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1.1. Set Up Your Development Environment

MinchoVelev edited this page Oct 7, 2019 · 6 revisions


To get the Employee Onboarding extension application up and running, you first need to import and build it as a Maven project.


1. Start your Eclipse IDE.

  1. Open File Explorer.

  2. Navigate to the Session directory: D:\Files\Session\CAA385

  3. Run Eclipse.

2. Clone the project.

  1. From the Window menu, choose Perspective > Open Perspective > Other....

  2. Select Git, and then choose Open.

  3. Choose Clone a Git repository.

  4. In the URI field, paste

  5. Choose Next > Next > Finish.

3. Import the project in Eclipse IDE

  1. Open the Java EE perspective.

  2. In the Project Explorer, choose Import projects....

  3. Under Maven, select Existing Maven Projects. Choose Next.

  4. In the Root Directory field, paste C:\Users\student\git\teched2019-cloud-xf-sfsf, and press

  5. Choose Finish.

  6. Right click the imported project, and choose Run As > Maven install.

Note: If the build fails, right click the imported project, and choose Maven > Update Project.... Then, choose Run As > Maven install again.
