Welcome, This is my first Game Project using SDL's Subsystem and my best first attempt at creating a 2D game!
Created By: Tanner Davison
Now compatible on Mac and or Windows Desktop!
Please email me if you know any patterns that could assist in this project or if you would like to share any tips and tricks I could use to improve my SDL compatibility
cppCopySDL_Surface* surface = TTF_RenderText_Solid(font, "Text", color);
// or
SDL_Surface* surface = IMG_Load("image.png");
### Step 2: Create Texture from Surface
cppCopySDL_Texture* texture = SDL_CreateTextureFromSurface(renderer, surface);
cppCopySDL_Rect destRect = { x, y, width, height };
cppCopySDL_RenderCopy(renderer, texture, NULL, &destRect);
SDL_DestroyTexture(texture); // Then destroy texture
//main() ->
while (accumulator >= FIXED_TIME_STEP) {
for (auto &player : players) {
player->handlePlayerInputAndPosition(keyState); //HERE!
void Player::handlePlayerInputAndPosition(const Uint8 *keyState) {
handleInput(keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_W] || keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_UP],
void Player::handlePlayerInputAndPosition(const Uint8 *keyState) {
const bool up = keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_W] || keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_UP],
down = keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_S] || keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_DOWN],
left = keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_A] || keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_LEFT],
right = keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_D] || keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_RIGHT],
boost = keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_LSHIFT],
isShooting = keyState[SDL_SCANCODE_SPACE];
float CurrentMaxVelocity = boost ? MAX_VELOCITY * 1.5f : MAX_VELOCITY;
// Movement handling
if (right) {
velocityX = std::min(velocityX + ACCELERATION, CurrentMaxVelocity);
} else if (left) {
velocityX = std::max(velocityX - ACCELERATION, -CurrentMaxVelocity);
} else {
velocityX *= DECELERATION;
if (abs(velocityX) < 0.3f) {
velocityX = 0;
if (down) {
velocityY = std::min(velocityY + ACCELERATION, CurrentMaxVelocity);
} else if (up) {
velocityY = std::max(velocityY - ACCELERATION, -CurrentMaxVelocity);
} else {
velocityY *= DECELERATION;
if (abs(velocityY) < 0.3f) {
velocityY = 0;
if (isShooting) {
float nextX = rectXf + velocityX;
float nextY = rectYf + velocityY;
handleBoundsAndUpdatePosition(nextX, nextY);
void Player::handleBoundsAndUpdatePosition(float nextX, float nextY) {
const bool hitLeftWall = nextX <= 0,
hitRightWall = nextX >= SCREEN_WIDTH - rectWidth,
hitTopWall = nextY <= 0,
hitBottomWall = nextY >= SCREEN_HEIGHT - rectHeight;
if (hitLeftWall) {
rectXf = 0.0f;
velocityX = -velocityX * 1.8f;
} else if (hitRightWall) {
rectXf = SCREEN_WIDTH - rectWidth;
velocityX = -velocityX * 1.8f;
} else {
rectXf = nextX;
if (hitTopWall) {
rectYf = 0.0f;
velocityY = -velocityY * 1.8f;
} else if (hitBottomWall) {
rectYf = SCREEN_HEIGHT - rectHeight;
velocityY = -velocityY * 1.8f;
} else {
rectYf = nextY;
// update Position
rectX = static_cast<int>(rectXf);
rectY = static_cast<int>(rectYf);
x: Players x-coordinets y: Players y-coordinates
velocityX: Players speed along the x-axis velocityY: Players speed along the y-axis
P(x) = centerX + (i - (n/2)) _ spacing P(y) = bottomY - |i - (n/2)| _ vertical_offset Where:
n is the total count of players i is the current player index (0 to n-1) | | represents absolute value
This is essentially a linear function for x-coordinates combined with an absolute value function for y-coordinates, centered around the middle index. It creates a symmetric V shape because the absolute value function creates the same y-offset for positions equidistant from the center, while the x-coordinates spread outward linearly.
speed: the base speed of the player
acceleration: How quick the player can change speed
maxSpeed: the max speed the player can reach
isMoving: A boolean variable to track whether the player is currently moving
facingDirection: A variable to track the direction the player is facing, can be an angle, a vector, or a enum for representing
directions like "Up" , "Down", "Left" and "Right".
angle: current rotation angle in degrees
rotationSpeed: degrees per frame
This project is a basic C++ game setup using SDL2 for graphics, input handling, and window management. The project is configured with CMake for building and g++ for compiling on Windows.
clang looks for compilation databases in this order:
- compile_commands.json
- compile_flags.txt
- .clangd\ configuration file
Before you can build and run this project, you need to have the following installed:
- SDL2 library:
- Download SDL2 from SDL2 Downloads or use a package manager to install it (e.g., vcpkg, or brew on macOS).
- SDL2.dll must be placed in the
directory for the project to run properly.
First, clone the repository to your local machine:
git clone https://github.com/Tanner-Davison/sdl-first-game.git
cd sdl-first-game
Install SDL2
Make sure that you have the SDL2 library installed. You can download it from the official SDL2 website. or here
If you are using vcpkg to manage dependencies, you can install SDL2 with the following command:
vcpkg install sdl2
Make sure to link the SDL2 include and lib directories properly in your project if you're not using a package manager.
Build the Project Generate CMake build files:
Open the project folder in your terminal and run:
cmake -S . -B build
Build the project:
After generating the build files, run:
cmake --build build
This will compile your project using Visual Studio's build system.
Running the Project After building the project, you can run the executable. Depending on your setup, run the following command in your terminal:
On Windows (using Visual Studio):
# On Linux/macOS (or a Unix-like system):
Ensure that the SDL2.dll file is in the same folder as the executable on Windows, or ensure that the necessary SDL2 shared libraries are available on Unix-like systems.
Code Structure
CMakeLists.txt: CMake build configuration.
src/main.cpp: The main C++ entry point of the application.
include/: Folder where header files (if any) are placed.
lib/: Folder containing the SDL2 libraries.
bin/: Folder where SDL2.dll is placed for runtime.
The project is configured to use SDL2 with the C++ standard set to C++23. The #define SDL_MAIN_HANDLED is used to prevent SDL2 from overriding the main function. PLEASE PUT THIS ON TOP TO NOT DRIVE YOURSELF CRAZY DURING COMPILATION License MIT