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Rena Kunisaki edited this page Jan 28, 2021 · 7 revisions

Audio files

These are all found under /audio. This does not include /streams.

  • midi.wad
  • starfox.h.bak - old list of SFX IDs (don't match final)
  • starfoxm.poo, starfoxs.poo - pool file
  •, - project file
  • starfoxm.sam, starfoxs.sam - sample file (the actual audio data)
  • starfoxm.sdi, starfoxs.sdi - sample directory

Presumably m=music, s=sfx is able to parse the audio data. Of course, it does not build, and has some utterly insane dependencies (why the shit does an audio decoder want a 3D graphics library!?)

  • .proj: project structure, what belongs to which group
  • .pool: all data except samples
  • .sdir: locations of samples needed by groups
  • .samp: sample data


  • EmptyN .bin 256K where N is 0..7
  • Music .bin 2.5K
  • Sfx .bin 38K
  • Streams.bin 20K

Sound effects

XXX where is this struct used?

Offset Type Name Description
000000 ushort id used to look up entry
000002 ushort ? flags? if FFFF, don't play
000004 byte ?
000005 byte ?
000006 byte ?
000007 byte ?
000008 u32 offset high byte: index into something 8 bytes; low 3 bytes: offset
00000c u16 rate higher = lower pitch
00000e u16 pitch higher = higher pitch - #samples?
000010 int length high byte = flags?
000014 u32 repeatStart repeat from this point...
000018 u32 repeatEnd this one (if this isn't 0)
00001c u32 variation distorts in various random ways

SFX.bin entry

Offset Type Name Description
000000 u16 id
000002 u8 baseVolume
000003 u8 volumeRand volume = rand(baseVolume - volumeRand, baseVolume + volumeRand)
000004 u8 basePan 127=center
000005 u8 panRand never used, works same as volumeRand
000006 u16 ?
000008 u16 range how far from source object to silence
00000a u16[6] fxIds actual sound to play (not same as id) (XXX are these the IDs in starfox.h.bak?)
000016 u8[6] fxChance chance to pick each sound
00001c ushort randMax sum of fxChance
00001e u8 ? maybe queue slot? high 4bits are idx into sfxTable_803db248
00001f u8 idxs two 4-bit values: numIdxs (# items in fxIds), prevIdx (previously played index)

Pseudocode to play a sound effect:

if id == 0xAB:
    //no idea what this is, just some kind of whoosh or creak.
    //it alternates between two different sounds every time it's played.
    //this check seems unnecessary though since the normal random
    //selection avoids repeats and so would have the same effect.
    entry->prevIdx ^= 1
    idx = entry->prevIdx
    n = random between 1 and entry->randMax
    idx = the index of value n in entry->fxIds
        //eg if randVals = [10, 20, 30] and n = 22,
        //then idx = 2, since randVals[2] >= n

    //avoid playing the same sound twice in a row.
    //if we chose the same one as last time, use the next one.
    if entry->prevIdx == idx:
        idx += 1
        if idx > entry->numIdxs: idx = 0

entry->prevIdx = idx
outId = entry->randVals[idx]
if outId is 0, don't play

//compute the volume:
	if entry->volumeRand == 0:
		outVolume = entry->baseVolume
	else: outVolume = rand(
		entry->baseVolume - entry->volumeRand,
		entry->baseVolume + entry->volumeRand)

    //same calculation here, but result is cast to float.
    //panRand is 0 in every sound effect though
	if entry->panRand == 0:
		outPan = (float)entry->basePan
	else: outPan = rand(
		entry->basePan - entry->panRand,
		entry->basePan + entry->panRand)

u8 sfxTable_803db248[8] = {0x01, 0x02, 0x04, 0x08, 0x10, 0x20, 0x40, 0};

outField6  = (float)unk06
outRange   = (float)range
outTable1E = sfxTable_803db248[unk1E >> 4]
out1ELow   = unk1E & 1
out1EHigh  = (unk1E >> 3) & 1

Sound Effect IDs

(names made up by me)

ID Name
001D FoxClimbUp
001F KrystalHurt
0024 FoxHurt
0025 FoxClimbUp2
0026 FoxFallScream
0027 FoxLandOof
0029 FoxGrabLedge
002E FoxRoll
002F ClimbOutOfWater
0049 RecoverHealth
0058 GenericItemPickup
0069 ToggleDisguise
006F Clang
0098 MenuOpen
009E ElectricCrackle
00BA SplashBA
00C0 StaffTakeOut
00C1 StaffPutAway
00C2 SmackC2
00C3 SmackC3
00E7 RobotTalk
00E8 RobotHover
00E9 RobotZap
00F3 PipF3
00F4 DootF4
00F5 MenuOpenF5
00F7 CMenuEquip
00FB Ding
00FC TitleScreenZip
00FD Squak
00FF TitleScreenOpenMenu
0100 TitleScreenCloseMenu
010A SpellCastFailed
013D TrickyDigging
016C BallBounce
017B Thud17B
017C Thud17C
020E FoxFallScream1
020F FoxFallScream2
0285 Drip
0286 CameraTurnBehindPlayer
0287 Drop
0288 Whoosh288
0289 Whoosh289
028B Whoosh28B
028C TickTickTick
028D CymbalCrash
029D TrickyFinishFlame
02CB KrystalGrabLedge
02D0 KrystalFallScream
034D Tricky_WaitUpFox
034E Tricky_WaitForMe
034F Tricky_Hey
0350 Tricky_GetOff
0351 Tricky_LookAtThis
0352 Tricky_ImHungry
0353 Tricky_Yawn2
0354 Tricky_Yawn
0355 Tricky_LetsPlay
0356 Tricky_Cool
0357 Tricky_Sniff
0358 Tricky_BadGuy
0359 Tricky_Food
035A Tricky_TheresSomethingNear
035B Tricky_GetMFox
035C Tricky_Yeah
035D Tricky_ImNotDoingIt
035E Tricky_Hello
035F Tricky_HiFella
0360 Tricky_Dumdedum
0361 Tricky_Laugh
0362 Trick_Chewing
0363 Tricky_MmmmTasty
0364 Tricky_ImStuffed
0365 Tricky_WhereAreWeGoing
0378 FoxAttack378
037B TitleScreenChangePage
037C CMenuClose
0382 IceSpell
038D WarningBeep
0394 Burning
0395 PutOutFlame
0397 TextPip
0398 KrystalClimbUp
0399 KrystalLandOof
03CD KrystalRoll1
03CE KrystalRoll2
03D8 StaticyRadarBeep
03DC TrickySpewingFire
03E5 PauseMenuOpen
03E8 HagabonWhir
03EB ElectronicChime3EB
03EC ElectronicChime3EC
03ED MapChangeMode
03EE MenuOpen3EE
03EF MenuClose3EF
03F0 MapZoom
03F1 Pip3F1
03F2 PauseMenuClose
03F4 RobotActivate
03F7 TrickyCommandDecoy
03F8 TrickyCommandFind
03F9 TrickyCommandFlame
03FA TrickyCommandGoGetIt
03FB TrickyCommandWhistle
03FC TrickyCommandStay
03FF ZipUp
0400 ZipDown
0401 MenuSlide
0402 Chime
0405 Blip
0408 CMenuOpen
0418 TitleScreenSelect
0419 TitleScreenCancel
041A TitleScreenBeep
041B ZipUp41B
041C Zap
0420 WarpIn
0427 RollInWater
042B Splash42B
0467 Warping
0470 EvilLaugh
0471 Woosh471
0472 Woosh472
047B GlassSmash
04A2 Teleport
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