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Constantinople By Night

867: Constantinople ruled by Michael. Dracon is still in the city, but depressed over the destruction of Antonius. Caius leads the Antonian Ventrue. Also present: Khay’tall of the Children of Judas, Lexor Brujah, Magnus Lasombra. Malachite Nosferatu The Dream includes most of Greece and Anatolia

World Map 800 CE World Map 900 CE

Spain Map 910 CE

Alexander is the Ventrue Prince of Paris. Salianna has not yet arrived in the French Court.

Narses, Archbishop of Nod, rules Lasombra Italy from Venice with the Cainite Heresy. Dominic is Brujah Warlord of Hungary and is waging war against the Ventrue of the HRE. Dominic is allied with Michael and the Dream. Promethean. Once a Carthage general.

Sha'hiri is still the Eldest of Banu Haqim. Nakhthorheb still leads the Followers of Set. Tanit is still the Baali shadow ruler of Tyre.

Odin the All-High and the Einherjar rule over a still pagan Scanadinavia; warring with the Get of Fenris yet raiding all over Europe. Christianity has only started to encroach.. West Germany is recently converted to Christianity (and Ventrue domination), East Germany is still Pagan (and Einherjar).

Sea of Shadows does not control Constantinople or Greece; Montano rules from Sicily Silvester de Ruiz is the Lasombra Lord of Iberia.

Hardestadt is not yet embraced and there is no Fiefs of the Black Cross.

Clan Salubri and the Al-Amin still exist.

Mithras is in torpor in England. No Fiefs of the Black Cross. House Tremere are still mages. Giovanni are still mages.


The Dream

Michaelite Toreador

  • Michael, 4th generation Toreador, Emperor of the Dream and masquerading as Michael III to restore the Eastern Roman Empire.
  • Petronius, the Arbiter, 5th generation Toreador, childe of Michael
  • Anthemios of Thralles, Muse of Architecture, 5th generation Toreador, childe of Michael
  • Pakourianis, the Dove, 5th generation Toreador, childe of Michael
  • Paul Bathalos, 5th generation Toreador, childe of Michael
  • Enimachia, the deposed Prince of Damascus, 5th generation Toreador, Ray'een al-Fen dynasty, childe of Michael, claim on Damascus and Syria, sire of Darshuf
  • Vashtai, 5th generation Toreador, childe of Michael

Dracon Tzimisce

Antonian Ventrue

  • Caius, Basileus of the Antonian Ventrue, 5th generation Ventrue, childe of Antonius the Gaul
  • Septima Dominica, 5th generation Ventrue, childe of Antonius the Gaul
  • Belisarius, 5th generation Ventrue, childe of Antonius the Gaul, wandering the Mediterranean with Shabah, but welcome to return to Constantinople. Lover and bloodbonded to Shabah
  • Nicepherus, 6th generation Ventrue, childe of Septima Dominica
  • Ducas, 6th generation Ventrue, childe of Septima Dominica
  • Alexia Theusa, Mistress of Death, 5th Generation Cappadocian, Childe of Byzar, Lover of Byzar

Children of Judas, Scions of the Michaelite Toreador

Lexor Brujah, Scions of the Antonian Brujah

Magnus Lasombra, Scions of the Michaelite Toreador

  • Magnus, Custodian of Orthodoxy, 8th generation Lasombra
  • Sarah the Chaste, 9th generation Lasombra, childe of Magnus
  • Peter the Humble, Dark Acolyte, 9th generation Lasombra, childe of Magnus
  • Alfonzo of Venice, Cainite Heresy Priest of the Latin Quarter, 7th generation Lasombra, childe of Narses

Malachite Nosferatu, Scions of Michaelite Toreador

  • Malachite, the Rock of Constantinople, 7th generation of Nosferatu, blood oath to Michael

The Dream Circle


  • Gregorius Dimities, 6th generation Malkavian, childe of Demtius, Inconnu secret, lover of Michael
  • Sabah, 6th generation Assamite, will not arrive until 1174.



