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Fresh Hands (Connor and Adam)

ConnorRush900 edited this page Dec 17, 2020 · 14 revisions

Our idea is to have a sensor for when someone walks past a hand sanitizer without using it that it will emit audio to remind them to use it.

for this project Adam and I will be using agile development method

we chose this method because

  1. We wanted to get a prototype working early

  2. It suits small groups well and since we are a group of two we are quite a small group


DISCOVER(investigation & planning)

We looked up other people trying to make a sensor similar to ours and we think this is going to work well with what we want to do

(get photo)


We wanted to check the people coming in with the ultrasonic sensor and use then the light sensor to see if they use the sanitizer dispenser


DEVELOP(coding and implementation) WE made our first proto type using an ultrasonic sensor and an light sensor and a buzzer to buzz if they don't use the hand sanitizer


our method of agile development has left us with little to write about

we are very close to a prototype

the ultrasonic sensor, light sensor and buzzer have been wired

We are currently learning the code for the ultrasonic sensor then we can begin testing

testing will consist of measuring how far the ultrasonic sensor can detect objects having someone walk through the door and use hand sanitizer and someone walk through without using it multiple people walking through the door simultaneously

we will then be able to make any adjustments needed and begin testing again


Ultrasonic sensor*

We did a functional test with our ultrasonic sensor to see if it works.

it did work well and it measured the distance between the door frame successfully.

Infrared sensor

We did a functional test with our Infrared sensor to see if it works.


We taped our raspberry pi to a sanitizer to field test our project

we then had a person walk past without using the sanitizer and the buzzer signaled that they didn't use it.