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Ship Shot Distance Information

Sandrem edited this page Dec 25, 2017 · 2 revisions

(Version 0.3.2)

Class ShipShotDistanceInformation is used to get information about possible shot. If you are inside an executed shot, you can use ShotInfo of Combat Information, without re-checking.

Public properties:

  • Range
  • IsObstructed - is attack obstructed by asteroids. Already calculated in ShotInfo of Combat Information, in other cases you need call CheckFirelineCollisions method to calvulate this value first.
  • InShotAngle - return true if ship can attack opponent (using firing arc or can shoot outside arcs).
  • InPrimaryArc
  • InBullseyeArc
  • InMobileArc
  • InArc - return true if ship is in any arc
  • CanShootPrimaryWeapon
  • CanShootTorpedoes
  • CanShootMissiles
  • CanShootCannon