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Releases: Sandrem/FlyCasual

Version 1.7

30 Nov 14:44
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Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android



  • Deadeye Shot


  • Online multiplayer mode fixes
  • Multi Missile Pods' ability works with any weapon - fixed
  • Automated Target Priority asks to attack enemy at range 0 when attack is not legal - fixed
  • Automated Target Priority breaks the game after "Gain Calculate token" is chosen - fixed
  • Suppressive Gunner spends all eye results instead of one - fixed
  • Underslung Blaster Cannon has range 0-1 bonus - fixed
  • Targeting Synchronizer breaks that game - fixed
  • Finn - correct behavior of Strain token during defense
  • AI-controlled Darth Vader (crew) doesn't choose friendly ships anymore
  • Unused title slots are hidden
  • Locked camera position if the game is restarted while dynamic camera is active - fixed

Thanks for support

Admiral Kit, Andrew Ballentine, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Arik Roshanzamir, Ben Duguid, Ben Sturgis, Benjamin Geile, Brad Ostaszewski, Brandon McGovern, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Dave Shirra, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Eomer28, Fabian Falconett, FiLiPiN cHiPmOnKii, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, Joseph Moore, jpbourdon, Kent, Kevin Johnston, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Natalie Rotelli, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick patrick, Patrick Boyle, Phillip Manwaring, Pierre-Alexandre Berube, Radu Lepsa, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, Scott Milam, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart, Stuart Clark, Thomas Hayes, Tom Hohl, Tomeu Castell, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Xcaliber C., nicky negative, Holger, Mike Dunn, Shawn Mason, PAUL LAWRENCE, T D, Ben Thompson, Mark Peters, Tomeu Castell, Gustavo Archila, X-Wing Tavern Wars, Phillip Manwaring, Andrew Ballentine, rbsi, Kevin Vu, David Gausebeck, Mark Dyson, Kent Whitney, Ethan Judd, Arseny Zhdanov, Jörg Mosthaf

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 1.6.1 Hotfix 1

07 Nov 19:21
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Download (Hotfix 1)

Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android

Hotfix 1

  • PayTokenCost error is fixed (when a ship attacks with special weapon)
  • Movement.ManeuverHolder error is fixed (when maneuver is selected)
  • Missing Heralds of Hope skins by Andrew Lippens are added


  • Extra Option "No Default AI Squadrons" - turn on to exclude default squadrons from "vs Random AI Squadrons" mode and use only own squadrons (own squadrons must be present in RandomAiSquadrons folder).


  • New pilots:
    • Xi-Class Light Shuttle: Agent Terex
    • T-70 X-Wing: Poe Dameron (HoH), Temmin Wexley (HoH)
    • LAAT: "Hawk"
    • Eta-2 Actis: Shaak Ti
  • New upgrades:
    • Astromech: R2-D2 (Resistance)
    • Cannon: Underslung Blaster Cannon
    • Configuration: Intercept Booster, Repulsorlift Stabilizers
    • Crew: "Fives", Kit Fisto, Agent Terex, Commander Malarus
    • Force Power: Patience
    • Gunner: Suppressive Gunner, Weapons Systems Officer
    • Illicit: False Transponder Codes
    • Missile: Multi-Missile Pods
    • Modification: Overdrive Thruster, Precision Ion Engine
    • Tactical Relay: Kalani
    • Talent: Starbird Slash
    • Tech: Automated Target Priority
  • New skins:
    • Eta-2 Actis: Blue Skin

Thanks for support

Admiral Kit, Andrew Ballentine, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Arik Roshanzamir, Ben Duguid, Ben Sturgis, Benjamin Geile, Brad Ostaszewski, Brandon McGovern, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Dave Shirra, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Eomer28, Fabian Falconett, FiLiPiN cHiPmOnKii, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, Joseph Moore, jpbourdon, Kent, Kevin Johnston, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Natalie Rotelli, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick patrick, Patrick Boyle, Phillip Manwaring, Pierre-Alexandre Berube, Radu Lepsa, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, Scott Milam, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart, Stuart Clark, Thomas Hayes, Tom Hohl, Tomeu Castell, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Xcaliber C., nicky negative, Holger, Mike Dunn, Shawn Mason, PAUL LAWRENCE, T D, Ben Thompson, Mark Peters, Tomeu Castell, Gustavo Archila, X-Wing Tavern Wars, Phillip Manwaring, Andrew Ballentine, rbsi, Kevin Vu, David Gausebeck, Mark Dyson, Kent Whitney, Ethan Judd, Arseny Zhdanov, Jörg Mosthaf

