Changing desktop wallpaper with animation with code!
I saw Wallpaper Engine, and decided that I can do something like this!
I honestly have no idea on what Windows magic it operates, but I used this guide to steer this project somewhere, and then figured how to use SDL2 with this, and so on and so on
The animations made by yours truly, but can be changed to something other than falling particles
- I've still to figure how to make it run under x86, and maybe not require .NET installation everytime I install it on new computer
- Config changer app is wonky and cluttered, I want to move maybe to JavaFX for this one, but still thinking about it
- And add translations for changer app, it's in russian currently, but if you sit long enough in config file you will get what goes where
- Maybe move to DirectX for animation, but I don't think I need it for long shot