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Metadata are dynamic variables related to an entity. We assumed the entity is an user. All the metadata are stored in a column called 'metadata' in a table having structure of

user (
    userId: string (pk), 
    domain: string (pk), 
    status: string, 
    metadata: json

'status' is a special type of meta hence it is handled specially.


We ensure to support 10,000 delivery 1 day. Say, morning 1hr, noon 1hr, night 1hr traffic. (10,000 / 3 / 60 / 60) = 1 req/sec.

API Endpoints

  1. POST /api/v1/users/meta

    Description: Create/Replace User


         "userId": "13123", 
         "status": "online", 
         "metadata": {
             "meta1": v1,
             "meta2": "v2"
  2. PATCH /api/v1/users/{userId}/meta

    Description: Merge the given user metadata with existing value.


         "metadata": {               // Optional
             "carrying": [
         "status": "online"          // Optional
  3. GET /api/v1/users

    Description: Returns all the users page by page.

    QueryString: page=1&size:100 The query params are optional. If not specified only the first 100 will be served.

    ResponseBody: Contains a list of users.

  4. GET /api/v1/users?userIds=

    Description: Returns all users having user_ids.

    QueryString: user_ids=1,2,3,...


        "1": {
            "id": "vivasoft.com_1",
            "user_id": "1",
            "status": "online",
            "domain": "",
            "metadata": {
                "carying": [
                "destination": {
                    "lat": 10,
                    "lon": 20
        "2": null,
        "3": {
            "id": "vivasoft.com_3",
            "user_id": "3",
            "status": null,
            "domain": "",
            "metadata": {
                "carying": [
  5. POST /api/v1/users/meta/search

    Description Gets users satisfying the query. There are three supported types of query available. MATCH, EXCEPT and RANGE. for details see the "Search Query Types" section.


     "match": {
         "name": "abul",
         "city": ["Dhaka", "Khulna", "Tangail"],
         "carrying": {
             "all": ["abul", "mofiz"]
     "except": {
         "name": "mofiz",
         "city": ["Sylhet", "Chittagong"]
         "carrying": {
             "all": ["abul", "mofiz"]
     "range": {
         "age": {
             "lt/lte": 1004,
             "gt/gte": 12132

Search Query Types

There are three supported types of search query available. MATCH, EXCEPT and RANGE.


Match query takes the value as key, value pairs.

"match": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": ["value2, "value3"]

Keys are the field name of the json in metadata column. For a match query every key must satisfies the value. The values are usually objects of primitive types or arrays of primitive types. If values are of primitive types then the json fields are just checked if they are matched.

If they are arrays then the corresponding json field must also be array. If not then they will not be in the result. And also all the items in the array must be available in the json field.

It is also possible to search if at least one item in the array is matched. Then this must be specified using an 'ANY' clause. By default it is assumed as "ALL" clause.

"match": {
    "carrying": {
        "ANY": ["abul", "mofiz"]
i. ANY:

The value of "ANY" must be a list type. Satisfies if any of the item of the list is found.

"match": {
    "carrying": {
        "ANY": ["abul", "mofiz"]
ii. ALL:

The value of "ANY" must be a list type. Satisfies if all of the item of the list is found. This is the default behaviour if ALL or ANY nothing is specified for an array.

"match": {
    "carrying": {
        "ALL": ["abul", "mofiz"]


Except query takes the value as key, value pairs just like the match query.

"except": {
    "key1": "value1",
    "key2": ["value2, "value3"]

For an except query every key must must not satisfies the value. It is just the opposite of match. If they match then they will be removed from the result in an except query.

Except query can also contain "ANY" or "ALL" clause. Default is "ALL" if nothing specified.

i. ANY:

The value of "ANY" must be a list type. Satisfies if any of the item of the list is found.

"except": {
    "carrying": {
        "ANY": ["abul", "mofiz"]
ii. ALL:

The value of "ALL" must be a list type. Satisfies if all of the item of the list is found. This is the default behaviour if ALL or ANY nothing is specified for an array.

"except": {
    "carrying": {
        "ALL": ["abul", "mofiz"]

In case you need to filter according to 'status' column or other (like user_id) then you have to mention them as query parameters. Query params are treated as key value pairs. keys are the column name and values are the row values.

Start db in dev:

docker-compose up -d

Start the application:

./gradlew bootRun

Release Notes:


Improved error response


Released first production version