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 1.6

31 Oct 11:00
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Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android


  • Wave 7 point and slots (by rune-b)
  • Wave 7.5 point and slots
  • Some Wave 8 content (enable "Unreleased content" mod)
  • Sideslip maneuver support
  • Purple maneuvers support
  • Nantex pilots cost update


  • By rune-b: Aayla Secura, Hound, Warthog
  • By Sandrem: Nimi Chireen, C’ai Threnalli, Seftin Vanik, Suralinda Javos, Wrobie Tyce, Target-Assist MGK-300, Maneuver-Assist MGK-300, Ghost Company, Onderon Oppressor, Loyalist Volunteer, Shadow Sqadron Escort, "Odd Ball", Jedi General, Separatist Racketeer, Boba Fett, Slave I, Boba Fett (gunner), "Contrail", Anakin Skywalker, Obi-Wan Kenobi, Aayla Secura, Jango Fett, Colicoid Interceptor, Separatist Interceptor, DIS-347, Phlac-Arphocc Prototype, DIS-T81, R6-D8, R7-A7, Alpha-3B "Besh", Jango Fett (crew), Extreme Maneuvers


  • Fire Convergence: Turret arc check is fixed (by rune-b)
  • Bug when Plo Koon transfers a Jam token (fixed by rune-b)
  • Ahhav's ability should also work when defending (fixed by rune-b)

Thanks for support

Admiral Kit, Andrew Ballentine, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Arik Roshanzamir, Ben Duguid, Ben Sturgis, Benjamin Geile, Brad Ostaszewski, Brandon McGovern, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Dave Shirra, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Eomer28, Fabian Falconett, FiLiPiN cHiPmOnKii, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, Joseph Moore, jpbourdon, Kent, Kevin Johnston, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Natalie Rotelli, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick patrick, Patrick Boyle, Phillip Manwaring, Pierre-Alexandre Berube, Radu Lepsa, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, Scott Milam, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart, Stuart Clark, Thomas Hayes, Tom Hohl, Tomeu Castell, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Xcaliber C., nicky negative, Holger, Mike Dunn, Shawn Mason, PAUL LAWRENCE, T D, Ben Thompson, Mark Peters, Tomeu Castell, Gustavo Archila, X-Wing Tavern Wars, Phillip Manwaring, Andrew Ballentine, rbsi, Kevin Vu, David Gausebeck, Mark Dyson, Kent Whitney, Ethan Judd, Arseny Zhdanov, Jörg Mosthaf

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 1.5

19 Sep 19:51
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Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android


  • Some unreleased content from Wave 7 is available (enable "Unreleased content" mod)


  • By TerranCmdr: TIE/Rb Heavy (3D model)
  • By CrazyVulcan: LAAT/i Gunship, HMP Droid Gunship (3D models)
  • By rune-b: First Order Courier, Commander Malarus, Commander Pyre, Yoda, Synced Laser Cannons, Baktoid Drone, Separatist Predator, 212th Battalion Pilot, "Networked Aim" ability, "Fire Convergence" ability
  • By sandrem: "Rampage", Lyttan Dree, Cardia Academy Pilot, Onyx Squadron Sentry, Maneuver-Assist MGK-300, DGS-286, DGS-047, Geonosian Prototype, Merl Cobben
  • By Kes: Asajj Venress skin for Lancer
  • Brimhorn Battalion: New backgrounds


