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Releases: Sandrem/FlyCasual

Version 0.4.0 - New Squad Builder

19 Jan 18:38
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Thank you for support =)

Project got a lot of help in bugfixing and in development of new cards. But current bottleneck in 3d-modelling - so if anyone is ready to help in 3d-modelling and creation of cool skins for existing ships - your help will be appreciated.

New features:

  • New cool squad builder.
  • Support of save/load of squadrons in squad builder.
  • Local games support restart of the match with same squadrons.
  • Downloaded images are cached.
  • Offline mode is supported (you will get text instead of missing images).
  • New UI for barrel rolls, supported by mobile devices.
  • Support of non-standard templates for barrel roll.
  • Docking is supported, model of correct docked ship is shown on Ghost

New Content:

  • New ships with generic pilots are added: M12-L Kimogila, Resistance Bomber, TIE Silencer (models are taken from Unified X-Wing mod, thanks to Smight, Voiceoftheforce, flipdark95, JonnieLP).
  • New textures for Resistance Bomber by TerranCmdr
  • By Sandrem: Poe Dameron (PS8 and PS9), Pure Sabacc, Wulfwarro, Rear Admiral Chiraneau, Guri, N’dru Suhlak, Rey (crew), Countermeasures, Attanni Mindlink, Dengar (crew), Burnout Slam, Starviper Mk.II, Ghost (both versions), Phantom, Phantom II, IG-88B, IG-88D, IG-2000, Corran Horn, Comm Relay, Advanced Optics, Torani Kulda, Dalan Oberos (Kimogila), Enforcer, Contraband Cybernetics, Test Pilot "Blackout", First Order Vanguard
  • By TheChiefMoose: Blue Ace, Ello Asty, Red Ace, Targeting Astromech, Cool Hand, Weapons Guidance, Black One, K4 Security Droid, Snap Wexley, IG-88D, R2-D6, Bossk (crew), Bossk (pilot),
  • By YannickBgn: Old Teroch, Bistan, Captain Rex (crew), Ibtisam, Advanced Sensors, Airen Cracken
  • By Evan Lundell: Keyan Farlander, Proton Rockets
  • By Fabio Macal: TIE/D
  • By sirhaplo: Juke
  • New TIE Fighter skins are added (by Cherrybomb67)


  • Asajj Ventress doesn’t have elite slot - fixed
  • Nera Dantels tries to change arc of Extra Munitions – fixed
  • R2-F2 is fixed
  • Chopper deals damage even if action is failed – fixed
  • Karsabi with Advanced Slam – fixed
  • Advanced SLAM allows action even is ship bumped/overlappep asteroid – fixed
  • The Inquisitor can attack ships at range 4+ - fixed
  • Ships with same PS allow infinite attacks – fixed
  • Ability of Lowhhrick can be used by opponent – fixed
  • Crit “Loose Stabilizer” is fixed
  • Omega Leader doesn’t have elite slot – fixed
  • First barrel roll of BB-8 before any maneuver causes bug – fixed
  • Extra attack dice if target for attack is selected by double-click – fixed
  • Movement with speed 0 clears list of bumped ships – fixed
  • In offline mode faceup critical card stops the game – fixed
  • SFX option is not saved – fixed
  • Ability of Zeta Leader is activated during Combat Start – fixed
  • Cancelled dice prediction window doesn’t show dice that is active again – fixed
  • Some ships don’t have image for tooltip of available maneuver – fixed
  • During combat AI measures range/obstruction to another ship instead of defender - fixed

Thanks for support:

  • Darren Holdaway
  • John M Anguiano
  • Spencer Loper
  • Dual Torpedoes
  • Þórður Karl Sigvaldason
  • Landon
  • Taires Bayl
  • Richard Thompson
  • Ethan Judd
  • Ryan McCord
  • Andrew
  • Armin
  • Troy Ready
  • Marc Norris
  • Charles Andrews
  • Julian Domayer
  • Sean Esler
  • Sam Gardner

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 0.3.2 (Hotfix 1)

22 Dec 19:17
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New features:


  • Android build is added. This is first build, so controls are not adapted for mobile device and no optimization is present.


