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Releases: ONEUI-7/UY-Scuti

UY-Scuti 11.0.0

09 Feb 06:29
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  1. 对重编译的 apk 进行 zipalign 优化以保证开机能够正确识别,这是一个修复的问题
  2. 对 Joyose 不再提供移除选项,而是修改以禁用云端控制
  3. 新增基于包名的应用删除功能,同时保有基于文件名称的删除逻辑
  4. android 15 依赖 apktool 的修改新增临时修复方案以解决修改引起的电源键异常问题
  5. payload 提取工具更新,速度提升应该有大约40%
  6. 新增反向移除功能,默认移除所有 apk 选项,排除你不想要移除的 apk
  7. 特性添加功能分解:对于 HyperOS,为 "小米智能卡支持" "高级材质支持",而 ONEUI,为 "添加网速显示" "添加通话录音" "添加相机静音"
  8. 为 HyperOS 新增的修改选项 "GMS 及时推送" "禁用 Joyose 云控" "禁用 Html 查看器云控" "移除相册" "移除文件管理器" "移除智能密码管理"
  9. 新增对 ColorOS 的支持
  10. 大量移除功能调整为基于包名的新逻辑,旧逻辑仍然适配
  11. 为三星修复 optics.img 打包失败的问题 # New log entry

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Zipalign optimization for recompiled APKs to ensure correct boot recognition; this is a fix.
  2. Removal option for Joyose is no longer provided; instead, it is modified to disable cloud control.
  3. New package name-based application deletion feature, while retaining the file name-based deletion logic.
  4. Temporary fix for power button issues caused by modifications involving Apktool on Android 15.
  5. Payload extraction tool updated, with speed improvements of about 40%.
  6. New reverse removal feature, defaulting to remove all APK options, excluding those you do not want to remove.
  7. Feature addition breakdown: For HyperOS, "Xiaomi Smart Card Support" and "Advanced Material Support"; for ONEUI, "Add Network Speed Display," "Add Call Recording," "Add Camera Mute."
  8. New modification options for HyperOS: "GMS Timely Push," "Disable Joyose Cloud Control," "Disable HTML Viewer Cloud Control," "Remove Gallery," "Remove File Manager," "Remove Smart Password Manager."
  9. Added support for ColorOS.
  10. Many removal features adjusted to a new package name-based logic, while the old logic remains compatible.
  11. Fixed packaging failure of optics.img for Samsung. # New log entry

UY-Scuti 10.2.0

04 Feb 12:46
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  1. 修复小米 14 之后机型 fastboot 无法刷入 super 的问题
  2. 调整 super 的额外空间大小:super 的额外空间大小调整为125MB,不再为1GB。
  3. 警告:所有 Android 15 涉及 Apktool 的修改会导致开机异常,现在不要使用与 Apktool 修改有关的内容,建议使用 MT 管理器修改。
  4. 修复了小米15或一加13刷入不开机?
  5. 修复了 selinux 上下文未更新

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Fixed fastboot flashing issue for super on Xiaomi 14 and later models
  2. Adjusted extra space size for super: The extra space size for super has been adjusted to 125MB, no longer 1GB.
  3. Warning: All modifications involving Apktool on Android 15 will cause boot issues. Avoid using Apktool-related modifications for now; consider using MT Manager for modifications.
  4. Fixed the problem that Xiaomi Mi 15 or OnePlus 13 cannot boot after flashing?
  5. Fixed selinux context not updating

UY-Scuti 10.1.0

23 Jan 03:56
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  1. 修复小米 14 之后机型 fastboot 无法刷入 super 的问题
  2. 调整 super 的额外空间大小:super 的额外空间大小调整为125MB,不再为1GB。
  3. 警告:所有 Android 15 涉及 Apktool 的修改会导致开机异常,现在不要使用与 Apktool 修改有关的内容,建议使用 MT 管理器修改。

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Fixed fastboot flashing issue for super on Xiaomi 14 and later models
  2. Adjusted extra space size for super: The extra space size for super has been adjusted to 125MB, no longer 1GB.
  3. Warning: All modifications involving Apktool on Android 15 will cause boot issues. Avoid using Apktool-related modifications for now; consider using MT Manager for modifications.

UY-Scuti 10.0.0

31 Dec 14:58
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  1. 修复小米 14 之后机型 fastboot 无法刷入 super 的问题
  2. 调整 super 的额外空间大小:super 的额外空间大小调整为200MB,不再为1GB。
  3. 警告:所有 Android 15 涉及 Apktool 的修改会导致开机异常,现在不要使用与 Apktool 修改有关的内容,建议使用 MT 管理器修改。

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Fixed fastboot flashing issue for super on Xiaomi 14 and later models
  2. Adjusted extra space size for super: The extra space size for super has been adjusted to 200MB, no longer 1GB.
  3. Warning: All modifications involving Apktool on Android 15 will cause boot issues. Avoid using Apktool-related modifications for now; consider using MT Manager for modifications.