  • Fixed in July 2020 points updates
  • Fixed bug preventing Moralo Eval from redeploying when using pilot ability (by simonthezealot)
  • Fixed Bug that caused crash after Deathfires onDeath Attack (by ManuM)
  • Correct barrel roll of Mining guild TIE through asteroid (by ManuM)
  • In 2nd edition, there is no rule against attacking bumped ships (by rune-b)
  • Fixed attack shuttle ability trigger. Should always trigger on turret weapon attack (by rune-b)
  • AI shouldn't spend Crach Shot the extra damage is not needed (by rune-b)
  • Nantex must be able to perform a rotate action to use its ship ability (by rune-b)
  • Seventh Fleet Gunner: reset active ship if declining to use ability (by rune-b)
  • Fixed null-reference bug in Corran Horn's ability (by rune-b)
  • Quinn Jast should be able to recover charge on any upgrade type (by rune-b)
  • Gravitic Deflection should only count tractored ships, and it should use attacker's arc, not the host ship (by rune-b)
  • Ships are never inside own arcs

Thanks for support

Admiral Kit, Andrew Ballentine, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Arik Roshanzamir, Ben Duguid, Ben Sturgis, Benjamin Geile, Brad Ostaszewski, Brandon McGovern, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Dave Shirra, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Eomer28, Fabian Falconett, FiLiPiN cHiPmOnKii, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, Joseph Moore, jpbourdon, Kent, Kevin Johnston, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Natalie Rotelli, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick patrick, Patrick Boyle, Phillip Manwaring, Pierre-Alexandre Berube, Radu Lepsa, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, Scott Milam, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart, Stuart Clark, Thomas Hayes, Tom Hohl, Tomeu Castell, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Xcaliber C., nicky negative, Holger, Mike Dunn, Shawn Mason, PAUL LAWRENCE, T D, Ben Thompson, Mark Peters, Tomeu Castell, Gustavo Archila, X-Wing Tavern Wars, Phillip Manwaring, Andrew Ballentine, rbsi, Kevin Vu, David Gausebeck

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 1.4

30 Jul 16:29
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Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android

Hotfix 1

  • Game stops on "AI is planning maneuvers" step - fixed



  • mephiston_x: Blue skin for Fireball
  • Brimhorn Battalion: New splash screen backgrounds


  • Online Mode: Desynchronization at "Dice Modifications" step is fixed.
  • Gas Clouds 4-6 cause "collider problem" error - fixed.
  • Handle error if device cannot open location of replay file.

Thanks for support

Admiral Kit, Andrew Ballentine, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Arik Roshanzamir, Ben Duguid, Ben Sturgis, Benjamin Geile, Brad Ostaszewski, Brandon McGovern, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Dave Shirra, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Eomer28, Fabian Falconett, FiLiPiN cHiPmOnKii, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, Joseph Moore, jpbourdon, Kent, Kevin Johnston, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Natalie Rotelli, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick patrick, Patrick Boyle, Phillip Manwaring, Pierre-Alexandre Berube, Radu Lepsa, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, Scott Milam, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart, Stuart Clark, Thomas Hayes, Tom Hohl, Tomeu Castell, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Xcaliber C., nicky negative, Holger, Mike Dunn, Shawn Mason, PAUL LAWRENCE, T D, Ben Thompson, Mark Peters, Tomeu Castell, Gustavo Archila, X-Wing Tavern Wars, Phillip Manwaring, Andrew Ballentine, rbsi

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 1.3

11 Jul 13:42
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Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android


  • BuffaloChicken: Dingo skin for Y-wing.
  • T1TAN: Yellow Stripes skins by for TIE Fighter, TIE Bomber, TIE Interceptor, TIE Reaper; Echo skin for TIE Phantom.
  • sandrem: More "stripes" skins with new colors (based on T1TAN skin).
  • gregkash: TIE Phantom skin "Energy".
  • Kes: Silver skin for N-1 Naboo Starfighter.


