new features
informative reads
option to include soft-clipped tips in place of their mate informative read
option to exclude full-length informative reads completely
output formats
outputs with the .gz extension are compressed with block-gzip rather than regular gzip #104
option to output tab-delimited plain text files suitable for tabix indexing when block-gzipped #103
extract-informative temporary files #106
temporary files are now written to the same location as the output by default
option to not remove these files
option to write them to a temp location provided by the operating system
added Biopython as a dependency to support block-gzip compression
refactor submodules to hide application specific code
refactor clustering classes/methods to use new names
non-hierarchical method named IDBCAN (Interval Density Based Clustering of Applications with Noise)
conservative-hierarchical method named SIDBCAN (Splitting-IDBCAN)
aggressive-hierarchical method named SIDBCAN-aggressive and deprecated
bug fixes
python 3 shebang lines #98
add to allow for github install with pip #89
named clustering algorithms loosely based on DBSCAN
non-hierarchical method named IDBCAN (Interval Density Based Clustering of Applications with Noise)
hierarchical method named SIDBCAN (Splitting-IDBCAN)
many corrections to documentation of clustering algorithms #99
specify tabix command to index block-gzipped output
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