  • Dionysius, 5th generation Cappadocian, Childe of Japheth, Prince of Athens, author of the Pact of Athens, Road of Humanity
  • Witches of Echidna


  • Japheth, 4th Generation Cappadocian, Erciyes, Via Ossium
  • Constancia, 5th Generation Cappadocian, Priestess of Bones, Matron of the Erciyes Temple, Childe of Japheth, Via Ossium
  • Bindusara, 6th Generation Ventrue, Erciyes,

The Voivodate

  • Noriz, Corruptor of Legions, 5th generation Tzimisce, Voivode of Voivodes
  • Koban, Fiend Among Fiends, 6th generation Tzimisce, childe of Noriz, Prince of Toth (Slavonia), rival of Zubor


  • Dominic, Brute Patriarch of Pannia, War Lord of Hungary, 6th generation Brujah, waging war against the Ventrue of the Holy Roman Empire. He is allied with Michael and The Dream

Shadow Curtain

  • Baba Yaga, Little Grandmother of the Shadow Curtain, 4th generation Nosferatu Methuselah, Hag Queen of Russia, Prince of Moscow
  • Viktor, 6th generation Gangrel, blood bound to Baba Yaga, General of Baba Yaga's Army of the Night
  • Sharkala the Cruel, Zmei (Wyrm Dragon), Vassal of Baba Yaga
  • Gutka, the Salt Queen, 5th generation Nosferatu, Childe of Baba Yaga, lair in a mine Krakow, Poland


  • Narses, Archbishop of Nod, Prince of Venice, 6th generation Lasombra, rival of Belisarius, Cainite Heresy
  • Alfonzo of Venice, childe of Narses, 7th generation Lasombra, Cainite Heresy
  • Constantius, 5th Generation Ventrue, Prince of Rome
  • Cretheus, 5th generation Ventrue, childe of Mithras, student of Saulot, seeking Golconda, forming the Inconnu
  • Mokur, 4th generation Salubri, residing in Tuscany, forming the Inconnu and searching for Golconda
  • Pentweret, 6th generation Follower of Set, childe of Isenkhebe, student of Mokur, seeking Golconda
  • Caelestius the Heretic, Brujah, Embraced 410 C.E.

Sicily: the City-States and the Sea of Shadows

  • Montano, 4th Gen. Lasombra. First childe of the clan founder of the magisters. Rules Castel d'Ombro in Sicily, seat of his clan in Siracusa. Head of the Amici noctis.
  • Boukephos. 4th Gen Lasombra. Middle childe of Lasombra. Wanderer. Sire of Marconius.
  • Marconius. 5th Gen Lasombra. Kiasyd. Abyss Mystic. Oubliette Prisoner in Castel d'Ombro.
  • Landulf II, 6th Gen Tzimisce neonate. childe of Sycorax, Koldunic Sorcerer


  • Silvester de Ruiz, 5th generation Lasombra, childe of Cleobolus
  • Bishop Vibius Fimbria, Lasombra, Cainite Heresy
  • Hector Aguilera, 6th Generation Lasombra
  • Marcellus Rufus, 5th Generation Lasombra, Childe of Boukephos, Prince of Las Médulas, Path of Chivalry/Path of the Watchful Gods
  • Roque,7th Generation Malkavian, Childe of Taurus, Prince of Pamplona, Ordo Aenigmatis
  • Badr, 8th Generation Assamite, Childe of Marcos, Sultan of Granada, Ashirra, Tariq el-Sama *Hilel al-Masaari, 6th Generation Assamite, Sultan of Cordoba,

British islands (and its French dependencies): The Baronies of Avalon

  • Mithras in Torpor, Ventrue, 4th generation, Saxon (originally Persian), Baronies of Avalon, Prince of London. Cult of Mithras. Cynic, authoritative methuselah, with high diplomatic abilities. In Torpor.
  • Marcus Verus, 5th Generation Ventrue, Baron of Chester, Childe of Mithras
  • Duke of Amber, 5th Generation Ventrue, Childe of Mithras
  • Duchess of Amber, 5th Generation Ventrue, Childe of Mithras
  • Roger de Camden, 6th Generation Cappadocian, Childe of Constancia, Via Ossium
  • Rhun of Tintagel, 6th generation Gangrel, Cornwall
  • Sir Arthius Morgant, 7th generation Gangrel, childe of Rhun of Tintagel, Leader of the Knights of Avalon, pledged to Mithras, Cornwall.
  • Magda, 5th generation Lhiannan Gangrel, the "Witch of Connaught"

France: The Grand Court


  • Erik Eigermann, 4th generation Ventrue, prince of Berlin, Duke of Brandenburg (Kingdom of Saxony), sire of Ilse Reinegger
  • Ilse_Reinegger, 5th generation Ventrue, prince of Belitz, Salzwedel, Altmark; childe of Erik Eigermann, sire of Gustav Breidenstein.
  • Julia Antasia, 5th Generation, Ventrue, Dictator of the Eternal Senate, Prince of Frankfurt, “the roman relic” Head of the Antasian faction in Frankfurt. Roman, Paragon in the Road of humanity, high learning, for she sees the ventrue as lorekeepers. Embraced Agrippa. Protects the Nosferatu in exchange for secrets and support.
  • Angiwar, 5th Generation Nosferatu, friend of Julia Antasia and her spymaster.