  • UI for multiplayer matchmaking.
  • No context menu for ships – “Show maneuver selection”, “Perform maneuver”, “Declare as target” commands are called directly after ship is selected by left mouse button.
  • You can check range/arc using right mouse button for target

New Content:

By Sandrem:

  • Asajj Ventress, Miranda Doni, Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter), Zeb Orrelios (TIE Fighter)
  • Lattz Razzi (Crew), Integrated Astromech, R3-A2
  • Jakku Playmat (from Tabletop Simulator)
  • HotAC AI tables are added for ships: U-Wing, Auzituck Gunship, Sheathipede-class Shuttle, TIE Agressor, TIE Striker, Quadjumper

By Matthew Blanchard:

  • Omega Leader, Epsilon Leader

By Galaxy613:

  • BB-8
  • Mod “Titles for classic ships”: 3 new titles for X-Wing, 1 new title for TIE Fighter

By TerranCmdr:

  • Mobile arc pointer model is added


  • Incorrect final positions of ships after executing a lot of non-straight movements - fixed
  • Reduced cost of upgrades can be shown below 0 – fixed (Matthew Blanchard)
  • R5-K6 is fixed
  • Attack of Wedge against 0-agility ships causes them to gain 1 agility – fixed
  • Howlrunner grants dice modification to enemy ships too – fixed
  • Camera is moving while cursor is outside the window (only window mode) – fixed
  • Duplicated message about illegal attack – fixed
  • Target ship is not set while distance/arc is measured (during second+ game only) – fixed
  • Upgrades with reduction of cost cannot be installed – fixed
  • Chopper (crew) deals damage before action is successfully finished – fixed
  • Weapon Failure crit and Asteroid obstruction don’t work with secondary weapons – fixed
  • Name of Advanced Targeting Computer is too long and doesn’t fit in ship info panel – fixed
  • Mobile firing arc doesn’t work in left position –fixed
  • Card images for salvaged astromechs are not shown – fixed (Rune-b)
  • Kyle Katarn doesn’t have elite icon – fixed
  • Kyle Katarn and Roark Garnet are not unique pilots – fixed
  • Cost of Nien Nunb is 2 instead of 1 – fixed
  • Swarm Tactics activates after destruction of ship – fixed
  • Ionized ship with HotAC AI owner can swerve – fixed
  • Movement of ionized ship still activates “When show maneuver” trigger – fixed
  • Bases of ships are not highlighted in the start of the match – fixed
  • Trigger “Attack window is ended” is not fired if ship is not tried to attack – fixed
  • Setup of large ships cannot be performed from the first attempt – fixed
  • Jumpmaster5000 has animation “1 hull left” from start – fixed
  • Dice are frozen in mid-air – fixed
  • HotAC AI ships don’t have “Remove stress” action – fixed
  • Sabine Wren (TIE Fighter) doesn't have EPT – fixed
  • Effects like “Sensor Jammer” break network game – fixed
  • Second set of cluster mines breaks game – fixed
  • If ship is left the board just before combat phase start then it still counted as not destroyed for a few seconds - fixed

Hotfix 1:

  • Millenium Falcon (HotR) title cannot be installed - fixed
  • Advanced SLAM doesn't work - fixed
  • TIE/v1 causes crash if action is skipped - fixed
  • Advanced Targeting Computer causes crash if target of attack is destroyed - fixed
  • Interated Astromech is fixed
  • Luke Skywalker (crew) doesn't give dice modification for second attack - fixed
  • Boost causes crash on Android platform - fixed
  • Barrel Roll causes bug on Android platform - Barrel Roll is temporary disabled

Thanks for support:

  • Darren Holdaway
  • Spencer Loper
  • Þórður Karl Sigvaldason
  • Landon
  • Taires Bayl
  • Ryan McCord
  • Andrew
  • Armin
  • Troy Ready
  • Marc Norris
  • Charles Andrews
  • Julian Domayer
  • Sam Gardner
  • Sean Esler

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 0.3.1

01 Dec 01:07
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Version 0.3.1 Pre-release

New features:


  • "Next" and "Skip" buttons now has shortcut: "Space" button

New content:

By sandrem:

  • Custom Content: Partisan X-Wing (is taken from Facebook group "Heroes of the Aturi Cluster Custom Campaigns, Missions, & Rules")
  • New ship: Sheathipede-class Shuttle (model by TerranCmdr), with Coordinate Action, with pilots: Ezra Bridger, "Zeb" Orrelios, AP-5
  • Norra Wexley, Alliance Overhaul, Glitterstim, Flight-Assist Astromech, Maul


