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Options | extends

Samuel Martineau edited this page Dec 31, 2022 · 26 revisions

You can use this add inheritance to your server network. Templates and servers can extend other templates.

  1. Go to the config.json file of your server/template (if you have not setup any server or any template, see Configure a Server or Configure a Template)
  2. Add the extends field
  3. You can now extend the servers/templates needed using the servers'/templates' names in an array format

It should look something like this:

  "extends": ["Server Name"]

More details

As servers can extend templates and templates can extend other templates, a tree of extends is created. The below GIF shows how the tree is flatten:


This is the order in which the config-controller or config-controller.exe file will proceed to generate the servers. Important remarks:

  • The elements that are more to the right in the extends option are prioritized over the elements on the left
  • The parent elements are prioritized over child elements
  • This means that the last element (which is the server configuration itself) will override the value of the elements that came before (which are templates)