UY-Scuti 9.0.0

14 Nov 11:47
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  1. ext 分区文件的提取更换:现在提取 ext 分区文件时需要 ROOT 权限。
  2. ext4 打包方式更新:ext4 文件的打包方式已更改为使用 mke2fse2fsdroid,仅支持 Android 10 及更高版本。
  3. super.img 打包添加加载动画:在打包 super.img 时新增了加载动画。
  4. 不再支持 ext 和 f2fs 稀疏格式打包:已移除对 ext 和 f2fs 稀疏格式的打包支持。
  5. 更新逻辑分离:将 SELinux 配置与上下文内容的更新逻辑从打包逻辑中分离,便于代码阅读和维护。
  6. 其他优化:进行了一些特性优化,以提高性能和可用性。

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Extracting ext partition files now requires ROOT permissions: The extraction of ext partition files has been updated and now requires ROOT access.
  2. ext4 packaging update: The packaging method for ext4 partitions has been changed to use mke2fs and e2fsdroid, and is now supported only on Android 10 and higher.
  3. Loading animation for super.img packaging: A loading animation has been added when packaging super.img.
  4. No longer supporting ext and f2fs sparse format packaging: Support for packing ext and f2fs sparse formats has been removed.
  5. Separation of SELinux configuration and context update logic: The logic for updating SELinux configurations and contexts has been separated from the packaging logic for better readability and maintenance.
  6. Other optimizations: Several feature optimizations have been made to improve performance and usability.

UY-Scuti 8.5.1

14 Nov 00:57
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  1. 修复了一个问题,该问题导致 ext 分区在特定情况下提取 selinux 上下文时报错。
  2. 更新了菜单样式。
  3. 新的英文翻译,应该能够正确工作了。
    04.修复一个问题,该问题导致提取 ext 分区 selinux 上下文内容时产生了无效字符。
    5.由于某些 ext4 文件比较特别,对 ext4 的提取进行了调整,现在采用 debugfs 提取,需要 root

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Fixed a problem that caused an error when extracting selinux context for ext partitions in some cases.
  2. Updated menu style.
  3. New English translation, should work properly.
  4. Fixed a problem that caused invalid characters to be generated when extracting selinux context for ext partitions.
  5. Because some ext4 files are special, the extraction of ext4 has been adjusted. Now debugfs is used for extraction, which requires root

UY-Scuti 8.5.0

13 Nov 12:55
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  1. 修复了一个问题,该问题导致 ext 分区在特定情况下提取 selinux 上下文时报错。
  2. 更新了菜单样式。
  3. 新的英文翻译,应该能够正确工作了。
    04.修复一个问题,该问题导致提取 ext 分区 selinux 上下文内容时产生了无效字符。
    5.由于某些 ext4 文件比较特别,对 ext4 的提取进行了调整,现在采用 debugfs 提取,需要 root

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Fixed a problem that caused an error when extracting selinux context for ext partitions in some cases.
  2. Updated menu style.
  3. New English translation, should work properly.
  4. Fixed a problem that caused invalid characters to be generated when extracting selinux context for ext partitions.
  5. Because some ext4 files are special, the extraction of ext4 has been adjusted. Now debugfs is used for extraction, which requires root

UY-Scuti 8.4.0

12 Nov 11:11
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  1. 修复了一个问题,该问题导致 ext 分区在特定情况下提取 selinux 上下文时报错。
  2. 更新了菜单样式。
  3. 新的英文翻译,应该能够正确工作了。
    04.修复一个问题,该问题导致提取 ext 分区 selinux 上下文内容时产生了无效字符。
    5.由于某些 ext4 文件比较特别,对 ext4 的提取进行了调整,现在采用 debugfs 提取,需要 root

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Fixed a problem that caused an error when extracting selinux context for ext partitions in some cases.
  2. Updated menu style.
  3. New English translation, should work properly.
  4. Fixed a problem that caused invalid characters to be generated when extracting selinux context for ext partitions.
  5. Because some ext4 files are special, the extraction of ext4 has been adjusted. Now debugfs is used for extraction, which requires root

UY-Scuti 8.2.0

12 Nov 07:00
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  1. 修复了一个问题,该问题导致 ext 分区在特定情况下提取 selinux 上下文时报错。
  2. 更新了菜单样式。
  3. 新的英文翻译,应该能够正确工作了。
    04.修复一个问题,该问题导致提取 ext 分区 selinux 上下文内容时产生了无效字符。
    5.由于某些 ext4 文件比较特别,对 ext4 的提取进行了调整,现在采用 debugfs 提取,需要 root

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Fixed a problem that caused an error when extracting selinux context for ext partitions in some cases.
  2. Updated menu style.
  3. New English translation, should work properly.
  4. Fixed a problem that caused invalid characters to be generated when extracting selinux context for ext partitions.
  5. Because some ext4 files are special, the extraction of ext4 has been adjusted. Now debugfs is used for extraction, which requires root

UY-Scuti 8.1.0

09 Nov 11:52
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  1. 修复了一个问题,该问题导致 ext 分区在特定情况下提取 selinux 上下文时报错。
  2. 更新了菜单样式。
  3. 新的英文翻译,应该能够正确工作了。
    04.修复一个问题,该问题导致提取 ext 分区 selinux 上下文内容时产生了无效字符。
    5.由于某些 ext4 文件比较特别,对 ext4 的提取进行了调整,现在采用 debugfs 提取,需要 root

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Fixed a problem that caused an error when extracting selinux context for ext partitions in some cases.
  2. Updated menu style.
  3. New English translation, should work properly.
  4. Fixed a problem that caused invalid characters to be generated when extracting selinux context for ext partitions.
  5. Because some ext4 files are special, the extraction of ext4 has been adjusted. Now debugfs is used for extraction, which requires root