  • Howlrunner dice modification causes error - fixed
  • Error when AI tries to select a ship by Agent Kallus - fixed
  • Game stops when aI uses Guidance Chips's dice modification - fixed
  • Expose icon is left after round is finished - fixed
  • Fenn Rau doesn't have Elite icon - fixed
  • Squad Leader doesn't checl pilot skill of target ship - fixed
  • Error when AI tries to select a ship by Thweek - fixed
  • "Skip" button is shown after Target Lock target is selected - fixed
  • Error when trying to download card's image as tooltip if there is no Internet connection - fixed
  • AI don't know how to use abilities of Boba Fett, Hera, Navigator - fixed (AI skips them without showing window to human)
  • Network mode: SLAM window is shown to both players - fixed
  • Deadeye is not working if there is no Target Lock on target too - fixed
  • Fire-control system is activated if someone attacks ship with Fire-control system installed - fixed
  • New version checker causes error if server is offline - fixed
  • AI doesn't use Linked Battery for primary weapon - fixed

Thanks for support:

  • Darren Holdaway
  • Spencer Loper
  • Þórður Karl Sigvaldason
  • Landon
  • Taires Bayl
  • Ryan McCord
  • Andrew
  • Armin
  • Troy Ready
  • Marc Norris
  • Charles Andrews
  • Julian Domayer
  • Sam Gardner
  • Sean Esler

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 0.3.0

24 Nov 15:25
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Version 0.3.0 Pre-release

New features:

Network multiplayer

Import and Export of squad lists

  • XWS format is used

Top down view

  • Use CAPS LOCK to change view mode

Red maneuvers can be assigned to stressed pilot if CTRL is hold

Swarm Manager

  • During planning phase use CTRL+A to assign same maneuver to all ships

Console for debugging is added

Support of custom content is added

Options are improved

  • Music and sound effects can be turned off
  • "Defaults" button is added

HotAC AI is added for ships:

  • Agressor, ARC-170, Attack Shuttle, G-1A Starfighter, Jumpmaster 5000, Kihraxz, K-Wing, Lancer-class Pursuit Craft, Scurrg H-6 Bomber, Starviper, T-70 X-Wing, TIE Adv Prototype, TIE/FO, TIE Punisher, TIE/SF, Upsilon-class Shuttle, VCX-100, YV-666 (Only Auzituck Gunship, Quadjumper, TIE Agressor, TIE Striker, U-Wing are left without HotAC AI - tables for them are required).

New content:

By sandrem:

  • Rey (pilot), Finn, Millennium Falcon (HotR), Kanan Jarrus, Expertise, Jan Ors (pilot),
  • Hera Syndulla (pilots), Kanan Jarrus (pilot), Chopper (pilot), Sabine Wren (pilot), Ezra Bridger (pilot), Zeb Orrelios (pilot), Hera Syndulla (crew), Chopper (crew), Zeb Orrelios (crew), Ezra Bridger (crew), Dorsal Turret, Thermal Detonators
  • Fenn Rau, Concord Dawn Protector, Autothrusters
  • Lowhhrick, Selflessness, Reinforce action
  • Dash Rendar, Outrider
  • The Inquisitor, TIE/v1
  • Advanced Cloaking Device, Agent Kallus
  • Colonel Vessery, TIE/x7
  • Moralo Eval, Thweek, Virago, Contraband Cybernetics, Unhinged Astromech
  • Advanced Targeting Computer
  • Cluster Mines (model by TerranCmdr)
  • Nera Dantels
  • Skins for TIE Defender: Red Edges, Yellow Edges
  • Optional custom content: U-Wing on small base, Hera Syndulla (A-Wing and X-Wing pilot), Sabine Wren (A-Wing), Ezra Bridger (A-Wing)

By rune-b:

  • Captain Yorr, Captain Kagi, Colonel Jendon
  • Kyle Katarn, Roark Garnet
  • Fire-Control System, Tactician

By deakolt:

  • Hot Shot Blaster, Flight Instructor, Blaster Turret, Punishing One

Also a lot of bugfixes...

