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UY-Scuti 9.0.0

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@ONEUI-7 ONEUI-7 released this 14 Nov 11:47



  1. ext 分区文件的提取更换:现在提取 ext 分区文件时需要 ROOT 权限。
  2. ext4 打包方式更新:ext4 文件的打包方式已更改为使用 mke2fse2fsdroid,仅支持 Android 10 及更高版本。
  3. super.img 打包添加加载动画:在打包 super.img 时新增了加载动画。
  4. 不再支持 ext 和 f2fs 稀疏格式打包:已移除对 ext 和 f2fs 稀疏格式的打包支持。
  5. 更新逻辑分离:将 SELinux 配置与上下文内容的更新逻辑从打包逻辑中分离,便于代码阅读和维护。
  6. 其他优化:进行了一些特性优化,以提高性能和可用性。

Release Notes

New Features

  1. Extracting ext partition files now requires ROOT permissions: The extraction of ext partition files has been updated and now requires ROOT access.
  2. ext4 packaging update: The packaging method for ext4 partitions has been changed to use mke2fs and e2fsdroid, and is now supported only on Android 10 and higher.
  3. Loading animation for super.img packaging: A loading animation has been added when packaging super.img.
  4. No longer supporting ext and f2fs sparse format packaging: Support for packing ext and f2fs sparse formats has been removed.
  5. Separation of SELinux configuration and context update logic: The logic for updating SELinux configurations and contexts has been separated from the packaging logic for better readability and maintenance.
  6. Other optimizations: Several feature optimizations have been made to improve performance and usability.