  • Odin, The All-High, 4th Generation Gangrel Methuselah and God of the Einherjar, Konungr of Uppsala
  • Ulfsdottir, childe of the All-High


  • Nehemiah - 6th Brujah- Lord of the Domain of Cyprus. Disinterested in politics and crusading. Enforces the Old Ways in his dominions.


  • Darshuf, Sultan of Damascus, 6th generation Toreador, Ray'een al-Fen dynasty, childe of Enimachia


  • Tanit, shadowruler of Tyre, 5th-generation Baali, Order of Moloch, Childe of Moloch


  • Sha'hiri, The Old Man of the Mountain, Eldest of the Assamites, 4th generation Assamite, Childe of Haqim
  • Mohara, Caliph of Alamut, leader of the Warrior Caste, 4th generation Assamite, Child of Ha1im
  • Jamal, 4th generation Assamite, Ashirra
  • Thetmes, 5th generation Assamite, childe of Sha'hiri
  • Elijah Ahmed , 6th generation Assamite, childe of Thetmes
  • Shabah, 6th generation Assamite, Envoy of Alamut to Michael, in the city of Constantinople. Lover and bloodbonded to Belisarius.
  • Nakurtum of the Silsila arrives at Alamut in 1214.


  • Suleiman ibn Abdullah, Mullah of the Ashirra, 7th Generation Lasombra, in Medina (e. 299)
  • Khalid ibn Sahl, 6th Generation Brujah, Shepherds of Islam (e. before 632). Rival of Suleiman ibn Abdullah


  • Antonius, 5th Generation Ventrue, Prince of Cairo (b. 110, e. 130)
  • Nakhthorheb, 4th Generation Follower of Set, First Son, is the leader of the Hierophants of the Followers of Set, Phaoroh of Tanis
  • Marcellus, Prince of Alexandria, Toreador
  • Usama ibn Jabar, Sultan of Fez (Morocco), Brujah, 7th Generation, Ashirra
  • Sycorax, 5th generation Tzimisce, Nigeria

Mongolia Dobrul the Brave, 4th Generation Gangrel, Leader of the Anda and Via Yasaq.

Major Plot Events


65 - Petronius the Arbiter embraced into Toreador by Michael

71 - Mithras arrives in London

104 - Khay'tall embraced into Followers of Set

325 - Caius embraced into the Ventrue by Antonius

337 - First Council of Constantinople: Michael the Toreador, Dracon the Tzimisce, Antonius the Venture

410 - Mithras enters torpor

477 - Second Council of Constantinople, Lexor Brujah and Magnus Lasombra acccepted

489 - Khay'tall invited by Michael and become of Scion of the Toreador; founding the Children of Judas

537 - Anthemios of Thralles embraced into Toreador by Michael, architect of much of Constantinople

566 - Flavius Belisarius embraced into Venture by Antonius

567 - Pakourianis the Dove embraced into Toreador by Michael

576 - Narses embraced into Lasombra. Within a century, Narses become’s responsible for the Dreams’s holdings in Italy.

660 - Narses cuts ties to Constantinople and rules independently from Venice.

701 - Gesu embraced into Tzimisce by the Dracon

703 - Symeon embraced into Tzimisce by Gesu

729 - Esclarmonde la Noir embraced into Toreador

732 - Silvester de Ruiz embraced into Lasombra, becomes Lord of Iberia

750 - Paul Bathalos embraced into Toreador by Michael

796 - Fourth Council of Constantinople, Malachite Nosferatu invited and become a scion of the Toreador, Antonius the Ventrue is destroyed and deposed by Casius.

Pre-800: Alexander establishes his Grand Court in Paris

810 - Pepin of Italy lays siege to Venice, but is repelled thanks to the diseases from the local swamps and the quick removal of any channel markers or buoys within the city. The Giovani family is credited for their fervor in defending the city.