  • Homing missiles are fixed.
  • TIE BA Interceptor movement under AI control is fixed.
  • "Rush" FAQ is implemented.
  • Better obstacle collision detection.
  • Restart when a ship is highlighted by mouse is fixed.
  • Timing of TA-175 is fixed.
  • Camera movement by edge of screen is fixed.
  • Fix of attempt to show dial info for Remote.
  • DFS-311 and Discord Missiles - additional check of Calculate token's presence.
  • Agile Gunner is fixed for online mode.
  • R4 Astromech notification is fixed for online mode.
  • Network Calculations don't allow to select ship without Calculate token.
  • Better notifications for Torani Kulda's ability.
  • Treacherous is fixed.
  • Bullseye arc checks are fixed for ships without front arc.
  • Bullseye arc is correctly set as arc for attack (fix of Proton Rockets + Hotshot Gunner).
  • Collider of temporary small ship base now has the same size as real small ship base.
  • Fix of ship colliders.
  • Cost of Ensnare is fixed.
  • Missing FE Rebel TIE Fighter ship inserts are fixed.
  • Replays: Dice Sync bug in dice checks is fixed.
  • Hide "Next" button if maneuver assignment is started again.
  • Name of Lando Calrissian's ability from attached escape craft is fixed.
  • Dice Modifications are fixed.
  • Order of ships in roster by ID uses ID as numbers, not as text.
  • Lieutenant Rivas and Jam Token interaction is fixed.
  • Ship arcs colors are updated to be more real-like.
  • Manual call of maneuver prediction is disabled in online mode.
  • Support of Alternative Camera Controls is added in Options->Extra.

Thanks for support

Admiral Kit, Andrew Ballentine, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Arik Roshanzamir, Ben Duguid, Ben Sturgis, Benjamin Geile, Brad Ostaszewski, Brandon McGovern, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Dave Shirra, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Eomer28, Fabian Falconett, FiLiPiN cHiPmOnKii, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, Joseph Moore, jpbourdon, Kent, Kevin Johnston, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Natalie Rotelli, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick patrick, Patrick Boyle, Phillip Manwaring, Pierre-Alexandre Berube, Radu Lepsa, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, Scott Milam, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart, Stuart Clark, Thomas Hayes, Tom Hohl, Tomeu Castell, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Xcaliber C., nicky negative, Holger, Mike Dunn, Shawn Mason, PAUL LAWRENCE, T D, Ben Thompson, Mark Peters, Tomeu Castell, Gustavo Archila, X-Wing Tavern Wars, Phillip Manwaring, Andrew Ballentine

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 1.2

24 May 08:15
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Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android - (iOS version will be released later)


  • Online multiplayer (in development). At this stage, online matches are available only in P2P mode, without matchmaking server. This means that first player starts a room as host, and second player connects to that room by IP of first player. IMPORTANT: Host must be visible to client (in local network or opened port 7777 in Internet). If you cannot configure router or limited by your provider - you can use software like Hamachi to join 2 devices into virtual local network. In future I plan to add matchmaking service, where list of all created rooms will be available and no special settings are needed to start a room.
  • Marker of assigned dial uses images of dials by faction.
  • Animation of dice rolling is updated.
  • New error reporter, with button to open folder with replay and button to open Issues page on GitHub.


  • By Brimhorn Battalion - cool photos of miniatures as backgrounds for main menu. Visit his Intagram and Youtube channel.
  • By xwingtmgphotography - cool photos of miniatures as backgrounds for main menu. Visit his Intagram.
  • By Andrew Lippens: Hera Syndulla A-Wing, Jango Fett Firespray-31.
  • By edartu: "Predator" skin for ARC-170.