Thanks for support:

  • Darren Holdaway
  • Spencer Loper
  • Þórður Karl Sigvaldason
  • Landon
  • Taires Bayl
  • Ryan McCord
  • Andrew
  • Armin
  • Troy Ready
  • Marc Norris
  • Charles Andrews
  • Julian Domayer
  • Sam Gardner
  • Sean Esler

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 0.2.1 "Gunboat"

23 Oct 17:15
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New content:

By sandrem:

  • Alpha-class Assault Gunboat with all pilots and upgrades. (Model is created by TerranCmdr)
  • SLAM action now works on K-Wing too.
  • Bonus: Guidance Chips, Extra Munitions, Flechette Cannon

By Conzar:

  • Bonus TIE/FO pilots: Epsilon Leader, Zeta Leader

Also a few bugfixes...

Thanks for support:

  • Darren Holdaway
  • Þórður Karl Sigvaldason
  • Landon
  • Marc Norris
  • Charles Andrews
  • Julian Domayer
  • Sam Gardner
  • Sean Esler

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 0.2.0

13 Oct 13:10
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Version 0.2.0 Pre-release

New features:

Support of new content by engine:

  • Large ships
  • Different firing arcs
  • Bombs and mines

Better lighting

Skins for ships


  • Updates checker in main menu
  • Menu can be called by pressing ESC button
  • You can exit to main menu during or after battle
  • New ship info panels
  • New maneuver selection window
  • Flying numbers of dealt damage
  • Assigned maneuvers are shown

Small squad builder rework

New content:

By sandrem:

  • All Wave 2-5 ships with generic pilots are added and fully supported
  • Wave 2 pilots: Lando Carlissian, Chewbacca, Han Solo, Boba Fett, Krassis Trelix, Kath Scarlet, Turr Phennir
  • Wave 2 upgrades: Proximity Mines, Seismic Charges, Elusiveness, Sensor Jammer, Luke Skywalker, Heavy Laser Cannon, Gunner, Chewbacca, Expose, Deadeye, Homing Missiles, Draw Their Fire
  • Bonus: A-Wing Test Pilot, TIE Shuttle, TIE/x1, Bombardier
  • Extra Bonus: all wave 6-11 ships with generic pilots are added with partial supports (some actions and maneuvers are missing, cannot be controlled by AI)

By rune-b:

  • Wave 2 pilots: Tycho Celchu, Arvel Crynyd
  • Wave 2 upgrades: Mercenary Copilot, Nien Nunb, Slave I, Millennium Falcon
  • Bonus: Chardaan Refit, Moldy Crow, Twin Ion Engine Mk II, Wired, Bomb Loadout, B-Wing/E2, Andrasta, Royal Guard TIE, Recon Specialist, Rebel Captive, ST-321, Long-Range Scaners

By bwakefield27:

  • Wave 2 pilot: Fel's Wrath
  • Wave 2 upgrades: Push The Limit, Assault Missiles, Stealth Device
  • Bonus: Advance Proton Torpedoes,

By thordurk91:

  • Wave 2 upgrades: Engine Upgrade, Ion Cannon
  • Upgrades: Twin Laser Turret, Mangler Cannon

Also a lot of bugfixes...

Thanks for support:

  • Darren Holdaway
  • Þórður Karl Sigvaldason
  • Landon
  • Marc Norris
  • Charles Andrews
  • Julian Domayer
  • Sam Gardner
  • Sean Esler

My Patreon page for donations:

Version 0.1.2 (Hotfix 1)

31 Aug 07:46
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New features:

Improvement of dice rolling:

  • Visible results of attack dice roll during defense dice roll (with information what attack dice results will be cancelled / left uncancelled).
  • When dices can be rerolled, default decision are available (reroll all blanks / all blanks and focuses) + manual selection of dices to reroll.
  • When sides of some dices are unclear (dice stays on edge, one dice on top of another) – position and rotation of dices are set to clear view.

AI improvement:

  • AI takes Target Lock (according to HotAC rules, before maneuver execution).
  • AI modifies dice results (tokens and abilities).
  • AI avoids asteroids (HotAC “swerve”).
  • AI avoids leaving the board.
  • AI uses torpedoes, missiles, turrets.


  • Ship destruction.
  • Torpedo/missile shot.
  • Tilt during banks/turns.
  • Ionization effect.


  • Middle mouse button pan.
  • Preview of dealt faceup damage card (instead of text notifications).
  • Options of music/sf volume.
  • Options of maneuver speed and animation speed (Koiogran turn rotation, Barrel Roll execution).
  • Options are saved/loaded.

New content:

All content from wave 1.