842 - Michael directly rules the city as Emperor Michael III

843 - Kenneth McAlpin, Kinfolk of the Silver Fangs, assumes power over the Scottish and Pictish kingdoms, establishing the Kingdom of Alba. A combined pack of Silver Fangs and Fianna watch over him, but a combination of tainted blood (by the mingling of White Howler / Black Spiral Kinfolk with their own centuries before) and a spiritual connection to the tainted tribe (their totem, Lion) causes them to fall to the Wyrm, joining the Black Spiral Dancers. Flambeau, founder of House Flambeau, dies. A copy of the Malleus Nefandorum is burned in Constantinople.

848 - House Tremere attempts to establish itself as supreme over the other Houses in the Order of Hermes, but is thwarted by a group of unknown independent magi. A warning to the other Houses goes unheeded.

862 - Unification of Slavic tribes of Novogrod, under the Scandinavian chief Rurik, Kinfolk to the Get of Fenris

872 - Paulician leader Chrysocheir is met in battle and beheaded by byzantine officials. In an effort to curb the Paulician heresy, multiple communities of the heretics are forcefully relocated to Bulgaria

876 - Vladimir Rustovich embraced into the Tzimisce by Kosczecsyku.

876 - Mages (belonging to the Bonisagus, Flambeau, Quaesitor and Tytalus Houses) seize the Covenant of a powerful Nephandus, at Nemrut Dagi in Turkey. The Covenant, called Doissetep, is later moved to the Pyrenees.

879 - The Cainite Heresy becomes formalized and continues in more or less this form for several centuries.

888 - The Dracon disappears

890 - Fifth Council of Constantinople: Gesu and Symeon lead Tzimisce, Michael starts falling in Torpor; leaving Petronius the Arbiter as leader of the Toreador and the city.

900: The Dracon missing, Michael has entered torpor, Antonius was destroyed. Constantinople ruled by Petronius the Arbiter of the Michaelite Toreador, Gesu and Symeon of the Dracon Tzimisce and Caius of the Antonian Ventrue. Also present: Khay’tall of the Children of Judas, Lexor Brujah, Magnus Lasombra. Malachite Nosferatu The Dream includes most of Greece and Anatolia

Early 900s, Matasuntha the Hun, emerges from Torpor in the Alps, wanting to rebuild her army against Rome. She intends to call a Great Gather of the Gangrel.

910 - Gunnar Skollson, great hero of the Get of Fenris, slays the vampire Starkath, losing his brother Einar Skollson in the battle.

922 - House Díedne strikes a pact with the Faeries of the Kingdom of Heather, the first such pact in history.

927 - The Midnight Circus appears in Baghdad.

939 - The House of Helekar is completed under the direction of Grand Harvester Helekar.

940 - The Duresca scrolls affair. Scrolls are unearthed, purportedly by Guernicus, showing his intent to rule the Order of Hermes and later the world. To no one's surprise, House Quaesitor rules the scrolls fraudulent and burns them.

947 - Hardestadt embraced into Ventrue

955 - Bulscu Arpad stakes Dominic, Bulscu is embraced into Ventrue

955 - Pope John XII becomes a thrall of the Earthbound Ala and begins to turn the Vatican into a "great brothel". Despite her best attempts, however, the demon gains no lasting influence over the Church.

957 - Helene la Juste embraced into Toreador by Salianna

Around 960 AD, the first packs of Northern Fenrir land in Ireland with an interest in taking some (Fianna) Caerns, but fail to do so. Pope John XII is deposed by a council of bishops on charges of being a murderous, incestous traitor to the Church. He flees.

961 - Tasgillia bani Tytalus is convicted of diabolism, helping spark a wave of paranoia throughout the Order of Hermes.

980 - A group of magi of House Tremere, lead by Goratrix and Tremere, convene in the Carpathians to consecrate the ground for their future prime chantry, Ceoris. During the ritual, one of the participating magi, Ponticulus, has to be killed.

983 - Kosczecsyku fakes his own final death by Shadowlord werewolves, and succeeded by Vladimir Rustovich as Voivode

985 - The construction of Ceoris is complete. The mundane workers are either killed or forced to settle around the new chantry.

986 - Bjarni Herjulfson, a Viking Kinfolk of the Corax, gets lost, and sees the New World for the first time, although he does not disembark. He does inform the Corax of what he has seen, however.

988 - Czar Vladimir I of Russia converts to Christianity. Marries Anna, sister of the Byzantine Emperor. Christianity established in Russia, way opened for Tzimisce, Shadow Lords, and Ventrue from Western and Central Europe. Church flourishes despite Garou efforts. Silver Fangs blame Get of Fenris for the new Church, because Vladmir was a distant Get kinfolk.