  • AI doesn't use K-Turns, S-Loops and Tallon Rolls - fixed.
  • SE Critical Hit token tooltips are fixed.
  • Thane Kyrell is fixed.
  • Morna Kee is fixed.
  • SE Saw Gerrera pilot ability is fixed.
  • Amilyn Holdo is fixed.
  • Deuterium Power Cells regeneration is fixed.
  • Daredevil boosts are fixed.
  • Cost of TA-175 is fixed.
  • Correct SE name for TIE/in Interceptor for XWS files.
  • Correct generation of XWS list if names of pilot has non-english characters.
  • Dengar Gunner is fixed (and all other cards where AI cannot decide what green token to remove from an opponent's ship).
  • Camera movement uses WASD instead of axis data (should fix "camera moves in top-left corenter" issue).
  • AI does not perform red action if this is not rotate arc action.
  • Don't show error during generation of list of available resolution on mobile devices.
  • Camera movement by position of cursor near edge of screen is updated.
  • Fix issue when display is set to ID:2, but there is only 1 display.
  • Better indication for Stygium Array in case if there are few ships with this ability.
  • Cloak animation for Sith Infiltrator is fixed.
  • Aspect Ratio for Loading Screen is fixed.
  • Console view is fixed.
  • Obi-Wan Kenobi: show information about used ability.
  • Typo in loading screen tooltips is fixed.

Thanks for support

Admiral Kit, Andrew Ballentine, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Arik Roshanzamir, Ben Duguid, Ben Sturgis, Benjamin Geile, Brad Ostaszewski, Brandon McGovern, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Dave Shirra, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Eomer28, Fabian Falconett, FiLiPiN cHiPmOnKii, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, Joseph Moore, jpbourdon, Kent, Kevin Johnston, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Natalie Rotelli, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick patrick, Patrick Boyle, Phillip Manwaring, Pierre-Alexandre Berube, Radu Lepsa, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, Scott Milam, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart, Stuart Clark, Thomas Hayes, Tom Hohl, Tomeu Castell, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Xcaliber C., nicky negative, Holger, Mike Dunn, Shawn Mason, PAUL LAWRENCE, T D, Ben Thompson, Mark Peters, Tomeu Castell, Gustavo Archila, X-Wing Tavern Wars, Phillip Manwaring, Andrew Ballentine

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 1.0.1

25 Apr 13:28
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Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android - iOS (unsigned)


  • New ship: Xi-class Light Shuttle (model by TerranCmdr) is added as part of Unreleased Content mod.
  • New pilot: Gideon Hask (Xi-class Light Shuttle)


  • Decloak using boost is fixed.
  • SE Rey (pilot) is fixed.
  • Video Options page causes crash on some Android devices - fixed.

Thanks for support

Admiral Kit, Andrew Ballentine, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Arik Roshanzamir, Ben Duguid, Ben Sturgis, Benjamin Geile, Brad Ostaszewski, Brandon McGovern, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Dave Shirra, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Eomer28, Fabian Falconett, FiLiPiN cHiPmOnKii, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, Joseph Moore, jpbourdon, Kent, Kevin Johnston, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Natalie Rotelli, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick patrick, Patrick Boyle, Phillip Manwaring, Pierre-Alexandre Berube, Radu Lepsa, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, Scott Milam, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart, Stuart Clark, Thomas Hayes, Tom Hohl, Tomeu Castell, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Xcaliber C., Георгий Ловкачев

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 1.0

24 Apr 17:02
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Update: Hotfix 1 is released


Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android


  • Finally - all released SE content is present now!
  • Default scene is changed to "Space Station Room" (instead of just a flying table in a space). Also an easter egg is added.
  • Tallon Roll allows to select final position.
  • Gas Clouds 4-6 are added.
  • Dials are added to Squad Builder (Info tab).
  • Dialog window is added to confirm skipping of attack if targets are available.
  • AI: Faster and more advanced planning.
  • AI prioritizes to attack ships with low HP.
  • Extra Options: Show Maneuver Prediction.
  • Rule of large ship setup is added.
  • Squad Builder: Do not copy unique cards if limit is exceeded.
  • Quality Settings are updated, only 3 are left.
  • Monitor Selection is added (restart of applicatin is needed to apply changes).
  • Speed of maneuvers and animations are updated. (Movement is twice faster, animation speed is correctly applied to Barrel roll and animation of ship rotation. Settings are reseted to default x0.25).
  • Loading screen tooltips are added (you can disable them in Extra Options to speed up loading process). Special Thanks to: Sir_Battlebrow, PadicReddit, quall3, i_8_the_Internet, KingOfCarrotFlowers, runeb, bunnyofdoominottawa, Sergovan, justkeepalting, wurms2, NoHallett, Large_Dungeon_Key, AlexSterling, 5i5TEMA, Panda_Sior, SWGamOR, GNOIZ1C, thomedwards, Odanan, Ximatique, Target_2.0, dwoodruff, KCDodger, Silver_leader, Azrapse


