Thanks for showing interest in my profile!
- Leading teams in building scalable synchonous and async applications involving SQL and NoSQL databases, complex workflow.
- Building cloud native products that include
- designing end-to-end cloud service
- provisioning cloud infrastructure such as networking, file systems, compute etc.
- implementing control-plane using cloud services like kubernetes, docker
- managing entire infrastructure using Terraform
- maintain CI/CD pipelines that can deliver the implemented code to customers within hours
- Java web services
- BigData tools like Kafka and Apache Spark
- Machine Learning
- Java
- Python
- Javascript
- Terraform
- Bash
- C
- Cloud based products
- Java applications
- desingning personal websites or blogs
- providing useful sample OpenSource applications code via GitHub
- working on Machine Learning projects
Know more about my work and personal details here: Pardhu Madipalli GitHub IO Page

Take a look at my pinned repositories below and mail me if you are interested in collaborating on any project.
Cheers 😄