989 - Jurgen von Verden embraced into Ventrue by Hardestadt the Elder

996 - Etrius proves that the potency of Ceoris' vis is slowly, but steady diminishing.

997 - House Tremere convenes in Ceoris to discuss the weakening of magic. The theories range far and wide about the actual reason. Tremere cautions his followers to proceed as if the worst was to happen. German Artisan Wolfgang von Reismann calls a secret meeting referred to as the Gathering of the Square. Descendants of the Brotherhood of the Rule journey from across Europe to Frankfurt and—using some information pieced together about Thothmes' Sacred Artisans—found La Compagnia: the Craftmasons.

999 - 999 AD, larger forces of Fenrir land in Ireland (after a prior wave around 960 AD), but the Fianna manage to repel them.

1000 - A sorcerer besets the town of Nursia with summoned demons. The people prayed for deliverance and found small amulets that managed to ward off the demons inside their doorways.

1001 - The Ashirra arrives in India alongside Muslim invaders. Septima Dominica dies the Final Death when her haven is set on fire by witch-hunters, lead there by her own childe, Ducas.

1005 - Giovanni embraced into Cappodocian Clan in the hollows of Erciyes

1001 - Septima Dominica of the Antonian Ventrue destroyed by witchhunters

1005 - Augustus Giovanni was brought into clan Cappadocian

1002 - Sascha Vykos embraced into Tzimisce by Symeon. Leif Ericson's navigator, a Corax named Einarr Flies-Like-Smoke, joins Ericson’s expedition in order to steer him away from the Pure Lands, at the behest of the New World Corax. However, a storm forces him to steer the ship to the safety of American shores. Einarr eventually feels that he has no choice but to help Ericson, who eventually visits the areas that Bjarni Herjólfsson described. Ericson returns home a hero, but Einarr is derided among the Corax for his failure.

1003 - House Tremere accuses the Druidic House Diedne of diabolism. After a Wizards' March is declared on them, the Schism War erupts. The War is mostly a distraction to keep the other Houses from noticing Tremere's investigation of vampirism. Etrius' attempts to summon and control demons as a way to substain the fading magic of his House fail, with a whole floor of Ceoris falling to infernal forces. Etrius is dragged before a conclave of magi and only saved from death thanks to personal intervention from Tremere himself.

1005 - Augustus Giovanni is Embraced into clan Cappadocian, using the blood of the sleeping Antediluvian. Goratrix gains Tremere's approval for his experiments on the Kindred. Salah ibn Qaboos is Embraced. The influential Gangrel Elder Shabaqo converts to Islam and joins the Ashirra. While many of his brethren denounce him as a traitor, Shabaqo's progeny forms the Taifa Gangrel.

1006-1047 - Himinis the Mad of House Verditius crafts Talismans with hidden traps.

1011 - Bajazet Al-Nasir is Embraced. Epistatia accuses Paul Cordwood's apprentice of sabotaging her experiments. When the apprentice is found dead, Goratrix covers for Epistatia in exchange for help with his own research.

1012 - Ragnor Thorvaldson, "Ragnor Red Axe", great hero to the Get of Fenris, is born near Trondheim, Norway. The Schism War ends when House Diedne is destroyed by Houses Tremere, Flambeau, and Tytalus.[2] Diedne leaders escape with the help of the fae.

1016 - Future Batini and member of the First Cabal Daud-Allah Abu-Hisham, Ibn-Muqla al-Baghdadi is reputedly born.

1022 - Goratrix leads Tremere and six other individuals from the sorcerous House Tremere in a ritual to achieve immortality, involving the death of Tzimisce vampires. The ritual results in them all becoming vampires and the first of members of Clan Tremere. They manage to conceal the truth for the next 177 years.

1023 - Trolls open the first transatlantic Trod.

1024 - Ponticulus' shade manages to contact Etrius in Ceoris. Telling him about the origin of Goratrix' experiments and the influence of the Root of All and the Stars Above, the wraith urges him to kill himself and his seven conspirators to free themselves. Etrius betrays Ponticulus' words to Goratrix, who futilely tries to imprison the unruly wraith.

1037 - Tremere blood bonds his seven vampire companions and announces to them a new pyramid structure with himself at the top and them forming the Inner Council of Seven directly beneath him. He then orders them to secretly Embrace all mages within his house, beginning the transformation into Clan Tremere.

