The Reinforcement Addon augments the Arch Workbench by providing new interfaces and presets for the creation of common rebar types for use with Arch Structures.
The tools can be installed with the Addon Manager via the menu Tools → Addon manager → Reinforcement. FreeCAD needs to be restarted for the new tools to appear under the Arch Rebar button.
This addon was developed during the Google Summer of Code 2017, and is hosted in the FreeCAD-Reinforcement Github repository, which is separate from the main FreeCAD repository.
The Arch Workbench provides only one rebar tool:
Rebar: creates a custom reinforcement bar in a selected Arch Structure using a Sketch.
The Reinforcement Addon provides additional rebar types:
Straight Rebar: creates a straight reinforcement bar.
UShape Rebar: creates a U-shaped reinforcement bar.
LShape Rebar: creates an L-shaped reinforcement bar.
Bent Shape Rebar: creates a bent reinforcement bar.
Stirrup Rebar: creates a looped reinforcement bar.
Helical Rebar: creates a helix-shaped reinforcement bar.
New tools with graphical interface to enter values
Arch Rebar Circular ColumnReinforcement
Arch Rebar ColumnReinforcement
Arch Rebar ColumnReinforcement TwoTiesSixRebars
Arch Rebar BeamReinforcement
FreeCAD workbenches are easy to program in Python, there are therefore many people developing additional workbenches outside of the FreeCAD main developers.
The external workbenches page has some information and tutorials on some of them, and the FreeCAD Addons project aims at gathering them and making them easily installable from within FreeCAD.
New workbenches are in development, stay tuned!
documentation index > Reinforcement > Reinforcement Addon