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Doudou8 edited this page Jul 29, 2020 · 7 revisions

1. How can I make a Spigot server?

Since Paper is a fork of Spigot, you can use it with all Spigot/Bukkit plugins as well. For more details, go to their Github page or their Official page.

2. How can I make a Bungeecord server?

Since Waterfall is a fork of Bungeecord, you can use it with all Bungeecord plugins as well. It is made by the same creator of Paper. For more details, go to their Github page or their Official page.

3. How can I make a Vanilla server?

It is not possible to make a pure Vanilla server on a Minecraft server network. The closest thing to it is a Paper server without any plugins.

4. I'm getting an unexpected error. How can I solve this?

Check if your configuration files have the correct values. In most cases, that should be your solution. If you still can't solve your problem, please create a Github issue.

5. Why is my configuration being deleted/overrided by the config controller?

Configuration files/folders that you want to keep need to be added to the configuration of the server and not directly in the "real" server folder. The config controller clears the directory each the configuration is generated/regenerated (it deletes everything except the required server files). If the file/folder changes during the game (like the world folder or a configuration file that can be modified in game), you can use the keepFiles option for it to not be deleted.