1044 - Bela Rusenko embraced into Cappodician

1045 - Ambrogino Giovanni, a bastard of the Giovanni family, is Embraced by Lady Constancia

1063 - Wolfgang von Reismann, having achieved immortality via Solificati alchemy, fakes his own death and fades into the shadows. Von Reismann later becomes one of the first Honori of the Order of Reason.

1066 - Halley's Comet arrives, sending the people of the Dark Medieval into a fearful outcry. Norman Conquest of England. William I the Conqueror invades England without the consent of his liege lord, King Philip I of France. The Normans bring Silver Fangs to England with them. Guernicus, founder of House Quaesitor and discoverer of Gilgul, dies.

1067 - Mistridge Covenant is founded.

1068 - 1068-1086: The reign of Emperor Shenzong of the Sung Dynasty. Sometime during this period, Chinese Artificers discover a Pattern Realm within which they establish a Construct called Qian-Chengshi ("Thousand City"). Soon the Construct encompasses the Realm. According to Vampyr Apocrypha, Julius of Gaul discovers a sarcophagus near Ankara in the Ottoman Empire. It is suspected to contain an ancient vampire.

1069 - Mithras wakens from Torpor

1081 - Venetian Lasombra under Narses become scion of Michael’s dream under the Antonian Ventrue

1085 - Mithras returns to London

1091 - A great fire devastates Prague, forcing the Přemysl to relocate their court to Vyšehrad.

1093 - Craftmason Stephen Trevanus, the inspiration for Robin Hood, is born.

1095 - 1095-1192, -1272: The Crusades. Many Hermetic magi accompany Crusader regiments to the Middle East, and bring back new scrolls and insights into alchemy and mathematics, invigorating the Houses. One of the crusaders becomes Knight Entropy, the Wyrm’s Spawn, Maeljin of Khaaloobh, the Urge Wyrm of Consumption.

1096 - The War of the Guilds begins in Stygia. It will not be resolved until 1354.

1097 - Antonius Heerenven, a Nosferatu, embraces Rabbi Herschel Salomon.

1098 - Etienne de Poitiers embraced into Toreador by Nicholas the Younger. Lucretia von Hardtz is Embraced by Kuritz. Curaferrum is born in Minsk under the name Yan.

1099 - First Crusaders take Jerusalem, rounding up its inhabitants — Jew, Muslim and Christian alike — and slaughtering them. Cainites call it the Weeks of Blood.

1100: Taking advantage of Byzantium's enlightened atmosphere, Artisan guilds reestablish Ars Praeclarus.

1133 - Tremere diablerizes Saulot

1153 - Ambrosio Luis Monçada embraced into Lasombra by Silvester de Ruiz

1154 - Mithras becomes monarch of the Baronies of Avalon

1160 - Josef Zvi embraced into Nosferatu

1162 - Zubor destroyed by his sire, Gesu

1167 - Nikita of Sredetz heads the Council of Heretics

1191 - Hardestadt the Younger embraced into Ventrue by Hardestadt the Elder

1196 - Lillian embraced into Tzimisce by Gesu

1202 - Massas War: Order of Hermes vs. Tremere

1204 - Michael of Constantinople is diablerized, Alfonzo of Venice becomes Prince, Khay'tall torpored, Gesu destroyed, Lillian destroyed, Caius destroyed, Petronius the Arbiter likely destroyed

1212 - Narses deposed as Archbishop of Nod by the Crimson Curia; Nikita of Sredetz becomes new Archbishop of Nod

1214 - Nakurtum arrives at Alamut.

1215 - Narses diablerized by his childe Guilelmo Aliprando

1222 - Alexander deposed as prince of Paris

1424 - Silvester de Ruiz destroyed by Ambrosio Luis Monçada

1550 - Symeon diablerized by Vykos

Major Cities

  • Baghdad 300K
  • Constantinople 150K
  • Fustat/Cairo` 150K
  • Cordoba 175K
  • Alexandria (Egypt) 100K
  • Basra 100K
  • Fes 75K (in 1000)
  • Preslav, 60K
  • Benares (Varanasi). 59K
  • Seville, 52K
  • Thessaloniki 50K
  • Kiev 45K (in 1000)
  • Rome 40K
  • Venice 37K
  • Naples 30K
  • Milan 30K
  • Mainz 30K
  • Toledo 28K
  • Verona 25K
  • Regensburg 25K
  • Cologne 21K
  • Paris 20K
  • Granada 20K
  • Poitiers 10K
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