'Ignis' is a high-performance raytracer implemented using the Artic frontend of the AnyDSL compiler framework (https://anydsl.github.io/) and based on Rodent (https://github.com/AnyDSL/rodent). The renderer is usable on all three major platforms (Linux, Windows, MacOs).
Some scenes rendered with Ignis. Acquired from https://benedikt-bitterli.me/resources/ and converted from Mitsuba to our own format. Both images took roughly one minute to render. With an RTX 2080 Super you can even have an interactive view of the scene.
A sample scene from https://github.com/KhronosGroup/glTF-Sample-Models directly rendered within igview
- AnyDSL https://github.com/AnyDSL/anydsl
- Intel® Threading Building Blocks https://www.threadingbuildingblocks.org/
- ZLib https://zlib.net/
The following dependencies will be downloaded and compiled automatically. Have a look at CPM for more information.
- bvh https://github.com/madmann91/bvh
- Catch2 https://github.com/catchorg/Catch2
- CLI11 https://github.com/CLIUtils/CLI11
- Eigen3 http://eigen.tuxfamily.org
- imgui https://github.com/ocornut/imgui
- imgui-markdown https://github.com/juliettef/imgui_markdown
- implot https://github.com/epezent/implot
- nanobind https://github.com/wjakob/nanobind
- PExpr https://github.com/PearCoding/PExpr
- pugixml https://github.com/zeux/pugixml
- RapidJSON https://rapidjson.org/
- stb https://github.com/nothings/stb
- tinyexr https://github.com/syoyo/tinyexr
- tinygltf https://github.com/syoyo/tinygltf
- tinyobjloader https://github.com/tinyobjloader/tinyobjloader
- tinyparser-mitsuba https://github.com/PearCoding/TinyParser-Mitsuba
Ignis is available on docker hub with some preconfigured flavours! pearcoding/ignis
More information is available here docker/README.md
Ignis has multiple branches here on Github.
The main branch. Is quite stable, fingers crossed.development
Main development branch. Most recent stuff. Can be problematic to build. Bugs and errors included for free.docs
Internal branch used to build the documentation automatically.feature/*
Some upcoming but isolated features.*
Everything else. Might be features, bug fixes or other upcoming pull requests.
Information about building Ignis is available in the documentation online or in the offline version of the documentation inside docs/
The frontends of the raytracer communicate with the user and the runtime. Currently, four frontends are available:
This is the standard UI interface which displays the scene getting progressively rendered. This frontend is very good to get a first impression of the rendered scene and fly around to pick the one best camera position. Keep in mind that some power of your underlying hardware is used to render the UI and the tonemapping algorithms. Switching to the UI-less frontendigcli
might be a good idea if no preview is necessary. Note,igview
will be only available if the UI feature is enabled and SDL2 is available on your system. Disable this frontend by setting the CMake optionIG_WITH_VIEWER
to Off.igexplorer
A special frontend developed for glare risk assessment. Capable of loading scenes and delivering the usual window based application experience. Disable this frontend by setting the CMake optionIG_WITH_EXPLORER
to Off.igcli
The commandline only frontend is the same asigview
but without any UI specific features and no interactive controls. In contrary toigview
requires a maximum iteration or time budget to be specified by the user. Progressive rendering is not that useful without a preview. (We might add progressive rendering back, but I need a convincing argument for that...)igtrace
This commandline only frontend ignores camera specific information and expects a list of rays from the user. It returns the contribution back to the user for each ray initially specified.Python API
This simple python API allows to communicate with the runtime and allows you to work with the raytracer in interactive notebooks and more. The API is only available if Python3 was found in the system. You might disable the API by setting the CMake optionIG_WITH_PYTHON_API
to Off.
Use the --help
argument on each of the executables to get information of possible arguments for each frontend.
Run a frontend of your choice like this:
igview scene/diamond_scene.json
All available components are documented in the docs/
folder. A documentation can be created with
cmake --build . -t ig_documentation
from the build/
A quite recent version of the above documentation is available at: https://pearcoding.github.io/Ignis/
Ignis uses a JSON based flat scene description with instancing. Support for shading nodes is available via PExpr, image and procedural textures. A schema is available at docs/refs/ignis.schema.json
You might use the igutil
to convert a Mitsuba scene description to our own format. Keep in mind that this feature is very experimental and not all BSDFs work out of the box.
You can also use rad2json
to convert geometry used in the Radiance framework to our tool. Keep in mind that no BSDF and lights are mapped as the two raytracers are vastile different in these regards.
Ignis is able to understand glTF files. You can embed glTF files in Ignis's own scene description file or directly use the glTF file as an input to the multiple frontends.
A Blender plugin is available in scripts/blender_exporter/
The tool igutil
is able to convert between multiple formats like the Radiance favorite image format HDR to the advanced OpenEXR format and vice versa. Further it can output information embedded inside images.
This is useful to ease the transfer from Radiance to our raytracer, but you can disable them by setting the CMake option IG_WITH_TOOLS
to Off.
The Ignis client has an optional UI and multiple ways to interact with the scene:
number keys to switch between views.1..9
to save the current view on that slot.F1
to toggle the help window.F2
to toggle the UI.F3
to toggle the interaction lock. If enabled, no view changing interaction is possible.F11
to save a snapshot of the current rendering. HDR information will be preserved. Use withStrg/Ctrl
to make a LDR screenshot of the current render including UI and tonemapping. The image will be saved in the current working directory.R
to reset to initial view.P
to pause current rendering. Also implies an interaction lock.T
to toggle automatic tonemapping.G
to reset tonemapping properties. Only works if automatic tonemapping is disabled.F
to increase (or withShift
to decrease) tonemapping exposure. Step size can be decreased withStrg/Ctrl
. Only works if automatic tonemapping is disabled.V
to increase (or withShift
to decrease) tonemapping offset. Step size can be decreased withStrg/Ctrl
. Only works if automatic tonemapping is disabled.WASD
or arrow keys to travel through the scene.Q/E
to roll the camera around the viewing direction.PageUp/PageDown
to pan the camera up and down.Notepad +/-
to change the travel speed.Numpad 1
to switch to front view.Numpad 3
to switch to side view.Numpad 7
to switch to top view.Numpad 9
to look behind you.Numpad 2468
to rotate the camera.- Use with
to rotate the camera around the center of the scene. Use withAlt
to enable first person camera behaviour.
The project is funded by the Velux Stiftung and developed in cooperation with the Computer Graphics chair of the Saarland University, Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems ISE and DFKI.