Official software to automatically render composite images of handheld containers (synthetic objects, hands and forearms) over real backgrounds using Blender and Python. The software was used to generate the mixed-reality set of the CORSMAL Hand-Occluded Containers (CHOC) dataset that consists of RGB images, segmentation masks (object, hand+forearm), depth maps, 6D object poses, and Normalised Object Coordinate Space (NOCS) maps.
The following instructions are meant for a Linux-based machine.
This code has been tested on an Ubuntu 18.04 machine with the following dependencies:
- Blender 3.3.0
- Python 3.10
- Conda 4.13.0
- Pillow 9.3.0
- OpenCV 4.6.0
- SciPy 1.9.3
- Download Blender 3.3.0
- Run:
tar xf blender-3.3.0-linux-x64.tar.xz
- Open Blender:
cd blender-3.3.0-linux-x64
Alternative (latest version using snap):
sudo snap install blender --classic
(Note: if you do this, this repository might not function properly anymore)
- Create and activate a conda environment:
conda create --name choc-render-env python=3.10
conda activate choc-render-env
- Install dependencies:
pip install Pillow opencv-python scipy
Add the path of the conda packages at the top of the script: (line 22)
+ sys.path.append('/home/user/anaconda3/envs/choc-render-env/lib/python3.10/site-package')
To find the path, run
conda info
and you should see it in the second row of the terminal:
active env location : /home/user/anaconda3/envs/choc-render-env
The full path to the Python libraries is: "/home/user/anaconda3/envs/choc-render-env/lib/python3.10/site-packages"
To render mixed-reality images, you need background images, object files, and optionally grasps+textures. Here we will explain how to download and unzip these data that were used for CHOC. The resulting file structure will look as follows:
| |--backgrounds
| |--object_models
| |--bodywithhands
| |--assets
| |--grasps
| ...
- Make a local folder called data in CHOC-renderer:
mkdir data
- From the CHOC dataset, download:
- (8.3 MB)
- (14.6 MB)
- grasps (1.3 GB) [optional]
Request access here to download textures for the hands and forearms (grasps): (267.2 MB) [optional].
Unzip all the zip files and their contents in data.
Here we will explain how to run the code. For more information about how Blender works through the Python API, see here.
The general command to run the code is:
blender --python -- <datafolder> <outputfolder>
Arguments (we need to give them in order after --
- path to the data folder
- path to the output folder (where we will save the renders)
We can make an outputs folder as follows:
mkdir outputs
To run the code, with opening the Blender Graphical User Interface (GUI):
blender-3.3.0-linux-x64/blender --python -- ./data ./outputs
or to run the code, without opening the Blender GUI, add the --background
blender-3.3.0-linux-x64/blender --background --python -- ./data ./outputs
You can change the settings, such as the camera and randomization parameters in the file.
Here we highlight some instructions on how to label the flat surface in the scene, manually create grasps, and create NOCS textures in Blender.
We used labelme to first manually segment the table. Then, we used a 3D plane segmentation algorithm via Open3D, to compute the normal of the flat surface, and remove outlier points from the table.
labelme_json_to_dataset file.json -o a_folder_name
To segment the plane in 3D, and compute its surface-normal, see
Installing and using GraspIt!
- Install ROS Melodic (or another version).
- Install GraspIt!
First follow:
Then follow:
- Install ManoGrasp
Follow the steps ‘Install’ and ‘Model’ in
- Open GraspIt!
roslaunch graspit_interface graspit_interface.launch
- Load Object (container) & Table
File > Import Object > Look for the .OFF files! (change XML to OFF in the drop-down, just above the ‘Open’ button). After you load an object, zoom out, so you can actually see it.
- Load the ManoHand
File > Import Robot > ManoHand (there are three versions, not sure if there's a difference). I loaded ManoHand.xml
- Use the GraspIt! GUI to make the grasp.
Note: when all objects are loaded, interpenetration is possible, preventing any movement. You can turn OFF the Collision via: Element tab > Collision. Then before grasping, turn collision back ON.
- Save the world as .xml file.
- Use to extract the MANO parameters from the GraspIt! world files (.xml).
- Use to generate the hand+forearm meshes from the MANO parameters.
To create the NOCS textures in Blender, we used the Texture Space function. This allows you to create a bounding box around the object, and give each vertex of the object an RGB color based on its coordinate in that bounding box (exactly like the NOCS space). This vertex coloring can then be converted into the object's material/texture. For the code, see
- All objects in this dataset are downloaded from ShapeNetSem.
- The objects are rescaled. See the dimensions of each object on our webpage.
- The objects are centered such that the origin of the objects is at height 0 of the object, and in the center for the other two dimensions. This is automatised by using
- For the original object files, sometimes the textures don't show up in Blender. Therefore, we converted the files to .glb format (see:
If you have any further enquiries, question, or comments, or you would like to file a bug report or a feature request, use the Github issue tracker or send an email to or
This work is licensed under the MIT License. To view a copy of this license, see LICENSE.