All generic pilots for small ships from waves 2-4:

  • A-Wing (Green Squadron Pilot, Prototype Pilot)
  • B-Wing (Blue Squadron Pilot, Dagger Squadron Pilot)
  • E-Wing (Blackmoon Squadron Pilot, Knave Squadron Pilot)
  • HWK-290 (Rebel Operative)
  • TIE Bomber (Gamma Squadron Pilot, Gamma Squadron Veteran, Scimitar Squadron Pilot)
  • TIE Defender (Delta Squadron Pilot, Glaive Squadron Pilot, Onyx Squadron Pilot)
  • TIE Interceptor (Alpha Squadron Pilot, Avenger Squadron Pilot, Royal Guard Pilot, Saber Squadron Pilot)
  • TIE Phantom (Shadow Squadron Pilot, Sigma Squadron Pilot)
  • Z-95 (Bandit Squadron Pilot, Tala Squadron Pilot)


  • Pilot “Soontir Fel”
  • Pilot “Whisper”
  • Elite “Predator”
  • Elite “Lone Wolf”
  • Actions "Boost" and "Cloak" (Without special animation)

Bonus from rune-b

  • Elite “Veteran Instincts”
  • Modifications "Shield Upgrade", "Hull Upgrade"
  • Modifications "Targeting Computer", "Vectored Thrusters"

All old known bugs are fixed, new unknown bugs are added.

Hotfix 1

  • TIE Phantom action bar is fixed (Evade instead of Target Lock)
  • Elite "Veteran Instincts" is fixed
  • Elite "Expert Handling" is fixed (Problem when ship has red Target Lock token and Barrel Roll action is action bar)
  • Damage card "Console Fire" is fixed (problem when destroys a ship)
  • Too loud music is fixed
  • Modification that adds action now works correctly on ship that already has this action
  • If dice doesn't shop (physics bug) - after 5 seconds results are forced to be checked
  • Bonus: Linux version is added

My Patreon page for donations:

0.1.1 (Hotfix 2)

10 Aug 08:20
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0.1.1 (Hotfix 2) Pre-release


  • New stack. If few events are triggered at same time - order of resolution can be chosen.
  • New content from Wave 1: Non-unique pilots of Y-Wing and TIE Advanced, Wedge Antilles, "Howlrunner", "Backstabber", "Winder Gundark", R2 Astromech
  • Playmats are available in options (12)
  • Ships can be rotated during setup (Keys Q and E, hold CTRL to rotate by 45 degrees. Key R resets rotation).
  • Visible IDs of ships (Hold ALT)
  • Help in formation setup (hold CTRL to keep distance between ships as width of maneuver template).
  • Icons of buffs/debuffs (Example: activated Marksmanship)
  • Movement prediction - asteroid collisions and bumps are checked before execution of movement. Will be used later for AI.
  • Ship can shoot parallel ship without obstacle obstruction, if this is possible.
  • Simultaneous attack rule.

Hotfix 1

  • "Marksmanship" is fixed
  • Upgrade "Concussion Missiles" is hidden as part of unfinished content

Hotfix 2

  • "R2-F2" is fixed
  • "R2 Astromech" is fixed
  • Y-Wing shields are returned
  • BONUS: Mac build!


14 Jun 11:21
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0.1.0 Pre-release


  • Initiative is based of squad cost (but still no way to give initiative to opponent)
  • Pilots in squad builder are sorted by pilot skill
  • Default pilot in squad builder is pilot with the lowest pilot skill
  • If ship is destroyed and it's info panel is hidden, empty space isn't shown instead of info panel
  • AI shoots nearest enemy that CAN shoot (AI can play against squads with Biggs without problems)
  • Small bumps on ship's base are excluded from range/collision calculations


  • R2-F2 doesn't decrease agility each turn after activation
  • Typo error is fixed in "Assign/Perform Maneuver" button text
  • Ship can be selected by click on info panel if clicked on sub-element with assigned tooltip
  • Ship doesn't try to reverse movement if it is not collided anymore


12 Jun 11:54
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Version Pre-release


  • Problem after AI performs Koiogran turn through an asteroid. (Ship left floating above the board, movement template is left on the board)
  • Problem with collision detection (Ship reverts movement even it is not collided into any ship)
  • Problem with dices left in dice zone (Critical cards "Major Explosion" and "Console Fire" are temporary removed from deck)