  • New upgrades: Discord Missiles + Buzz Droid Swarm (model by TerranCmdr), Ion Bombs, Cluster Mines
  • New Skins:
    • By Odanan: TIE Bomber (Gamma Squadron, White Death), TIE Interceptor (Red Arrows, Vult Skerris, Royal Guard), TIE Defender (Crimson), B-Wing (Gray, Nera Dantels, Prototype)
    • By Andrew Lippens: Alpha-wing (Royal Red), Delta-7 (Ahsoka Tano, Saesee Tiin Alter), Sheathipede (Separatist), X-wing (Biggs Darklighter, Blue, Jek Porkins, Luke Skywalker, Red, Wedge Antilles), A-wing (Phoenix Squadron)
    • By Sandrem: HWK-290 (Black, White Blue, White Red), TIE Fighter (Crimson), TIE FO Fighter (Umbrella), TIE SF Fighter (Umbrella), X-wing (Green), Fang (SE Re-release), Decimator (Black)
    • From "X-Wing Unified 2.0" module of Tabletop Simulator: new A-wing and X-wing models, Gina Moonsong skin for B-wing
    • By Davish_Krail: Partisan skins for A-wing, K-wing, Y-wing
  • New background images by @xwingtmgphotography


  • Android: Correct selection of obstacles using Touch interface.
  • Wrong final position of maneuver on low FPS is fixed.
  • A lot of fixes in abilities of dice modification of pilots/upgrades that were added a long ago.
  • Initiative of "Holo" is fixed (by rune-b).
  • R1-J5 pilot slots are fixed (by rune-b).
  • Holdo should be able to transfe Cloak tokens (by rune-b).
  • "Marauder" title is fixed (by rune-b).
  • Description of Phasma's ability is fixed (by rune-b).
  • Deadmans Switch should not trigger when fleeing (by rune-b).
  • YT-2400 ability should only trigger for primary weapon (by rune-b).
  • Cost of FE Twin Ion Engine Mk. II is fixed.
  • Images of FE upgrades are fixed.
  • Inertial Dampeners are fixed.
  • Evaan Verlaine is fixed.
  • SE Wullffwarro is fixed.
  • AI-controllerd Miranda Doni is fixed.
  • Size of some SE card images are fixed in tooltips.
  • Commander Malarus is fixed.
  • Captain Phasma is fixed.
  • Ved Folso + Ionized: fixed.
  • Restart of replay is fixed.
  • Fix of obstacles that overlap movement template.
  • SE Direct Hit crit is fixed.
  • SE Miranda Doni multi-attack is fixed.
  • Default upgrades are added only if a pilot is added via UI of squad builder.
  • Win Conditions are updated, ships in reserve are counted during "ships left" calculations.
  • Aura-like reroll dice modifications - ship cannot reroll dice if there are no dice in a dice pool.
  • Correct highlight of ShipId by ALT in 2D mode
  • "Holo" can choose what Red Lock token to transfer
  • Fix of camera position if it is changed to 2D when ship's dial is opened
  • Autopilot Drone loses charges only if not docked
  • Lighing in skins preview is fixed.

Thanks for support

Admiral Kit, Andrew Ballentine, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Arik Roshanzamir, Ben Duguid, Ben Sturgis, Benjamin Geile, Brad Ostaszewski, Brandon McGovern, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Dave Shirra, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Fabian Falconett, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, Joseph Moore, Kent, Kevin Johnston, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Natalie Rotelli, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick patrick, Patrick Boyle, Phillip Manwaring, Pierre-Alexandre Berube, Radu Lepsa, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, Scott Milam, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart, Stuart Clark, Thomas Hayes, Tom Hohl, Tomeu Castell, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Xcaliber C., Георгий Ловкачев

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 0.9.8

14 Mar 13:10
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Version 0.9.8 Pre-release


Windows - Mac OS - Linux - Android


  • All cards from Wave 6 and Aces pack.
  • Resolution and Quality Setting (Options->Video).
  • Support for default installed upgrades for ships in the Squad Builder (by rune-b).
  • Tractored ships may rotate 90 degrees (by rune-b).


