Fully automatic Common Carotid Artery ultrasound image segmentation using Wind Driven Optimization technique
Contact: pardhu1212@gmail.com
Image denoising and enhancement codes are not attached.
The code is tested on several Ultra Sound images and it can be used to segment other types of images with little modifications.
Number of threshold levels have to changed according to the image to be segmented. Number of iterations or the population size has to be incremented to achieve better results.
Here, Otsu's function is as a fitness function for finding the optimum thresold. The code for Otsu's function is attached.
Refernce paper for the project is at the following website: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.bspc.2017.08.009
Refer to the authors in the paper for the contact details of authors.
Please use the code at your own risk. Author is not responsible for errors in the code.
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