert your Tensorflow model to TFLite model - Use
to convert your TFLite model to 8-Bit Quantized TFLite model - Use
to convert your Tensorflow model to TensorRT model - Change
to the appropriate path if needed
Notes: Not all architecture support quantization
- Train a model or download pre-trained model from here:!ArMhy7w0Pabls18kV9D7GVtonJmq
- Use
to do inference on single image - Use
to do inference using camera as input - Use
to do inference using video as input - Change
, orvideo_path
to the appropriate path if needed
Notes: edgetpu
model require Google Coral, tflite
model require Tensorflow-lite installed, tftrt
require Nvidia GPU and TensorRT installed
is legacy program to test
is legacy program to test post inference
is legacy program to save model asSavedModel
- Add communication protocol to Flight Controller
- Change Linear Regression to Line Fitting algorithm (ex: RANSAC) for more robust detection
- Update dataset to add real attitude data captured from UAV
- Change architecture for direct attitude output without using post processing (Direct Image to Attitude Model)
- Try to use classification (By seperating each degrees as seperate class)
- Or just do a direct regression
- Just play with it! Add LSTM or something interesting (Don't forget it must run in real-time!)
The horizon detection system in the UAV aims to detect the horizon line to obtain UAV orientation data relative to the earth's horizon using AI and computer vision. This orientation data is expected to back up IMU sensors and help control systems in the UAV. This horizon detection system is run on a Single Board Computer connected to the Flight Controller. The Single Board Computer is also equipped with a camera and AI Accelerator, as shown below:
There are 4 stages in the horizon detection system:-
Semantic Segmentation
In the first stage, semantic segmentation is carried out on the input image taken from the camera facing the front of the UAV. Semantic segmentation aims to detect the position of heaven and earth in the image. This process is carried out using a previously trained U-Net-based deep learning algorithm using a labeled dataset. The output of this stage is a binary image showing the position of the heavens and the earth. -
Border Extraction
In the second stage, the boundary line's extraction between heaven and earth is carried out using bitwise operations on the image. At this stage, morphology operations are also carried out on the image to reduce noise in the image obtained in the semantic segmentation process. The output from this stage is data from the horizon line that separates the sky and earth. -
Linear Regression
In the third stage, linear regression is carried out on the horizon line data to obtain the line equation in the form 𝑦 = 𝑚 ∗ 𝑥 + 𝑐 -
Roll and Pitch calculation In the last stage, the previously obtained horizon line equation is converted into roll and pitch angles using these formula:
The obtained pitch and roll values will then be sent to the flight controller for use to control the vehicle's stability.
- O. Ronneberger, P. Fischer, and T. Brox, “U-Net: Convolutional Networks for Biomedical Image Segmentation,” arXiv:1505.04597 [cs], May 2015. Available:
- M. Sandler, A. Howard, M. Zhu, A. Zhmoginov, and L.-C. Chen, “MobileNetV2: Inverted Residuals and Linear Bottlenecks,” arXiv:1801.04381 [cs], Mar. 2019. Available:
- P. K. Gadosey et al., “SD-UNet: Stripping down U-Net for Segmentation of Biomedical Images on Platforms with Low Computational Budgets,” Diagnostics, vol. 10, no. 2, p. 110, Feb. 2020, doi: 10.3390/diagnostics10020110.
- Tensorflow Documentation,
- OpenCV Documentation,
- Numpy Linear Algorithm Documentation,
- Google Coral Documentation,
- Nvidia TensorRT Documentation,