  • By rune-b: Jarek Yaeger, Colossus Station Mechanic, Proud Tradition / False Tradition.
  • By Sandrem: "Ember", "Rush", Nom Lumb, R1-J5 (pilot), R1-J5 (astromech), Kaz's Fireball, "Holo", Deuterium Power Cells, Lieutenant LeHuse, Captain Phasma (pilot), Fifth Brother (pilot).
  • Skins by Andrew Lippens: ARC-170 "Wolffe", "Moo" Lambda, Mining Guid Quadjumper, RoS Poe Dameron, Torrens (Blue, Gold, Wolfpack), Brown Vulture, Red Mining Guild TIE, New Republic RZ-2 A-wng, FO Black TIE/Ba, Imperial Red Stripe TIE/Ba.
  • By Matthew Cohen: awesome photos of miniatures as new splash screens.


By rune-b:

  • Spelling of Resistance Sympathizer is fixed.
  • Dengar should care about attacker being in his front sector, not arc - fixed.
  • Dial of Fireball is fixed.
  • Slam action of Coaxium Hyperfuel is fixed.
  • Mid game setup: set default rotation based on side the ship is entering from.
  • Stabilized S-foils: Second attack must be against same ship.
  • Informant should not be skippable.
  • Typo in Petranaki Arena Ace is fixed.
  • Spare parts canister should not use template when dropping.
  • Finch Dallow should only work with bombs.
  • Ship size restriction is removed from Instinctive Aim.
  • UI of R4 Astromech is fixed.
  • Talent slot is added to Rey.
  • Zertik should not have talent slot.
  • UpgradeBarRestriction should use actual upgrade slots on ship, not printed on card.

By randy-ja:

  • Corrected points for RZ-2 pilot Green Squadron Expert.

By Sandrem:

  • Fix of aura-like abilities.
  • Corrupted SE AI squadrons are fixed

Thanks for support

Admiral Kit, Andrew Brennand, Andrew Girle, Andrew Lippens, Andy Selby, Beez Wax, Ben Duguid, Ben Russell, Ben Sturgis, Brad Ostaszewski, Brian Hall, Brian Roller, Byron Harder, Carey, Chris Schultz, Chris Welter, Christopher Naylor, Damon Jones, Dan Rosenthal, Daniel Orkwis, Danomight, Darin Schwarze, David G, Dennis Daniels, Emmanuel Broto, Fabian Falconett, Flinchy Thumbs, Graham Saunders, Guillaume L, Hans Johansson, Jake Asplund, James Campbell, James Kantor, Jared Groenewegen, Jay Reynolds, Jeremiah Blakley, Jim Henrickson, Joe Cacciottoli, John T. Harrison IV, John Worrall, Joseph Moore, Kevin Johnston, Kristof Teichel, Larry, marshall Grover, Matt Brown, Matt Johnson, Michael Binder, Mishary Alfaris, Mitchell Thomann, Nicolas GRELLIER, Niklas Nilsson, Noah Kolman, ottu, Patrick Boyajian, Patrick Boyle, Pete Pfarr, Piers Horgan, Radu Lepsa, Ravi Tanjea, Richard Osborn, Rick Servello, Rob Kerkovich, Robert Choi, Robin Farnsworth, Ronny Herget, Ryan McCord, Sam Gardner, Scott Anderson, shaun p kelleher, shea steinbacher, Simon Mounsey, Spqan x, Steffen Lydvo, Steve Ransom, STEVE SILVA, Stuart Tom Hohl, Trevor Savage, Troy Ready, Ueli Reinhard, Wade Crossman, Wesley Cowperthwaite, Will Morgan, Xcaliber C.

My Patreon page for donations: