Releases: RandomHashTags/litleagues
Hotfixes and additions
- fixed: (website) League and Tournament Scheduler progress bars not reflecting the actual progress
- fixed: (website) changing a team's division not updating it in the League Scheduler interface
- fixed: (website) sitemap-path showing up on the index page
- fixed: multiple instances of crashing when generating a League
- other minor css, js and html fixes
- added: (website) traditional result style for generated Tournament brackets
- added: (website)
element to the League and Tournament steps to jump to previously completed steps - more development on the new League Scheduling system (really close to a production release)
14 days since last release
This release contains
1 contributor - 24 commits - 71 files changed (1,862 additions, 1,939 deletions)
- new league and tournament scheduler interfaces
- adoption of
compiler flag for better production usage - adoption of DocC for better documentation and tutorials
- adoption of JavaScript Event Listeners instead of HTML inline event handlers
- adoption of merging multiple JavaScript/CSS files into one in production (for better maintainability when developing)
- adoption of
in some places where applicable - css, js and html fixes
- fixed multiple issues that caused the server to crash when parsing league or tournament input data
- fixed color scheme not loading default scheme correctly and not remembering the chosen option
- moved newsroom updates from
- updated some variable and function names to use camelCase (was snake_case)
- codebase now uses access control keywords like they're supposed to (better reflecting industry standards and best practices)
- more development on the new League Scheduling system
- updated index layout
- updated dependencies to latest versions
98 days since last release
This release contains:
1 contributor - 84 commits - 221 files changed (10,123 additions, 9,996 deletions)
- css & js bug fixes
- fixed the "generate schedule" button not being clickable if it encounters and error during tournament schedule generation
- fixed multiple instances of logic issues when generating a tournament schedule that causes the server to crash
- adoption of Swift HTMLKit for the best website performance/efficiency (replaces Leaf for website templating)
- added an API documentation webpage (
- updated pricing webpage (
- some website layout improvements when viewing on mobile
- webpages now have relevant meta descriptions & keywords
- a lot more development on the new and improved League Scheduling system and redesigned scheduler interface
- development of a new internal Localization system utilizing the performance of Swift HTMLKit's static throughput
- development of a new Networking system for the absolute best performance (Destiny)
- adoption of a new internal Routing system that supports documentation, localization, and improves maintainability
- updated dependencies to latest versions
- updated README to reflect latest changes
28 days since last release
This release contains:
1 contributor - 30 commits - 112 files changed (4,301 additions, 2,121 deletions)
- required inputs now prevent going to next section if not populated
- html, css and js bug fixes, updates and performance improvements (including a case where very strict CORS security would prevent access to our API)
- updated how website notifications look
- updated how software update pages look
- development of a new League Scheduler to better compute complex schedules (and a redesigned website scheduler)
- development of a new HTML system for the absolute best website performance (
- updated dependencies to latest versions
- removed some unused and obsolete code and dependencies
- switched to
for much easier unit testing
Next major update is looking very promising. New League and Tournament Schedulers with redesigned interfaces will make creating your schedules even better.
We are nearing the end of beta. The only remaining thing left to finalize is the database.
I estimate this will be out of beta by April 2025.
27 days since last release
This release contains:
1 contributor - 56 commits - 159 files changed (5,160 additions, 2,863 deletions)
- Fixed html files not being cached by browser when requested
- Fixed dark/light mode not properly working for some elements
- Fixed being unable to generate schedules with time exclusive locations
- Fixed Default division showing up as 'undefined' in the Recurring Day Limit Options from the scheduler
- Fixed being unable to generate tournaments
- Fixed two instances of division by zero
- Can now enter team records for tournaments
- Can now give your League Settings a name when downloading
1 day since last release
This update contains:
1 contributor - 5 commits - 19 files changed (390 additions and 231 deletions)
- css & html updates
- new web pages (Contact, Features, Leadership, Newsroom, Pricing, Privacy Policy, Terms of Service)
- bug fixes to website scheduler, javascript, html, and css
- performance improvements relating to Unsafe Pointers, website Response Compression, and fixing a server bug that prevented the browser to cache javascript files
25 days since last release
This release contains:
1 contributor - 66 commits - 135 files changed (6,985 additions and 3,055 deletions)
- added support for matchup travel location durations (had to recode a lot of stuff to support it)
- css & js files are now minified
- many performance improvements by making use of unsafe pointers
- many bug & logic fixes
- website QOL improvements and added a dark mode toggle
30 days since last release
This release contains:
1 contributor - 89 commits - 139 files changes (6,939 additions and 5,119 deletions)