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Rena Kunisaki edited this page Mar 5, 2022 · 10 revisions

Unused Files

TODO confirm these are all unused

  • /CACHEFONTSTAB.bin, /CACHEFONTSTEX.bin: both 0 bytes
  • / presumably for an old DLL system
  • /VOXOBJ.bin, / both 0 bytes, presumably related to [map]/VOXMAP.[bin,tab]
  • /splashScreen.bin: unused splash screen image
  • /dfalls: unused map
  • /frontend: unused map
  • /swapcircle: unused map
  • /modules: two unused files
    • Assumed to be part of Dolphin OS' module system that the game doesn't actually use
  • /musyxbin: empty directories

Chapter Select

Documented on TCRF.

Of note, save1.bin is not used at all; selecting Chapter 1 just begins a new game, but swapping save1 with save2 reveals a save in the Walled City.

Unused Objects

  • In Moon Mountain Pass, there is a fuel cell (ID 0004BE3B) which is assigned the same GameBit as another (ID 0004BE3E), but set to only appear in acts 9, 10, and 12, none of which are used.

Bugged Objects

  • When standing at the entrance to the cave containing the shrine warp in SnowHorn Wastes, there are two fuel cells; collecting the rightmost one prevents a Bafomdad from appearing in the Walled City (buried near the landing pad) and vice versa, since both are assigned the same GameBit.
  • Also in SnowHorn Wastes, there's a secret tunnel near the BribeClaw (use Tricky to open it) leading to two fuel cells, and another pair of fuel cells near the floating platforms above. Two of these cells share the same flag, so collecting one will cause the other to disappear.


Old version of map grid. Same format but many differences. In general many maps were packed tightly together on layer 0 before they gave up and moved some of them to other layers. Some overlap in ways that don't make sense, like a chunk of the Drakor boss arena blocking the path between ThornTail Hollow and Moon Mountain Pass.


  • probably Light Actions
  • the game reads entries, then immediately discards them without using them
  • from that we can tell the entries are 0x28 bytes each
  • we can replace this with an empty file and there's no problems


  • old version of Gametext
  • lots of old dialogue
  • appears to be array of u16 offsets
    • presumably need to be multiplied by something
    • first few entries:
    • 0006 02B0 0000 0000 0502 0370 0404 0602
    • 0402 0201 0101 0000 0802 0802 020E 0203
    • 050E 0702 0202 0202 0203 0202 0202 0202
    • 0202 0202 0203 0209 0217 0107 0202 0204
    • up to 2C0 is like this, maybe different format like how the final version has the character definitions.
    • from 2C0:
    • 0026 009E 0096 0028 006A 0034 0028 0020
    • 0030 000E 0000 0000 00A4 0016 00AA 0048
    • 0022 0190 002A 004C 0074 0120 009E 002C
    • 0048 0026 0018 0036 0042 0050 0020 002A
    • these look more like lengths than offsets
    • this pattern repeats through the entire file
  • first few texts in .bin:
    • 0000 - 0009: all zeros
    • 000A: CONTINUE
    • 0013: SAVE
    • 0018: Game Time
    • 0022: Complete
    • [...] probably same phrases system as final...
    • 0061: Chomp Chomp...
    • 0194: HEEL from 00B2 to 0193 is 00CD 0000 0001 0002... 006F, then more texts the texts look like they might have a header? 0194 and 00B4 aren't in at all at 0C42: 05 DC FF 2D 04 97 FF 19 00 "(Queen moan)"
    • GameText ID 05DC doesn't seem to exist in final; 0497 is completely unrelated
    • these could just be control codes: 05 rr gg bb, 04 rr gg bb, 00 text


  • contains images that would have once been shown in fullscreen
  • two images, with text "Krystal's Adventure" and "Sabre's Adventure"
  • format: u16 width, u16 height, 12 bytes unknown, raw pixel data (probably YUYV 16bit)
  • gives their offset and size
  • DLL 0x11 was responsible for loading and displaying them, but no longer displays them

misc unsorted notes

  • the map dbay has animtest as its parent

  • game text ID 0x02AC is used for the map screen but it has some unused entries:

    • Level [unused]
    • Choose
    • Select
    • Map [unused]
    • Rotate
    • Zoom
    • OK
    • Exit
    • TM & 2002 NINTENDO GAME BY RARE [unused]
  • the FrontEnd gametext.bin contains unused strings:

    • Xmas Mode
    • Play full game
  • warping to map 0x5D gives us AnimTest which is an empty void where Krystal does an animation and then the map reloads

    • after reloading a few times it crashes
    • the objects are: objPtr = 816B22A0 nObjs = 7
    • the actual AnimTest map isn't empty; this probably happens because we're way out of bounds. no idea why it triggers animations though
  • code: 042AB410 38000958 replaces the fireball spell with an unused(?) rapid-fire laser whose model is missing

Obj Address Name ID Def ModelPtr XPos YPos ZPos Ch
0 812FB760 KP_Transpor 0025 059A 812FB86C +19373.80 +23.00 +30080.00 0
1 812FB880 KP_Transpor 0025 059A 812FB98C +13440.99 +973.00 +30397.73 0
2 81337280 AnimCamera 0010 001E 8133738C +13440.99 +973.00 +30397.73 0
3 8133B8C0 Override 0010 0006 8133B9CC +13440.99 +973.00 +30397.73 0
4 81336D00 Override 0010 0006 81336E0C +13440.99 +973.00 +30397.73 0
5 806EDD00 Krystal 0001 001F 806EDE0C +13440.99 +973.00 +30397.73 2
6 8133A420 fox_shield 0030 0773 8133A52C +13440.99 +973.00 +30397.73 0
map ID is 5 "ZNot Used - Krazoa Palace"
Coords: +13440.99  +973.00 +30397.73  Cell   14   40 @ 8960 25600
Anim 035A

neither ID or Def is the index in OBJECTS.bin

the old Krazoa Palace map does contain more objects, but they don't load because there's no map geometry below them (or indeed anywhere at all)

Display debug objects

Hugo Peters discovered this AR/Gecko code for the kiosk demo to make invisible debug/trigger objects visible:

0402f438 5480003c
0402f43c 901e0044
0402f440 60000000
0402f444 60000000

Gilgamesh ported it to other versions:

US version 1.00

0402D820 5480003C
0402D824 901E0044
0402D828 60000000
0402D82C 60000000

US version 1.01

0402D918 5480003C
0402D91C 901E0044
0402D920 60000000
0402D924 60000000

Japan version 1.00

0402D840 5480003C
0402D844 901E0044
0402D848 60000000
0402D84C 60000000

Japan version 1.01

0402D918 5480003C
0402D91C 901E0044
0402D920 60000000
0402D924 60000000

Europe versions 1.00 & 1.01

0402D9B4 5480003C
0402D9B8 901E0044
0402D9BC 60000000
0402D9C0 60000000
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